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Everything posted by StefanieT

  1. I feel like I've been doing ok on the water intake, but it just doesn't seem to be enough. I'm averaging 50 oz/day. I just wound up in the ER last night, and found out I have a kidney stone trying to pass. I will be 1 month post-op tomorrow, and I was just wondering if anyone else is having this issue? I'm definitely going to up my water to 64 oz, but it's frustrating because I feel like I'm not doing that bad with water intake.
  2. Hey everyone...I was sleeved on April 8th, 2013, so today is my 2 month post-op and I'm down 42 lbs! I am super excited and have started my exercise program as well. I'm just doing 20-25 minutes 3 times a week for starters. Yesterday, I looked at a pair of jeans that I bought quite a while before surgery that I never fit into. I had bought them for a good price, so I just slipped them in my drawer of clothes I wish and someday could wear. I really didn't think they would fit, but I tried them on, and success...they buttoned!!! One thing I'm noticing now is my acne, and how horrible it has been lately. I was wondering if anyone is having the same problem. I just can't seem to get it under control... I have struggled a bit with temptations here and there, and sometimes I will give in and have a small bite of something, and then I seem to be fine...just trying not to make a habit out of it. I would love to hear how other April sleevers are doing, and here some of your success and struggles. I decided to Celebrate getting through these 2 months with a fresh new hair cut/color and a pedi and mani! Just what I needed! =)
  3. I think this is great....I got so discouraged when I stalled for 2 weeks that I felt like giving up caring what I was eating, which is horrible. We have to be our best friend and always cheer ourselves on!
  4. StefanieT

    April Sleevers/Success and Struggles

    Congrats to all of you! I love the success everyone is having, and yes...surgery is definitely not an easy way out. We still have to change our lifestyle, and that is a hard thing to do!
  5. StefanieT

    When Science Meets the Biggest Loser

    Interesting...and makes tons of sense.
  6. StefanieT

    First milestone!

    Way to go!!! Those are the best milestones...no matter what the scale says...the clothes are the main way I notice the progress! =)
  7. StefanieT

    Summer NSV

    That is awesome and gives me some motivation! I started as a size 22 to 24, and am 2 months out down to a size 20.
  8. StefanieT

    sleeved may 6th..this is tough!

    Hey...I was sleeved on April 8th, and I tell ya...I would never want to relive that first month. However, in the past 2 weeks (and unfortunately having another surgery due to a kidney stone), I am feeling the best I have felt in so long! I'm starting to feel what energy is like, and I don't feel so tired all the time. When I was talking to a girl at work who had been sleeved as well, and a year ago...she just told me the miserable part is very short lived. I was like...seriously??? It was the longest month of my life! Pain/depression/anxiety is such a strange thing, but once it's gone...it's so amazing how quickly you forget about it and just enjoy the good times. I still struggle with cravings here and there, and sometimes I will give in and just have a little bit so I'm not obsessing over it, and that has seemed to work for me. When I was on liquids only, and my boyfriend was having taco pizza...I broke down and chewed it up and spit it out, just so I could taste it. I know that probably isn't the best advice, but it really did help. I know everyone will keep saying it, but hang in there! It does get better, and not just better, but you will switch from sadness to hapiness! =)
  9. StefanieT

    40 lbs Gone ;)

    That is so awesome!!! It's so neat to start seeing the results, keep it up!!! =)
  10. StefanieT

    Extreme body and mood changes !

    I am just over a month post-op, and I am breaking out horribly with acne. I've always had some, but it's just so much worse right now. I'm really hoping the hormones level out, but I was about to post a topic to see if anyone else is having really bad acne problems. Nothing like feeling like going through puberty again!
  11. Thank you for the response. I'm curious then, with the calcium and Vitamin D, do you think it's that we have too much or too little? My dietician put me on 1000mg of Calcium with Vitamin D a day. I'm sure I should talk to her as well.
  12. StefanieT

    difficulty with pureed

    The scrambled egg seemed to go down best for me at first with the pureeds. My dietician actually let me go on pureeds a week early, so I only did full liquids for a week and 2 days and everything went pretty well besides oatmeal at first. I really needed more milk in there. Sorry to hear about the difficult times..but I am also having a hard time getting in all the water. 50 oz is a pretty good day for me.
  13. StefanieT

    the dreaded three week stall!

    I am going through it too! So frustrating...but thank you Jennie for your experience!
  14. StefanieT

    Whats the hardest part for you?!

    Yes, that's a hard thing for a lot of people to understand, especially your kids because they worry so much. It's just difficult to know what it's like unless you're living it. How the brain and hormones work when you are overweight constantly fight with you is so difficult. You get to the point where you just feel hopeless and no matter what you do, the pounds keep coming on. I originally did not want to get the surgery because I felt like I should be able to "do this on my own." The truth is, I just couldn't. This is by no means an "easy way out," but it is a way out. The way I look at it, is my family would suffer so much more if I had to have other surgeries like knee replacements, open heart surgery, etc because of being obese. I believe when you are overweight, surgery is almost inevitable at some point of time in your life. Atleast this one has a great outlook and will allow you to live your life to the fullest!
  15. StefanieT

    Whats the hardest part for you?!

    I know how you feel! I am the only one in my household that has a weight problem, and my boyfriend and daughter are both very blessed that they can pretty much eat anything and not gain a pound. I have to keep telling myself, that this is a decision I made for myself, and I cannot expect them to completely change their lives just because of me. I will not be upset with them when they are eating, but I know that I want everyone to eat better, so once I'm able to eat everything again, I plan to cook good meals so we can all eat the same thing. I am not much of a cook, but I think I may actually enjoy it if we all start eating better and I know they are healthier on the inside! They are both very supportive and actually feel bad when they are eating, but that's the last thing I want for them. Granted, it's taken a while to feel like this, but it will be ok. They love YOU and want to be around for YOU, not just all the meals that come with it. I just think socializing around food is such a norm, that it's hard to imagine what you're going to do in place of it, but just give it time, and that will unfold.
  16. Yes, this was instant for me right out of surgery. It's a strange feeling to actually feel like you have to force yourself to eat/drink. I am 6 days post-op, and each day gets a little bit better. I think when your stomach is still healing, it can feel extremly heavy when you just have a tiny bit of water or a tiny bit of yogurt. It is so different than before, you will be amazed. I just remember when I was on the pre 1200 calorie diet, that was such a struggle for me, and I didn't even make it most days! Now, I'm lucky to get 3-400 calories in a day, and that takes a lot of planning and effort. The main thing to focus on is to keep sipping the water all day so you don't get hydrated.
  17. StefanieT

    Whats the hardest part for you?!

    Some things I wish I knew before surgery: I actually freaked out because I felt like I wasn't getting enough calories. THIS IS NORMAL...and just make sure to keep drinking the Water. It can feel extremely heavy on my stomach, so adding things like propel, crystal light, other other flavoring has helped a lot. I never thought getting water would be so difficult, but just keep trying and each day will get better. I also have had a hard time sleeping (apparently side effects of pain meds, anesthesia, etc.) I also had some nightmares and would wake up extremely cold and soaked in a cold sweat. I was not expecting any of this, and of course, each person is different. My advice is it does get a little easier each day and just keep talking to other people who have had it...it does make you feel better and no so alone. My other thing I have been struggling with is what to do when I'm not eating. I used to always eat when I was bored, and I'm trying to find something to keep me focused. One can only watch so many TV shows. I'm day 6 post-op, and I am starting to feel a LOT better, mentally and physically. I can't believe how awake I am even though I'm only getting 3-400 calories. I took Tylenol PM to help me go to sleep last night, and that seemed to help pretty well. It's going to be a huge change, but just take it day by day, and once you start feeling better, you will be doing great! I hope the surgery goes well with NO complications. =)
  18. I just had the surgery on April 8th, 2013. My experience in the hospital was not very good as I was given too much pain medication and my oxygen level went down to 40 and they had to give me medicine to counteract the pain meds, and put me in a seizure. This was the scariest thing I have ever been through in my life and shook me up so much that I have avoided pain meds while being home. I'm really not in much pain though, just worried about not getting enough calories. My dietician never said how many calories is "normal" on the full liquids diet, but I'm lucky to be getting between 3-400 calories in a day. I am worried that this is not healthy and I also got very dizzy last night. I'm scared of getting dehydrated and having to go into the hospital. I'm trying really hard to get my Water and Protein in, but it weighs so heavily on my stomach, it's a huge ordeal. My goal today is to really focus on getting all the water and protein in no matter what I have to do. 5 days post-op and feeling a bit of anxiety about everything! Please help and tell me it will get better! :/
  19. StefanieT

    Is this really healthy?

    Thank you for all the feedback! This does help me tremendously so I don't feel alone. It's such a change, and even though we go through so much preperation, no one can ever tell you exactly what everything will be like. I have seemed to be able to drink more today and am happy that it's a better day than yesterday.
  20. StefanieT

    When does it get eaiser

    I am feeling the same way...I just had mine done on 4/8 and I'm trying really hard not to be negative, but all of a sudden I just get freaked out about was this the right choice, and is this really healthy? People I work with who have had it done seem so happy...so I'm really hoping it gets better. It doesn't help that it is so difficult to get all the water and protein in. I want to do everything I'm told, but my body isn't listening. I'm having a really hard time sleeping at night as well, as I keep having nightmares, and that too, I hope passes. We just have to stay strong and believe that it will get better!
  21. StefanieT


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
