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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About skinnyplze

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    Intermediate Member

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  1. I was sleeved in Mexico on March 5th 2013. That puts me 11 wks post OP, give or take. I have lost over 50 lbs, I am 5 lbs from my goal weight of 145, I am 5' 6". (Yes, I was one of those, I weighed 201 lbs when sleeved. My BMI was 53.) I can only consume approximately 300 calories a day (more or less) or I will throw up (3 or 4 tablespoons of food ain't very much and everything makes me sick). I have only been able to gag down 40 ounces of water A DAY tops until 2 days ago, 2 days ago, I got down 7 cups of water and maybe 500 calories. My blood work is good. Iron levels are great. I got to stop my HBP medicine, (which I have been on for years, very happy about that). There may be something going on with my kidneys, I'm hoping that my inability to drink water or eat is giving them nothing to do so at the risk of being EVEN sicker I am.... gagging and/or puking and/or throwing up and re drinking eating to try and make sure my kidneys have something to do so they test in the normal zone when retested this Tuesday....I love being thin, don't get me wrong....but when does the "sick" part stop....I have been assured that it does, I have been told I will enjoy food again, I have been told that I will be able to taste, and smell normally and will eat 1000 calories a day, but WHEN!!!!!!....it seems when I browse through the forums, that people can immediately eat anything they want right after surgery and it never effects them, they don't get sick, they just feel guilty.. sometimes I'm glad I'm so sick cuz then I know I WONT be eating too much....but I'm depressed, I'm tired, I'm weak and I have no strength or energy....seriously, 3 quarters of my life is spent with a headache and on the verge of nausea...any advice would be GREATLY appreciated, I did not read anywhere that I would be this sick for this long....I remember watching an episode of the Osbourne's once and Kelly told Sharon to eat something, Sharon replied "oh Kelly, you KNOW I get sick when I eat" I didn't know what she meant by that until I heard she had gastric bypass, THEN I knew...but I THOUGHT.... us sleevers were a different breed and could avoid the same crap as bypassers, was I wrong??? (P.S please don't just tell me to go to my doctor, as I indicated above, I already have) THANKS for your thoughts!!!!!! xo
  2. skinnyplze

    kidney stones and protein

    So what about just kidney problems in general...would that happen from not drinking enough water? My labs came back with kidney issues...
  3. skinnyplze

    Best peanut butter?

    Adams (the kind you have to stir) its made with peanuts and salt....that's it....healthiest stuff out there, in my humble opinion...
  4. skinnyplze

    Suggestions on what to eat?

    I'm 8 wks out also, I can barely eat and I do not meet my water quota...I have been to the Dr. she says its normal and I am just slower to come around...but I'm very, very weak. I get bad headache's where my brain actually feels like it is disconnected and moves around freely. When I move my eyes to look towards the side it causes me sharp pains...I cant wait until this passes...it really sucks......so I definitely feel ya, girlfriend....I hope it improves for both of us....
  5. I'm 8 weeks out and I'm light headed, dizzy and have absolutely zero energy...sounds like I need Gatorade and Geritol...hopefully that will help....I hear people talking about working out...dang!! I can barely get up a flight of stairs without getting a super almost passing out head rush, let alone do an hour workout!!
  6. You guys have all been so helpful, I love this site!!!
  7. Thanks-you!!! It makes me feel so much better that I'm not alone, not some freak whose system is just going to reject any nourishment, and that everybody else at 3 and 4 wks post-op out there are eating normally just like before surgery...big relief!!
  8. to Thanks for commenting, its so good to know that maybe my system is just going take more time than others to come back to any sense of "normal" thanks for hydration reminder...
  9. Thank you so much!! where do I get this nectar powder? I have never heard of it..
  10. Hey, don't get so down on yourself...if we weren't all "weak" to some extent we would have lost weight the old-fashioned way...here's the deal, feel lucky you CAN eat a burger; geez, if I took one bite of a burger, I would have been throwing up in a heartbeat...I am 7 wks post-op, I took 2 bites of a scrambled egg this morning and it made me sick to my stomach...3 hrs later my tummy is still gurgling and screaming at me. Your lucky that you feel so good that you can tolerate a burger...Your "burger blunder" is over and done with, move on..!!!
  11. I had surgery March 5th 2013 so I'm 7 wks post-op. I still cant eat hardly ANYTHING with being sick to my stomach...and I'm barely getting down 6 cups of water a day, forget protein shakes all of those were so nasty I can't even swallow them. I do take liquid vitamins and extra liquid vitamin B 12. But am I ever going to eat semi normaly again....this is really getting in the way of my outside fun, gardening, 5 mile hikes, other outside activity. People are talking on here about working out at 3 weeks post-op...SERIOUSLY??! I can barely get up a flight of stairs!!!! should I got to my Dr. about this?
  12. skinnyplze

    Diet .... 6 weeks out

    I'm the same I have to gag down food and water...I probably consume 4 cups of water and 400 calories tops...I'm weak and get light headed all the time...I hope it changes soon
  13. No way, I'm almost 6 weeks post op, I'm weak, I'm sick, I'm fuzzy minded, I can't eat, I can barely walk up a flight of stairs without sitting down, I can't drink enough water...my stitches popped open and wont heal, I get stomach issues with 2 teaspoon bites....I'm a mess and now after a 30 pound loss, I'm at a stall...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
