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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Yes. And thats what is making me wonder if the sleeve is best option for me because my doc says I might still be in the 200s. Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App You might grow a trunk and a monkey tail, too. Ya' never know. Lmao...i like your perspective. It really just makes me want to roll the dice even more and just say "Que sera sera". Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App I prefer this:
  2. Yes. And thats what is making me wonder if the sleeve is best option for me because my doc says I might still be in the 200s. Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App You might grow a trunk and a monkey tail, too. Ya' never know.
  3. Hopefully you don't get too manly!!
  4. That's not what the scale told me this morning!!
  5. LipstickLady

    Getting Called Fat After WLS

    Oh no! I let an inside thought slip out! I'm such a terrible person... When my neurosurgeon took my brain tumor out, he removed my filter, too. At least I have an excuse.
  6. I was the queen of sliming/foaming. It happened with no rhyme or reason. It happened with protein, with carbs, with soup, with protein shakes. It still happens from time to time. Ugh.
  7. LipstickLady

    Getting Called Fat After WLS

    So you're telling me that you've never had fleeting thoughts of hitting someone/hanging up on them/closing the door in someone's face/kissing someone/pulling someone's pretty curls/tugging on a baby's toes/telling someone their wig is crooked/stealing a parking place/giving someone the finger/flicking a booger at someone? All actions you'd never act on, but your mind went there for a moment because you're ... uhm ... HUMAN? Cool story, bro. Tell it again.
  8. You need this. http://www.mybodygallery.com
  9. I'm still a fatty according to the BMI chart. That said, my pants are an 8, and my actual body fat is in the athletic range. I don't give a rat's ass about the BMI indicator. Most athletes show as overweight or obese because of the way they are built. The BMI chart is bull poopy.
  10. Well, that's a different story. He can buy his own damn junk food!!
  11. LipstickLady

    Jerky Quest

    I love beef jerky, not a fan of the turkey variety. I could subsist on jerky, almonds and cheese if I had to, honestly. I hate to admit it, but my favorite jerky is the Walmart brand. You have to look at each bag to make sure you don't get a fattier pack (unless you like that), but it really is good and the price is fabulous. Like the others have said, always check the carbs. I bought this Hawaiian jerky that was very tasty, but you could see the sugar crusted on the outside. Not good for me. It is shocking how they sneak sugar into everything.
  12. LipstickLady


    I love cheese. Cheese is my go to snack all the time. Protein, rich flavor, high fat, low carbs...it's the perfect food. An ounce or two goes a long way and will keep me satisfied for hours. At this stage, you can really eat any cheese at room temp. My doctor didn't want me to eat string cheese until 6 months post op because she wasn't a fan of the stringy texture, but she did say that was just her personal feeling. Nothing real scientific about it, but I also have a slight stricture so that added to her concern. Go to the cheese counter at Wegmans, Whole Foods or any other nicer market and tell them you are not a fan of cheese, but your doctor wants you to eat more. They can guide you to something delicious and will let you sample as many as you'd like for free. What kinds of cheese flavors do you like? There are enough cheese lovers here that I'm sure we can give you a little guidance.
  13. I love you but I disagree. My husband is naturally thin. As I grew fatter, he didn't eat more so that he would be just as miserable as I was. When I tried losing, he didn't change his eating habits to accommodate my weight watchers attempts, my jenny who attempts, my Adkins attempts, etc. Why should he? He loved me fat or thin, he just wanted me to be happy. He never talked to me about what was on my plate, what fast food wrappers were in the trash or what junk food I put in my basket. Why is it ok to do that to him?
  14. I've read none of the replies. None. So...at the risk of repeating/being snarky, I have to ask... why should be change his eating habits? YOU made the decision to have surgery, not him. Don't be a brat. (Your word, not mine. )
  15. LipstickLady

    OBGYNs reaction to my weight loss..

    You need to write this out and send it to your doctor via email and snail mail. She needs to know. I am sure you are not the only patient who is feeling alienated. What a b!!ch.
  16. I feel a sarcasm coming on.

    1. OKCPirate


      I think an update for you would be..."surprisingly non-snarky, must increase protein" or something to that effect. ;-)

    2. CHM


      Just let it out. Its only natural.

      For you anyway.... =D

  17. LipstickLady

    Stretching your sleeve out

    Oh dear lord.... (That was not aimed at YOU @@GSleeve822 , but at the discussion I can feel coming on.) If your surgeon does your sleeve properly, he/she should leave behind very little fundus or the stretchy part of your stomach. The muscle part of your stomach does not stretch, so really "stretching" is minimal. This is MY opinion and the opinion of several surgeons I spoke with when I researched my sleeve 4 years ago. Now, you will get plenty of people who will tell you that carbonation, fluids, and frog swallowing will stretch a sleeve and they know it because they heard it happened to their friend's mother's sister's cousin's neighbor's dog's Great Aunt Suzi. AND, they know it's true because they read about it on the facebook. Regain is caused by eating the wrong foods in the wrong amounts on a very regular basis. It can also be regained by drinking your calories. Grazing is a culprit for some and for others, it's simply not changing their old habits. Regain is real, stretching is not.
  18. LipstickLady

    So angry I need to relax.

    I understand that you're angry and frustrated,but tell me what good giving up would do. You can do this if you choose to. Well wishes!
  19. LipstickLady

    and now my shoes too!?

    An awesome excuse to buy all new shoes. I had to! And best of all, Frye boots fit now. I love shoe shopping.
  20. Sorry, I don't even know what a "live swallow test" is. Success? Failure? @@Babbs? Best post ever!!
  21. LipstickLady

    Pouch is too small

    Your surgeon does seem a bit off but I am not sure how your issue finding a good Protein shake is his fault.
  22. LipstickLady

    Cheese Please

    Really, you should be able to eat any cheese unless it contains nuts, seeds, fruit or chunks. I would recommend room temperature and slice it very thinly so you don't swallow a hunk at a time. Grated is fabulous. Melted is great, too.
  23. LipstickLady

    Pouch is too small

    You don't have a pouch, and no, that's not an interchangeable word. Sip on your Protein shakes all day if you have to. Skip the broccoli for now, it's too fibrous, mushy or not. Oatmeal and potatoes aren't a great choice, but a high protein Greek yogurt is. Go for something like Greek Light and Fit. Retried Beans are a good choice as is your chicken salad. I am three years out and still have a hard time with hard boiled eggs, but I can eat them cooked scrambled and very wet. SF pudding with Protein powder stirred in is an option, as is seafood salad, crab cakes, hummus and guacamole. I am three years out and my restriction isn't much looser than yours. I thank my surgeon for that every day. I WANT to eat at times and I am so glad I can't. I never want to be fat again. This is my new normal and I Celebrate it every day.
  24. Eat more healthy fat. Avocado, olive oil, salmon, almonds, flaxseed... Your hair, nails and skin will thank you.
  25. LipstickLady

    Meals with a beverage

    Just can't what?

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