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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Didn't go out all day!! Cold and windy! Got some stuff done but not asmuch as I hoped. Had another conversatin with Jodie. She was on speaker phone in the car with Alan. I asked her to reconsider and come up to dinner at 5 pm on Christmas. She said she was "siding with Alan" on that and they didn't want he hassle of getting the kids ready, etc and driving up there Christmas afternoon. Then Alan started yelling at me... did I know that in 20 years no one had evern come to their house on Christmas??? Not true. And Jodie told him so. We've been there more than once and spent the night so we'd be there to see the kids open presents in the morning. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying that if they invited us all... we'd probably come. But Jodie already told me she can't invite Tracy, Jim, etc. because her house is a mess and she doesn't have time to clean it. So... I guess we will end up driving up there Christmas Eve in the daytime. Will have to figure that out because she said they were going to church at 3:30 p.m., having dinner after that and then decorating cookies before the kids' bedtime. So, I'm still miffed.
  2. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Started a post a couple of hours ago and lost it!! Here I am again!! Stayed inside today trying to get Christmas stuff done. Made a little progress but not much! Tomorrow is back to back stuff again! So much to do before we leave on Sunday!! Trying to keep up with all your posts so I know what's going on!! HUGS!!
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi! Here I am!! yesterday..... water aerobics, beading, quick glass of wine, off to local nursing home for mentally ill/challenged for Zoey visit. She did all her tricks. Another couple brought their dog, too and she did some tricks. Zoey LOVED it! And the residents seemed to enjoy having the dogs there! When we got home, neighbors were out on the patio having a little Happy Hour party to say good bye to couple behind us who left this morning for Christmas at their home, also in WA. Had a few snacks and wine for dinner! Then watched Biggest Loser, Good Wife, etc. and went to bed at my usual midnight! Skipped water aerobics this morning... too windy. Probably should have gone anyway because can't go tomorrow... dr appt in the a.m. after TOPS. Then Earl has oil change scheduled and I need to go get a few things at Costco. Interesting weather, Candace!! LOL! Family hasn't said anything about weather in Buffalo! Maybe you got it worse than they did. We had a big cool off today and still windy and cloudy. I think we even had a slight earthquake this morning! Janet... HUla!! Going to Hawaii for your next trip??? LOL Karla... glad you're able to drive again. Christmas party sounds like fun. Red Hats Christmas party is Saturday... we had the big area one last week.. this week it's just our little group. And tomorrow night... Sky Valley Christmas dinner! Saturday after Red Hat.. open house at friends'. Eating our way through the week! Will have to be careful. Good thing we're leaving on Sunday!! HAHA!! No word from Jodie! Called her this a.m. and got SIL. He said he'd have her call me back. That was about 2 hrs ago!! She's probably mad now. Hasn't answered my email either.
  4. I believe in Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as my personal Saviour. One facebooker has challenged all believers to put this on their wall...In the Bible it says, if you deny me in front of your peers, I will deny you in front of my Father at the Gates of Heaven. This is simple. If you love God and you are not afraid to show it, re......post this..MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OH! Sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday! Short-lived though. Back on track today. Glad you're done with that! Doesn't sound like a fun day. Still kinda miffed at Jodie. Just sent her an email. Wasn't too tough on her. Just told her... "I'm a little miffed".... and asked if they could bring the kids to us for their anniversary getaway. If they come up for Christmas, we'll go down for their anniversary. But I don't want to make two trips down there in two days! Anyway, doesn't even sound like she wants company!! Sounds like the Great Lakes are going to get hit hard again today. Wouldn't be surprised if Candace has no power! And Seattle area had bad storms overnight... wind storm, monsoon rains, flooding, mud slides!! GREAT!!
  6. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    This website is so screwed up!!! Why did the other thread's posts that I multiquoted show up here when I tried to post???? Very strange indeed!! OH... And now this one posted TWICE!!! Anyway, did have a great time at Janet's! And since she had just one small glass of wine, that means Earl & I drank the rest of the two bottles!! And that's why I slept all the way home! LOL!! Loved that chicken cacciatore!! And the desert she fixed.. the "fake" cheese cake!! MMMMMM, good! Another busy day.... that's why it took me so long to get here! Water aerobics, lunch, Costco, Starbucks, Walmart, take the dog for a golf cart ride, watch some Judge Judy, dinner, couple of phone calls to the daughters!! Including one very frustrating call! I left a message on youngest daughter's phone this afternoon telling here that since we're going to be home for the holidays, Earl & I could spend the night with the kids if they wanted to have a little getaway for their anniversary on the 27th. She didn't call me back, so after several hours I called her again. Well, they thought that would be great. But, she hopes our feelings won't be hurt, but they went up to Tracy's for Thanksgiiving assuming that T & J were coming down here to spend Christmas with us. So they really don't want to drive up to Tracy's for Christmas, too! They want to stay home. Uh... it's like 55 miles... not cross-country. And then it's... "I GUESS I could have everybody here but my house is a mess and I don't have time to clean and I don't know if I have room for everyone, etc., etc., etc., !!" I am very annoyed right now! Not sure what to do. I don't really want to go spend the night there on Christmas eve so we can see the kids open their presents in the morning, and then come back again a couple of days later and spend the night again. There's a bedroom with a queen size bed in the downstairs, and a full bath down there, but the way she's talking about her house... who knows if it's usable right now. One time I had to sleep in one of the kid's beds because the room was such a mess> T & J said we should tell them to bring the kids up to us for their anniversary getaway instead of us going down there and spending the night. I think that's a good idea.
  7. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    This website is so screwed up!!! Why did the other thread's posts that I multiquoted show up here when I tried to post???? Very strange indeed!! Anyway, did have a great time at Janet's! And since she had just one small glass of wine, that means Earl & I drank the rest of the two bottles!! And that's why I slept all the way home! LOL!! Loved that chicken cacciatore!! And the desert she fixed.. the "fake" cheese cake!! MMMMMM, good! Another busy day.... that's why it took me so long to get here! Water aerobics, lunch, Costco, Starbucks, Walmart, take the dog for a golf cart ride, watch some Judge Judy, dinner, couple of phone calls to the daughters!! Including one very frustrating call! I left a message on youngest daughter's phone this afternoon telling here that since we're going to be home for the holidays, Earl & I could spend the night with the kids if they wanted to have a little getaway for their anniversary on the 27th. She didn't call me back, so after several hours I called her again. Well, they thought that would be great. But, she hopes our feelings won't be hurt, but they went up to Tracy's for Thanksgiiving assuming that T & J were coming down here to spend Christmas with us. So they really don't want to drive up to Tracy's for Christmas, too! They want to stay home. Uh... it's like 55 miles... not cross-country. And then it's... "I GUESS I could have everybody here but my house is a mess and I don't have time to clean and I don't know if I have room for everyone, etc., etc., etc., !!" I am very annoyed right now! Not sure what to do. I don't really want to go spend the night there on Christmas eve so we can see the kids open their presents in the morning, and then come back again a couple of days later and spend the night again. There's a bedroom with a queen size bed in the downstairs, and a full bath down there, but the way she's talking about her house... who knows if it's usable right now. One time I had to sleep in one of the kid's beds because the room was such a mess> T & J said we should tell them to bring the kids up to us for their anniversary getaway instead of us going down there and spending the night. I think that's a good idea.
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Well... this is interesting!! Trying to post on "7's" thread and the "I'm here" quotes showed up!! We'll see where the post goes!! LOL! I wasn't done reading and wasn't ready to post, but..... this website is seriously disturbed!! Anyway, Julie... glad you're finally getting some answers! Laura, enjoyed the field trip photos. Had a great time at Janet's yesterday, and so did Zoey!! She loved playing with Bella and they chased each other around the pool a bazillion times! dinner was great. I drank too much wine and slept all the way home! FAKE GRANDMA, indeed!! No way. Grandkids don't have to be related by blood!! Just claim them if you want them!! LOL!! We drink "TWO BUCK CHUCK" from Trader Joe's or box wine from Walmart or RiteAid!! Yellow Fin is good. There's one that Target & Albertson's sells that I like htat I believe is called Red Diamond. Sounds like you've got this dinner well under control. I'm sure everything is going to be FINE!!! That sounds like a good philosophy to me! When we moved to our condo a few years ago, we didn't have room for all our dishes. So we got rid of our every day dishes and we use our good china when we're home.
  9. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well... this is interesting!! Trying to post on "7's" thread and the "I'm here" quotes showed up!! We'll see where the post goes!! LOL FAKE GRANDMA, indeed!! No way. Grandkids don't have to be related by blood!! Just claim them if you want them!! LOL!! We drink "TWO BUCK CHUCK" from Trader Joe's or box wine from Walmart or RiteAid!! Yellow Fin is good. There's one that Target & Albertson's sells that I like htat I believe is called Red Diamond. Sounds like you've got this dinner well under control. I'm sure everything is going to be FINE!!! That sounds like a good philosophy to me! When we moved to our condo a few years ago, we didn't have room for all our dishes. So we got rid of our every day dishes and we use our good china when we're home.
  10. Parade of Lights night in Sky Valley

  11. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    A brief pictoral history of my week!! Red Hat luncheon on Mon, Red Hat area Christmas party on Thurs, Golf Cart parade on Sat, Parade of Lights last night. Little angel was riding the back of one of the golf carts. She spotted Zoey at the end of the parade and it was love at first sight. There are several cute pictures, but I love this one where her halo has now fallen over her eyes but you can still see her grinning from ear to ear!! And I think Zoey is smiling, too!!! LOL! Marine Band concert was Thursday evening, but I didn't post any photos of that. But that's where the files got that name! They were on the same SD card!
  12. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Okay... now I am really ticked!! I just finished a big long post... mostly to Sandy about how happy my Mom & Uncle are in assisted living, and all about my week, and was just about to add some photos when the whole thing went away!!! And, I'm running out of time before we leave for Janet's. Have a few more things to do!! so... later! I'll add a couple of pictures .... if it doeesn't just all disappear on me again!
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candace's "Daily Drivel"!! LOL!! Well.... here's mine! No.. we didn't win a prize, but it sure was fun! But our next door neighbors (lady with the bright red hair) tied for 2nd, couple behind us won 1st prize and another group of friends who got together and did the "Alaska Express" train came in 3rd. It was cute there was an engine, then a freight car and then the caboose. Santa was sitting on the back seat of the caboose. It was really cute! I think there were 4 of them altogether.... and they are already plotting their theme for next year! Gals want to do Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs and make one of the guys be Snow White!! LOL! Then in the afternoon.... tons of finger food at that party we went to, and when it got dark, we all walked to the end of the street and OMG!!! Neighbors ad put together a HUGE spread of things like meatballs, pigs in the blanket, taquitas, chili, and about two tables of cookies!! I restrained myself!! After that we got on our golf cart and toured the rest of the park looking at the lights. I put a bunch of the photos on FB. Oh.. I think I have to post one more pic here... this little girl who was an angel on one of the carts discovered Zoey at the end of the ride. She wanted to hold her and I got several cute pictures, but the best is the last... her halo slipped down over her eyes!! They fell in love and Zoey was cuddling with her and licking her ears, etc. So cute! All in all... a very fun day and we were home by 7 p.m.! Sorry about the sandals!!! HAHAHA!! NOT!! Did I mention that by the time we got back in the morning I had to change to a tank top and lighter weight capris because I was so HOT!! And switched from Santa hat to red sun visor!!! It was a VERY warm day, and supposed to be that way for a few more days. I'll be dressing light to go to Janet's, too!! I had my red Christmas sweatshirt with me last night but never got cold enough to put it on. Just draped it over my shoulders for the cart ride. Hope Simon is eating by now!! You're probably on your way to your gig by now,... or almost!! Hope it all goes well with the new guy!! We'll be waiting to hear!
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Tired after a LONG day!! Breakfast at the clubhouse, Golf Cart Parade, Red Hat meeting, Happy Hour party, parade of lights!! GO-GO-Go from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.! Marine Band concert was GREAT!! They are ALWAYS good! We go every year. Five of us went together... out to dinner at my favorite fish place first. Had grilled mahi mahi tacos w/rice. Too tired to think. Chilling w/Janet tomorrow. Looking forward to a relaxing day.
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sounds like Simon is coming along. He has a good nurse! Yeah, the Christmas party was quite a frustration. And took over 100 pictures but didn't get in any! So had Earl take my picture when we got home. Yesterday turned out to be another busy day!! Water aerobics, then took a ride to nearby care center for mentally challenged/mentally ill because I'm to take Zoey there for a visit on Tuesday afternoon. When I got back... off to Petsmart to have her groomed! Didn't get home until after 4 pm... went shopping while she was in the "beauty shop". Petsmart was not a good experience this time and "Emily" will not be grooming my dog again. Earl wanted short, but she went too short on her head, ears and tail. She looks cute, but girl said she tried to bite her so if she does that next time there will be a $6 handling charge!! So... home, dinner and neighbors had invited us over to enjoy their campfire at 6 pm, so we sat over there for 2 hrs. When I got home... I couldn't stay awake past 10 pm, so went to bed about 2 hrs earlier than usual for me! Today... golf cart parade at 9 a.m. Earl has us all decorated and ready to go and I bought blinking antlers for Zoey to wear if she'll leave them on! At 1pm I have Red Hat meeting. Then tonight, 6ish, is our "Parade of Lights". Supposed to go all over the park and look at the Christmas decorations, share snacks and vote for your favorites. So... I'll be tired at the end of today, too!!! Yeah... no pictures of me so Earl took one. I'm posting the rest of the pictures now. This time I made sure Zoey couldn't get close to my hat on the way home!! I stll have to fix the one that she "ate"!! We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!! We can chill on the back patio! It's supposed to be another beautiful day!! Well... I attached a couple of pictures.. golf cart and me. It's pretty obvious that I came home tired and stressed!! Forced smile! Pictures are too big now.... you can see all my wrinkles!! LOL
  16. Bummed that its too hot to wear my CHRISTMAS sweatshirt to the Marine Band concert tonight!!! Boo hoo!! :-D

  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay..... so now Multiquote is not working for me again. What am I doing wrong?? 121 notifications in my LBT inbox today!! How will I ever catch up???? I am able to read on my phone again... found the right setting. But... just can't keep up with the mentor thread. I'm almost ready to give up!! Karla.... hope Simon is doing better! That was a horror story!! Poor baby! And you visit with that surgeon!!???? Definitely need to find another one. Candace.... hope that piano man works out for you!!?? LOL! The snow picture was unreal!! Janet... Chicken cacciatori sounds wonderful!! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Yesterday was exhausting. No way I could get all those pictures the "Queen Mother" wanted me to take. She told me she'd have two photographers and each of us could do half the room! So when I get there I ask her who the other photographer is... she says "ME"! I asked her how that was going to happen because she was in charge of EVERYTHING. So... it was my job to try to get a picture of every table.... 20 of them...!! It didn't happen and I was so tired and frustrated by the time it was over that I ranted to Earl all the way home! He dropped me off and picked me up because he needed the car for something but I forgot what!! Anyways, this time I made sure that I didn't get so distracted talking to him that the dog ate my hat again! I kept it on my head this time!! Still haven't put the other one back together yet. HAve to find some more feathers because she tore most of them off and ate a bunch of them! And apparently ate some ot the little white beads that were hanging down. So... I got over 100 pictures, but only 8 of the 20 tables. Too many just did not sit down until it was time to eat... then you can't ask them to stand up and bunch together so I can take a photo!! OH... and then she gave me another job to do, too!! She tells me... they won't be sitting down for a while so you can do this... hand out door prize tickets to our 4 tables as the ladies came in. So I go out in the hall to look at the gift baskets so I can vote for my favorite and she chases me down and tells me ladies at our tables are asking where their tickets are!?? So I go back in and ONE lady didn't have a ticket yet! That woman can be very annoying!! She is having back problems similar to mine and is apparently in a lot of pain. So normally she is a control freak and a perfectionist, but since she's in pain she's also grumpy and unreasonable!! LOL So was home not even an hour before we left for the concert. Five us went to the fish place for dinner. We all rode together.. one couple has a minivan... he is a paraplegic, so on a scooter. So his wife drove. I tried something different for dinner... grilled mahi mahi tacos with rice. Very good. Concert was wonderful. Zoey went to a dog sitter because we were going to be gone too long and this couple who watched her when Earl had his surgery had been needing a puppy fix. In fact, she told me they had a dr appt and wouldn't be home until about 5pm. We were leaving at 4:30 pm, so I took her a key so they could pick her up when they got home. But they showed up a little after 3:30 pm!! They were anxious!! The husband just LOVES my dog! He sits on the floor and plays with her. Must have worn her out because when I went to pick her up a little after 10 p.m. he had to go in the back and get her... I suspect she was in bed with his wife. Well, I need to go get ready for water aerobics!! Later, Chicks!! OH... TOPS weigh in... down 2/10 of a pound!!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wow! The first time I read that I didn't realize you had to walk 1/2 mile to the mailbox! That would be more than annoying..... to walk all that way in that snow and no mail!! Has it stopped snowing yet??? Family in Buffalo isn't saying much, except that another storm expected on Sunday!! So... Multi-quote didn't work for me either this time!! Don't ya just love it!! Janet, no menu suggestions or requests. Many of your "one pot wonders" have sounded good... but can't remember any specific ones right now! But I'd love to try your "fake" cheese cake thingy.... with the brown sugar splenda, etc. So... today was water aerobics.. I did 40 minutes, then to DHS to help decorate for tomorrow's Christmas party... about 150 Red Hat ladies expected. Earl was pretty shocked... he thought it was a "little" Red Hat party. Then he walked in to this ballroom that had about 30 tables set up! We helped for almost 2 hrs... then went to WAlmart to pick up a few things, then met the helpers all back at Rocky's for pizza!! BAD!! And tomorrow morning is weigh in! Oh, well.. I had 2 small pieces of thin crust pineapple, etc. mmmmm...... and something else I shouldn't have! But... very small omelet for bf, and very small piece of baked fish (probably less than 3 oz) and less than 1/4 cup rice for lunch. Nothing else today. Tomorrow will be a 3 ring circus. I have to do the TOPS meeting in the morning because now I'm the co-leader and the leader is going to Mexico for the day. That's 7:45 a.m. Then... going to skip water aerobics probably.. may do the first 20 minutes, but have to be shwoered and dressed and leave for Red Hat Christmas party no later than about 10:15 a.m. I am the official photographer. We've got 20 tables of 8 set up and I'm supposed to take a photo of EVERY table, with the table # showing! This will be a challenge because ladies start getting there around 10:30 a.m. and mill around until just before lunch is served at noon! So... how do I get people to pose for pictures at their tables!!! May be doing it AFTER I eat! They'll all be sitting for quite a while after that because there is a fashion show, entertainment and drawings for 18 gift baskets and a bunch of door prizes. So... party is 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Then I come home, change out of my Red Hat clothes and be ready to leave again no later than 4:30 p.m. to meet friends at Fisherman's Grill for dinner before we go to the Marine Band Christmas Concert in Palm Springs at 7 p.m. Earl likes to get there by 6 p.m. so we can get in line for front seats!! What a day that will be!! Zoey will be going to a "baby sitter"!! Couple that watched her when Earl had his surgery LOVE her! Stopped me going by on the golf cart yesterday to see why I hadn't brought her by for a visit for a while. Told her I didn't want to bring them my cold!! She said her husband had been whining... hadn't had a Zoey fix in too long! So they will have her ALL evening tomorrow! I was going by on the scooter one day and when I was just coming to their place (double wide mobile), Zoey started whining. She knew! So.. I thought maybe she had to potty so I let her out (had her leash on her). She went up and scratched on their door (they weren't home), then literally dragged me to the back door, then back to the front door! So I sat on the porch with her and explained that they weren't home!! LOL! She finally reluctantly let me put her back in the basket. See.... she loves them too!! Candy went to back of RV.. probably for drink of water or litter box. She's afraid to walk past Zoey. So the brat sprawled out in front of the bathroom door so Candy couldn't come back in the front. I distracted Zoey long enough for Candy to get to the kitchen. Then Zoey cornered her in front of the stove. Finally she got up her courage and headed for the front with Zoey in pursuit. They ran around in a circle under the couch footrest and Candy finally made a dash for the front dashboard where she is now waiting for an opportunity to get to some more comfortable refuge!! Tried to capture it on camera... but not fast enough! Too funny! Zoey just wants to play but Candy doesn't get that. Friday... going to check out a nearby nursing home for mentaly challenged. I'll be taking Zoey there for a visit on Tuesday afternoon. Should be fun. Saturday... golf cart parade in the morning... decorating the golf cart on Friday for that.. Okay... I'm done rambling!! Both animals sacked out now.. in different places, I am watching Survivor and Earl is sound asleep with his laptop on his lap!
  19. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Guess I'll go to the pool, but I warned Earl not to harass me if I'm late because I probably won't do the whole hour. Anyway, yesterday the tape player wouldn't work. He got it going for our class, but the 10 a.m. class couldn't make it work so they had to quit. Still have stuffed up head, especially in the morning, and dull headache. Have to go to Miracle Springs and help decorate for Red Hat Christmas party at noon. Volunteered Earl, too as she needs a couple of men. Party is tomorrow at 11 a.m. Then Marine Band concert at 7 p.m.!! Bad Zoey has gone from being afraid of the RV steps to running out if the door is open too long... especially if she thinks we're getting ready to go somewhere, even if she's not invited! Earl was taking my bag out to the golf cart for me and he left the door open. She ran out and ran to the car! She either runs to the car, the golf cart or the scooter! Sunday at 2pm should be fine. Nothing on the agenda except for church and we're done by 11 a.m. Not sure I'll go to choir Friday because that's our last Sunday here until the 2nd Sunday of January! We're not decorating this year because we're leaving! And I'm sure he won't put my tree up when we get home either because we won't be there long enough!! But... we are going to decorage the golf cart this week for our golf cart Christmas parade Saturday morning. And then in the evening.. it's the parade of lights, I think they call it. Everyone walks around looking at all the decorations and votes on the best RV, mobile and park model. We won for RVs the first year we did it. Glad you're okay. We were worried!!
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah.... busy, busy , busy.... especially this time of year. This week Friday and Sunday are free, next weekend, only Friday. Two parties on Saturday and we leave on Sunday!! I've been wondering about Karla, too.
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Got to water aerobics about 15 minutes late, but did manage to make it through to the end of the tape. Then I went in the hot tub for 20 minutes. Then shower and off to beading. So... tonight I am pretty much exhausted. And kind of concerned because low grade fever won't go away, plus fatigue, mild headache off and on, left side of neck still hurting some... constant dull ache, really, and night sweats. Seeing GYN dr next week so I'll tell her all my complaints and whine a bit. We DO have to hunt down Linda... she's been away WAY too long!! I am so bummed by Elizabeth Edwards death today! I guess because of Jacki fighting her 2nd round, too. She had a PET scan today in SF. But, she posted this on FB less than 20 minutes ago: "All my tests went well today and we are headed home. The Radiology Breast Cancer Oncologist looked at my PET & CT from this morning. While the official evaluation will not be completed until tomorrow, she said it looked good! PTL!" So that sounds really encouraging. Zoey partially destroyed the Red Hat I wore yesterday. I was busy talking to Earl about the Starbucks 3 ring circus and didn't notice that she was between us tearing my hat apart and eating red and purple feathers!!! GRRR! She can be SO mischievous! But she's so cute! Janet... we have to get her together with Bear and Angel and Bella! She tries so hard to get Candy to play with her and all she will do is hiss and swat at her. Good grief! I feel so exhausted!! I did make a pretty bracelet today and it's almost done. I picked three colors I wasn't sure were compatible, but it turned out pretty! And I'm not quite done with last week's bracelet. Wish I had more time to sit and bead!
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning, Ladies! So you're still getting snow, Candice! I'm sure they're still getting it in Buffalo, too. Janet... hugs on going back to work. Hope the pain is less today, Karla! Going to the pool... no energy, but going anyway. First time to the pool w/o the scooter. Haven't used it in days. It's really bothering Zoey!! LOL! She loves to ride in the golf cart, but she still wants to go in the scooter and keeps sticking her nose under the cover! Thing is, if I'm not in the pool/hot tub nearly every day, I start having serious skin problems. Showers apparently don't cut it. Very red sore rash under all the skin folds... sorry, TMI!! Smearing it with gel the Dr. gave me several times a day is not helping much this time. So... at least the hot tub today. Not much energy and still coughing up junk! I"m ready to be done with this crud! Hope you all have a great day! Missing Linda and others!! Where are you???
  23. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning, Gang! I can't see who is online either. We'll see if I can change fonts/color! Going to the pool today for the first time in over a week. Still coughing up junk, though! Headache again last night but not today. Sure having a hard time shaking this crud. But will at least go in the hot tub, maybe not do a whole hour of Water aerobics as I still feel wiped out. Cheri... keeping you in my prayers today... a difficult day for you! Gotta go~ CBL!!
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Multi-quote works sometimes! You have to make sure it lights up in orange when you click on it. Are you getting the "lake effect" snow like they get in Buffalo?? Not sure how much they got today, but some places got over 30 inches last week. It was beautful here today. I went to a Red Hats luncheon. As much as we complained about the cost, it was very nice and well worth the cost. Very nice place, great service and salad was so huge I'm eating the rest for dinner.
  25. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    You can get a device, and I can't remember what it's called, but it gives you additional USB ports... like a USB extension. It will have 4 or 5 additional ports and plugs in to just one of your existing USB ports. I think we're going to go to Algodones in January. We can get you some vanilla, or you can go with us. But we might spend the night at that new casino... the "Q"... can't spell the whole name!! I missed weigh in last Thursday because I was too sick to go. I was down 2.6 the week before, but then there was the weekend in Three Rivers and Thanksgiving and my birthday. No birthday cake, but my friend's sister gave me the cutest card... it had a birthday cake taste strip inside!! I didn't open that yet, and probably won't!! Front of the card says, "If nothing else, birthdays are a great excuse to eat cake." Then inside cover is a Peel n' Taste Vanilla Cupcake strip! Funny! The "Nutrition Facts" thing is actually on the back of the card but everything is "0"! And note says it contains Soy and Milk. Yeah... security! GRRRR!! I eat toast from time to time... the 45 calorie Sara Lee, usually, but.. very slowly. Toasted it goes down. But over the weekend.. we had to take a sack lunch to the TOPS walk so Earl did his trick with the bread... toast it and then slice it down the middle to make two. And he made us each a boca burger sandwich. Well, I had to run to the BR and slime after I ate it... and I ate it SO slow! But the sandwich got a little soggy because it had catsup on it and it was about 3 hrs old by the time we ate. I also slimed on chicken earlier in the week, and had a tough time with a pork chop last night. So I guess I AM tight enough. WHAT.... are you able to read the posts on your phone now???

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