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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I am totally on the other side of the pooing spectrum (fart I FAR FAR on the other side), but I have wondered about these for my kid. I've only heard awesome reviews. Great share!
  2. Gasp. My heart. It is now broken.
  3. You may not be too familiar with internet forums so I will give you a bit of friendly insight. First, there is no rule that the responses must stop when you feel you got the appropriate answers. There are threads on this board that get bumped after 2-3 years of dormancy, such is the way of internet forums. Second, this thread is not YOURS. You posted on a PUBLIC FORUM. You will get answers from the public. Some will be very educated, some will not. Some will be warm and fuzzy, others will be blunt and to the point. And some, like yours, will be overtly hostile. Third. You cannot interpret the tone of the author of the post. You can read the words but that does not mean you are clearly interpreting the intent of the message being presented. This thread was a perfect example. Everyone here was very polite, you simply CHOSE to read into the words and take them as unkind. That's on YOU, not on the people responding to the question you asked and the scenario you presented. Fourth. Topics will go off course and discussion will ensue even after the initial question seems to be resolved. The topics presented are NOT just for the benefit of the person who initiated it, but also for other forum participants current and future. If you CHOOSE to read my comment and tone as b!tchy, that's on you, not me. No skin off my back, quite honestly. You can block me quite easily, it's unlikely that I will change who I am because you choose to read something into my words that is not there. I was being neither passive aggressive or patronizing. Anyone here who knows me will tell you that I have no problem telling you exactly how I feel, no passive aggressiveness needed. I simply made the comments here that I did because I remember that I took things (on the internet and in real life) very harshly at your stage of the game. Many people do. Many come back and even say, "Hey! Sorry I was such an idget. I've been really touchy with my family, too." Just like with pregnancy, your hormones are doing crazy things. It causes changes in personality. But that said, if you are insisting that this is your normal personality and you are this cranky all the time...again that's not on me. I was simply trying to be understanding and empathetic. As for your opinion that my words "don't support ANYONE"? I didn't realize you spoke for EVERYONE. Cool Beans. I'm quite certain MANY will disagree. As for your opinion on why I am a host here and that I should not be? OK. You got me.
  4. It will. You are too soon out. Gatorade is your friend right now.
  5. Do you think that most of us have not faced the same mental struggles as you? Do you truly believe that no one but you has had cravings and the desire to eat just a little something off doctor's orders? Of course we have. We all got here because we ate too much of the wrong foods. We all chose or are choosing surgery to correct our physical problems but that won't correct our mental problems. I just reread all the responses and I stand by the opinion that no one was rude or mean. When you post on a public forum you can't dictate how people respond. You were the only one to use words like idiot and b:tch. You were the only rude one. Blunt does not equate to rude. Big diff. That said, I'll mark your name calling and over sensitivity down to hormone fluctuations and being hangry. I can bet almost all of us have been there, too.
  6. You're missing my point. No one was rude or mean. YOU are the only one name calling. In my original post, I simply warned you about the danger of strawberry seeds. But hey, if that makes me a b!tch, so be it. As a host of this forum, I'd ask that you refer to the policies of this forum and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. That behavior will not be tolerated.
  7. So you're telling me that you started eating solids at day 6 despite your doctor's orders to wait until Week 3 because you can "sense" you are a fast healer. Yet at the same time, you don't want people to talk to you like you're an "idiot"? (Your words.) Huh. OK. Actually, the responses in this thread were MUCH kinder than they could/should have been. If the tone in these responses didn't please you, I would caution you to protect your feelings with a kevlar vest before continuing to post here. Best of luck!
  8. LipstickLady

    Blender Bottle

    I've never used one. Three sizes?
  9. I feel fortunate that I've always felt both inner peace and happiness. I wanted good health and skinny jeans. I think it's evident that I don't care if people like me.
  10. LipstickLady

    Am i in trouble?

    I would advise you to push your calories. It's much easier to maintain on 1200-1800 calories than 1000 or less. That's what you may be headed for for your lifetime.
  11. I have the best group of girlfriends from college. We are a group of 15 and meet every other week for dinner and twice yearly for a five day weekend away. They loved me fat, they love me not fat. Nothing has changed. I also have friends within my kids' friends' parents. They are involved in theater, show choir, martial arts, etc. Nothing has changed there either. I've always had a big personality with a large social circle. The only change that's occurred is how much space I take up in the car or restaurant booth. My college friends know as they are my life long besties, the rest don't.
  12. LipstickLady

    My Dinner

    I had Thai shrimp and peanut shrimp salad. Yum.
  13. LipstickLady

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

    I said... "So, can you make this roll without rice?". He wraps in seaweed or in thin ribbon of cucumber. It's definitely less stable and not always as pretty but it's delicious! It works well as hand rolls, too.
  14. LipstickLady

    Family totally against my surgery

    You are having surgery for YOU, not for her. I'm sorry she's not bring supportive but she is not your problem, your health is. That said, surgery will NOT solve the issues above. I hope you have a counselor to help you through the mental aspect of addiction and binging.
  15. I'm Mexican. We ate lots of healthy foods, I just ate too much of all of it. My staples are carnitas, carne asada, guacamole, Beans, queso fresco, salsa... I avoid tortillas, masa, rice. There are healthy and unhealthy options in every culture. Protein is protein, carbs are carbs,
  16. LipstickLady

    Sleeve vs. Bypass

    I was positive I wanted the sleeve. Less chance of dumping (I still dump), less chance of malnutrition (I suck at taking vitamins), more normalacy in my diet. My surgeon pushed bypass because he was more comfortable with it but it wasn't about him, it was about me. I wasn't diabetic so bypass didn't hold extra benefits for me. He pushed and pushed. I changed surgeons and had my sleeve surgery. Best decision ever.
  17. Using religion in a passive aggressive manner speaks volumes.

    1. LipstickLady


      Definitely the latter. Definitely.

    2. KindaFamiliar


      I thought so...

      And I concur...

    3. LipstickLady


      I would never refuse a heartfelt prayer even though I am not particularly religious. That said, the prayers by some are akin to a good old Southern "Bless Your Heart". Hypocrite much? Surely God doesn't approve of such behavior.

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  18. LipstickLady

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

    When eating soft gourmet cheeses, hummus, tapenade, etc., I often use a baby spoon to eat it. Really. Why add carbs or calories when a spoon will suffice? The richer the cheese or spread, the less likely I am to need an alternate method of transportation from container to mouth. I still measure out my amount, and I take teeny scoops at a time, but it's delish. If I need crunch, I use red pepper. I am totally prefer savory over sweet. Olives, pickles, pepperonicinis and almonds are my nibbles instead of chips and popcorn. I love cheese crisps, the kind made of 100% cheese, with no carbs. They satisfy the need for chips completely. There is no shame in my low carb game. The ladies at the deli counter are used to me asking for 2-3 slices of cheese or lunch meat. Pair that with some onions, tomatoes, pepper strips, etc. from the salad bar and I can make a heck of a no carb wrap. I ask the sushi guy to make my sushi without rice. The first few times, he totally didn't get it. (No, not sashimi, I wanted rolls.) Now he loves making me something special. When edamame is on the appetizer menu, I ask the waiter to have it tossed in whatever spicy sauce that might be offered on another dish. It's a bit messy, but delicious. When a friend orders a salad, I ask him/her to order a second add on Protein to be put on a side plate. I usually enjoy a small piece of salmon, steak or a few shrimp for about $5 and it's just my serving size. If no one is getting salad, I ask if I can get a side salad with the add on. They always say yes. food preparers are willing to work with me when I explain that I avoid carbs and restrict my portions. I leave a great tip, and they remember me next time!
  19. LipstickLady

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    I think in a situation like this, you could ask me or another host to help you out. I'd totally understand. It's the drama stirring, not not pain pill induced or privacy issue we'd like to end.
  20. LipstickLady

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    I've been married for 21 years and counting. My "flirt" is broken along with my halo.
  21. LipstickLady

    Am i in trouble?

    At your stage in the game (and through year 1), I was eating/drinking about 700 calories a day max. I didn't hit my Protein goals or my Fluid goal, averaging about 500 calories, 40oz. of fluid a day, 40ish grams of protein, but I was on the low side because of my stricture. I was low, really low, but you are WAY TOO MUCH lower. Where does your surgeon say you should be?
  22. LipstickLady

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    Meh. I'm already driving that party bus. It's ok. All the best people are clearly headed there with me. It will be a fabulous party. With glitter and horns. (The kind on your head and the kind you blow.)
  23. Walk, walk, walk. That will help the pain. It's usually gas. I got a pill stuck and it took two days of warm liquids to wash it down and it was very uncomfortable. The pain will pass and it is all worth it.
  24. I do the opposite. My family orders their meals and I ask for a small plate and steal a few bites from each. I am honestly full from 5-6 bites total, so they don't miss it and it saves us money. If he is uncomfortable with that, you order yours, he orders his, he eats his, you box yours for later. Easy solution.
  25. LipstickLady

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    Yet, you "liked" the above post. Is this where I send prayers up to all? Now that you mention it----. Prayers going up----especially for you. I am special.

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