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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thebudha

  1. hey steve congrats on your bad i too was banded by doctor fielding about a year ago, hes a great guy fills go easy all the staff is great i even go with my little girl too get fills and they watch her for me when i go in she 10 months your in good hand im sure you know that. see gio for your fills hes a great guy he actully lives in jersey. keep up the good work banded 3/3/2004 318lbs current 9/23//2005 238lbs
  2. thebudha

    update horror story

    hi everyone im back from surgery had it on thursady 2/24/05 all went well, actually it was amazing im back on my feet allready went to the mall yesterday and feel great no pain just a little sore but im actually going back to work today sunday. for all those who dont remaber who i am i was the person who had surgery done and the band was not even placed around my stomach my suregen this time dr fielding was great he told me the band was placed around a bunch of fat at the top of my liver (GREAT HUH). so for now im just glad to have the band back in place and hopefully back on schedule to loose weight.i forgot how much this liquid diet sucked the last time now its even worse i hate it but im just happy to be ok. and as for the other doctor and the radiologist who missed the wrong placement of the band. my lawyer is going have a field day with them. well just wanted to say hello to eveyone and thanks for the support.
  3. thebudha

    update horror story

    thanks for all the responses, i just wanted to update everyone on my story that i told about my band being put in the wrong place, well not the wrong place not even on! anyway i do have a lawyer and a very good one at that hopefully we are talking 000,000 but who knows, but thats not what i want im not in this for that i dotn care if i get one cent i just want was coming to me a new life being thin and losing weight and being healty and able to play with my new baby girl for years to come without any problems! im scheduled to go in on 2/24 at nyu hospital by a great surgen dr. fileding. i cant wait to know what reel restriction feels like! and yes i did have some the band was pushing against my stomach causing some restriction! the only thing that i hate now is the whole liquid stage and mush stage all over again. we all know how much thats stinks. but anyway thanks for the support and ill be back to update you all. thanks again
  4. thebudha

    horror story

    hello everyone i just wanted to share this story with everyone out here, its for everyone with the band and those thinking about getting the band. do your research first!!! i was banded on 3/2/04 was 315lbs currently 267 lbs wow feel great right? wrong. i wasnt happy with my doctor in nj who was giving me my fills, he also did my surgery, so a friend of mine who got the surgery done in ny at nyu told me to go see he doctor and that he was really good. so i said let me give it a try what do i have to lose right but more weight!! so went to see him for about 2 months and he gave about 4 fills, good ones too. everytime he adjusted me i got this strange feeling on the table that something was wrong just didnt feel right. was having chest pains and very shaky hands! so he suggested that i go to have an esophagram done. i went to see a doctor to have it done and then went back to him to get the results. to much of my amazement the doctor started calling all the other doctors in to the room, at that point i knew something wasnt right. they told me and showed me on the film that the band was siting at the top of my stomach where it was supposed to be but not around my stomach but next to it! so he told me to get my original ex-rays from the day of surgery to look at the band, would you believe that it was an identical match!!!!! the doctor never put the band around my stomach but placed it around fat which he thought was my stocmh!!! no the band is floating around under my chest causing me to have sever chest pains! could not believe it i feel like i was cheated! i dont know if i could go through surgery again! the only good thing that came out of this is that i lost the weight on my own i guess it was all in my mind huh!
  5. thebudha

    update horror story

    can someone tell me who is inamed, people keep telling me to contact them who are they and any ideas how to contact them?

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