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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by TandT

  1. 2 People getting surgeries which one would work VSG or RNY? Husband: Age: 30 Weight: 360 Height: 6'1 Weight Goal: 220 (He is very broad.) All extra weight is in his stomach. Eating habits: Bored eating, quantity eater, Sometimes emotional eater but not as much as the other two. Current Health issues: -Severe sleep Apnea -Congestive Heart Failure with high Blood pressure -Stasis wounds which leads to also joint and nerve pain. -GERD Past health issues: -Adrenal gland removal (tumor) -Umbilical hernia in stomach. Thoughts on surgeries: Worried about get additional hernias with RNY. Does not want dumping syndrome. However, likes how RNY does weight loss. Does not know alot about the sleeve except that weight loss is slower. He has emotional eating sometimes and would like to stop. Myself: Age: 27 Weight: 322 Height: 5'5 Weight goal: 115-135 Weight is all over. Eating Habits: Does not eat a lot and has done less then 1200 calories her whole life. Never feels really hungry and eats about 1 meal a day. Does get boredom eating sometimes, and a bad emotional eater. Current Health issues: -High Blood Pressure with high heart rate -Celiac's Disease when I eat gluten I bloat and gain weight rapidly. -Frequent sprains in back and legs, unknown reasons. -Insulin resistance and already taking Metformin. -PCOS with infertility. (4 chemical pregnancies) -Severe GERD with esophagus damage. -Digestive system fails and food does get stuck. Past Health: -Gallbladder surgery -And all of the above. Thoughts on surgeries: Thinking RNY would be good for my insulin resistance. I already have food getting stuck though. My digestive system is a mess, and when i do take metformin I do develop dumping syndrome on my own. I am worried about RNY and thinking about Sleeve due to wanting to have 3 children, and afraid of the Vitamin issues. Think the sleeve might not be an option since I already eat so little, and I have Severe GERD. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR OPINION! We will be doing self-pay and going to Tijuana. Could you please tell me the expected recovery time as we have to drive 12 hours one way from our home and back. Is that possible even? Was looking into A lighter Me. (Spoke with Rhonda.) We need many doctor recommends! Price is a factor as we are both college students and I would like to get this surgery done together. How soon could we return to work and class? I am assuming VSG might not be for me as I have severe GERD, and I don't eat a lot. I am afraid of regain as i would like to have three children once WL is achieved. SO HELP! (I am a little desperate since I posted on many other sites and never got responses.)
  2. 2 People getting surgeries which one would work VSG or RNY? Husband: Age: 30 Weight: 360 Height: 6'1 Weight Goal: 220 (He is very broad.) All extra weight is in his stomach. Eating habits: Bored eating, quantity eater, Sometimes emotional eater but not as much as the other two. Current Health issues: -Severe sleep Apnea -Congestive Heart Failure with high Blood pressure -Stasis wounds which leads to also joint and nerve pain. -GERD Past health issues: -Adrenal gland removal (tumor) -Umbilical hernia in stomach. Thoughts on surgeries: Worried about get additional hernias with RNY. Does not want dumping syndrome. However, likes how RNY does weight loss. Does not know alot about the sleeve except that weight loss is slower. He has emotional eating sometimes and would like to stop. Myself: Age: 27 Weight: 322 Height: 5'5 Weight goal: 115-135 Weight is all over. Eating Habits: Does not eat a lot and has done less then 1200 calories her whole life. Never feels really hungry and eats about 1 meal a day. Does get boredom eating sometimes, and a bad emotional eater. Current Health issues: -High Blood Pressure with high heart rate -Celiac's Disease when I eat gluten I bloat and gain weight rapidly. -Frequent sprains in back and legs, unknown reasons. -Insulin resistance and already taking Metformin. -PCOS with infertility. (4 chemical pregnancies) -Severe GERD with esophagus damage. -Digestive system fails and food does get stuck. Past Health: -Gallbladder surgery -And all of the above. Thoughts on surgeries: Thinking RNY would be good for my insulin resistance. I already have food getting stuck though. My digestive system is a mess, and when i do take metformin I do develop dumping syndrome on my own. I am worried about RNY and thinking about Sleeve due to wanting to have 3 children, and afraid of the Vitamin issues. Think the sleeve might not be an option since I already eat so little, and I have Severe GERD. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR OPINION! We will be doing self-pay and going to Tijuana. Could you please tell me the expected recovery time as we have to drive 12 hours one way from our home and back. Is that possible even? Was looking into A lighter Me. (Spoke with Rhonda.) We need many doctor recommends! Price is a factor as we are both college students and I would like to get this surgery done together. How soon could we return to work and class? I am assuming VSG might not be for me as I have severe GERD, and I don't eat a lot. I am afraid of regain as i would like to have three children once WL is achieved. SO HELP! (I am a little desperate since I posted on many other sites and never got responses.)
  3. 2 People getting surgeries which one would work VSG or RNY? Husband: Age: 30 Weight: 360 Height: 6'1 Weight Goal: 220 (He is very broad.) All extra weight is in his stomach. Eating habits: Bored eating, quantity eater, Sometimes emotional eater but not as much as the other two. Current Health issues: -Severe sleep Apnea -Congestive Heart Failure with high Blood pressure -Stasis wounds which leads to also joint and nerve pain. -GERD Past health issues: -Adrenal gland removal (tumor) -Umbilical hernia in stomach. Thoughts on surgeries: Worried about get additional hernias with RNY. Does not want dumping syndrome. However, likes how RNY does weight loss. Does not know alot about the sleeve except that weight loss is slower. He has emotional eating sometimes and would like to stop. Myself: Age: 27 Weight: 322 Height: 5'5 Weight goal: 115-135 Weight is all over. Eating Habits: Does not eat a lot and has done less then 1200 calories her whole life. Never feels really hungry and eats about 1 meal a day. Does get boredom eating sometimes, and a bad emotional eater. Current Health issues: -High Blood Pressure with high heart rate -Celiac's Disease when I eat gluten I bloat and gain weight rapidly. -Frequent sprains in back and legs, unknown reasons. -Insulin resistance and already taking Metformin. -PCOS with infertility. (4 chemical pregnancies) -Severe GERD with esophagus damage. -Digestive system fails and food does get stuck. Past Health: -Gallbladder surgery -And all of the above. Thoughts on surgeries: Thinking RNY would be good for my insulin resistance. I already have food getting stuck though. My digestive system is a mess, and when i do take metformin I do develop dumping syndrome on my own. I am worried about RNY and thinking about Sleeve due to wanting to have 3 children, and afraid of the Vitamin issues. Think the sleeve might not be an option since I already eat so little, and I have Severe GERD. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR OPINION! We will be doing self-pay and going to Tijuana. Could you please tell me the expected recovery time as we have to drive 12 hours one way from our home and back. Is that possible even? Was looking into A lighter Me. (Spoke with Rhonda.) We need many doctor recommends! Price is a factor as we are both college students and I would like to get this surgery done together. How soon could we return to work and class? I am assuming VSG might not be for me as I have severe GERD, and I don't eat a lot. I am afraid of regain as i would like to have three children once WL is achieved. SO HELP! (I am a little desperate since I posted on many other sites and never got responses.)
  4. We do not have insurance at all and we are not eligible for medicaid/medicare. Our doctor is saying we are medically necessary for this and we agree. I have insulin resistance so even on the pre-op diet it is harder for me to lose. If I don't get this done, then I will eventually have diabetes and my bp is high along with heart rate which is ending me up in the ER often. Every doctor has said that it would be better if I lost weight, but I physically can't exercise. I am also doing thing to hopefully force me to stay from gluten foods as I am allergic to it, but keep eating it.
  5. I am aware of that, but in other communities they were posting their issues.
  6. So on the calorie thing. I eat once a day... If that. 700 calories is my normal and that is with me tracking my food for weeks. Its really hard for me to eat more. I have been around this weight for years. I also don't eat like everyone else. I am allergic to gluten. So I have no processed foods. I don't drink soda ether. I also am already on a low salt, and low sugar intake because I am insulin resistant. So I already take diabetic drugs. What my body does is stays in starvation mode and everything I do eat gets put into fat. I am literally unable to exercise at this point and time. If I do eat gluten (When I am depressed) I can weight rapidly like 10 lbs in a week.So I want to do something extreme to help me there. I mentioned RNY, as because I want to know if people hate having the GERD issues and thought RNY would of better as well as losing more weight. Someone mentions RNY would be better for me because it would burn off my stored fat. However, because I have Celiac's already, I already have trouble with some malabsorption issues. Edit- I got to this weight because I ate gluten 25 years of my life. My digestive system is slow and really hard for me to eat a lot as it exhausts me.
  7. Really the only thing I am worried about is the severe GERD(which I already have and he has GERD) if we do sleeve and the fact that I under eat already. Bypass was my sure thing, but I might already have Celiac's which can cause malabsorption. Plus, I am only 27 years old. I am already used to dumping as I have a med that I take that causes that. I also get it when I eat gluten. (Yet I still eat bad.) I was thinking the extra dumping might force me, but only 30% get it.
  8. I got Quinones, Lopez, Garcia, and Averaz so far. (Sorry for mispelling.)
  9. My thyroid has been checked through and through. (Because docs look at me and assume thyroid.) I get under 1200 calories a day, never feel hungry really, and I am usually at 700 cal. Due to the Celiac's it slowed down my digestive system very badly. I am assuming my weight gain is due to Celiac's as I cheat a lot (when depressed) and have caused damage because of that. I am really worried about the GERD, I already lose my voice from it. I also have PCOS w/insulin resistance which makes my body turn almost everything into fat. I have been overweight my whole life 100 lbs. at 7 and 200 lbs. at 13. My Mother restricted my food intake a lot but with poor quality foods. I am just super used to not eating. I get sick if I eat something I am not "craving". At this point I am tired... I sprain my back by just standing, and even though I have been this weight for 5 years. I am tired. I need something. I just don't know if this will work for me.

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