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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jensjoy28

  1. I've only been on soft foods for 3 days, but I feel similar to you on the capacity front (I'm not feeling hungry though)...I don't feel like in eating "too much", and I am not snacking, but am able to get in about 1/2 cup of most things I've tried
  2. jensjoy28

    Drinking with meals

    It is two-fold...our new stomachs just don't have room for both AND, the liquid does mix with the food and you digest it quicker.
  3. This will be interesting...I have flat feet and have been a size 10 since I was 10 years old (apparently Bigfoot is a distant relative). Over the past year, I have felt more comfortable in a 10.5 or 11...I would LOVE to be smaller than a 10, because, although the time has passed where shoe stores would only get one size 10 in each style, shoes just look so much cuter in a smaller size (like clothes do!) :-)
  4. jensjoy28

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Sleeved May 8...surgery weight 310...down 25 pounds...18 pounds the first week and then 7 over last 2 weeks...will see if I have the dreaded 3-week stall :-)
  5. As town976 said, many times it is due to acid that you feel hungry...does your surgeon prescribe acid blockers? Mine has me take them every day for first three months....
  6. jensjoy28

    100 Pounds Down!

    Awesome. Great inspiration. Keep working that sleeve!
  7. jensjoy28


    I say whenever it is comfortable for you...haven't heard anything specific that you would need to be aware of or concerned about.
  8. jensjoy28


    Hmmm...I'm not especially precise in quantities...depends on how many ounces of juice I am making...I figure out how many ounces if veggies I need and juice those until the container is at "right" level and then add the fruit in same manner. As for unflavored protein, I, personally haven't bought any if that, but I say definitely add it!!
  9. jensjoy28

    Help...very confused

    I haven't looked at your ticker, so I'm not sure where you started at...but 29 pounds doesn't seem slow for most starting weights...I take it you were so surprised at his response that you didn't ask him a follow-up question like, "really, how much would you have expected me to lose?!" I started at 310 and am down 25 pounds in 3 weeks...if I am like many others and have the 3 week stall, then I will be down 25 pounds in the first month.
  10. ...oh, and today is my first day on soft foods (although I did have some mashed potatoes the other night)...I know that everyone told me that I would definitely feel the restriction, but I just couldn't believe it (kind of like I didn't believe I wouldn't be hungry), but I just tried my first scrambled egg and what do ya know...full after very little. Yahoo!!!!
  11. 3 weeks out and 25 pounds down...feeling great! Have been very fortunate so far on my recovery...haven't had trouble getting liquids or protein in, and have been virtually pain-free since about 4 days post-op. I would love to be down 30 pounds by week 4 because it would be 20% of my overall goal....but I think today starts the 'dreaded 3-week stall' that I have heard so much about...will see.
  12. jensjoy28


    I juice and was cleared by my surgeon to start doing so (as long as it was juiced and not blended) a week post-op. my personal favorite is spinach, celery, cucumber, orange and pineapple. I aim for a 70% veggie 30%fruit ratio. I use a Breville
  13. jensjoy28

    my situation. ....

    Another of those times that a "sarcasm" font would be helpful...
  14. jensjoy28

    Hunger pains

    For those that feel hunger after surgery, And have ruled out head hunger, I wonder if your doctor prescribes an acid reducer?? You can Google How extra stomach acid can make you feel hungry...maybe that is what you are experiencing??
  15. jensjoy28

    Drain Tube

    I had one for a week...no big deal, but was happy to have it out...removal was a non-event, like previous poster said, it was a slightly odd sensation, but not painful.
  16. jensjoy28

    I miss my vodka!

    I JUST asked my surgeon this question this afternoon...he is a board certified surgeon with over 1,200 sleeve and bypass surgeries with no leaks amongst his patients and he is fine with "moderate alcohol starting 4 weeks post-op"...now, every surgeon is different and every patient is different, and that is from a post-op medical perspective...has nothing to do with the empty calories or the change in the way your body likely metabolizes alcohol after bariatric surgery.
  17. I was able to get a personal loan through my credit union for 8% apr...have you thought about that? Mine offered up to a 5-year term to repay w no prepayment penalty.
  18. Oh, and their "all-in" cost included surgeon, anesthesiologist, 2 days in hospital, all pre-op and post-op appointments for a year. Didn't include blood work, upper GI or EKG, but I was able to run those through my PCP and have insurance cover them.
  19. I just had mine done in Orange County as a self-pay and the "all-in" cost was $19,500. I also happened to see an online ad for a center in Northridge that offers self-pay for $12,500 and they say they are the lowest cost in So. Cal. Personally, since there are multiple pre-op and post-op appointments, I wasn't willing to drive to Northridge...but, a $7,000 savings is certainly noteworthy. Dr. Oliak was my surgeon....he is board certified in bariatrics and he does his surgeries at a bariatric center if excellence in Placentia.
  20. humans are FAMOUS for doing things they know they shouldn't...the "that only happens to other people" phenomenon is well documented...and, if it was just as simple as following doctor's orders, most of us wouldn't have needed surgery in the first place.
  21. Thanks for posting the pics...it is helpful. What size do they anticipate you being after healing from reduction?
  22. jensjoy28

    Sleeve vs bypass

    When I went to my first consultation, I didn't even know about the sleeve, but as soon as I heard about it, it was an easy decision...this oversimplifies it a bit, but in my opinion, the only thing the band has that this doesn't is that it can be "undone"...and the only thing bypass has is slightly better weight loss outcomes...but both of those come with a much longer list of potential issues. Additionally, getting to maintain the body's natural digestion while removing the majority if the hunger-inducing hormone is the sleeve's "ace in the hole". My surgeon (who, admittedly, was a slow adopter of the sleeve), now days he can only recommend the other options with reservations.
  23. Thanks...I know I just need to be patient, but I'm not!! I was sleeved May 8, so I'm only 10 days post-op (and thrilled with the loss, don't get me wrong!)
  24. ...the clothes don't seem to fit any different. Did anyone else experience this early after surgery? In my pre-surgery world, 20 lbs would be a new size...
  25. The rumblings are your intestines "waking up" after surgery and working to move that gas pain through your system. Very likely the cause of the pain you are experiencing...I had virtually no pain from the surgery, but the gas pain could stop me short for the first couple of days...for me, once I started passing gas (about 2 days post-op) it helped and was gone when I had first BM (4 days post-op)

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