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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Have you spoken to your doctor?
  2. I'd love to help. Need more info. I had severe nauseousness and a slight stricture so I had a really hard time eating for three months. What's going on with you?
  3. Got a problem with toads?
  4. LipstickLady

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

    We should be besties. Really.
  5. For my stay at home mom duties? Two days. For my work at home job? One week. Easy stuff.
  6. Oh dear lord...

    1. FrankyG


      Wow. I think you handled that quite a bit nicer than deserved. Haven't they banned people that cursed at members in the past?

    2. KindaFamiliar


      That's it!!!!

      I'm quitting my job and devoting all my time to watching BP sh*t go down!!!

    3. LipstickLady


      I'm still befuddled at where anyone was mean!

    4. Show next comments  273 more
  7. LipstickLady

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

    Try a pat of butter instead. In the mix and then right before serving. YUM.
  8. LipstickLady

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

  9. I want to hug you.
  10. They taste gross and have too much sodium. Now that I am sleeved, I find much pleasure in high quality, high flavor food. I buy expensive cheeses, seafood salads, meats... I can only eat a bit so it never costs me more than a dollar or three -- much less than I was paying for fast food. If you are looking for convenience (I do!!), go to Whole Foods, Wegmans, Fresh Market or whatever fancy market you have and get teeny containers of great food. Just as convenient but so much better tasting.
  11. LipstickLady

    Pre-op Diet...how hard is it?

    You're right!!!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using the BariatricPal App Take it a day at a time. If that's too hard, take it an hour at a time. If that's too hard, take it minute by minute. sleep a lot, walk a lot, drink a lot (water), paint your nails so they are perpetually wet, find something to do with your hands (knit?), chew gum, and look through tons of fashion magazines so you know what you are up against when you hit goal. It's SO worth it. Two weeks of misery for a lifetime of awesome. Seriously.
  12. LipstickLady

    Pre-op Diet...how hard is it?

    Yup. But it's worth it. You can do anything for two weeks if it means adding a decade to your life, can't you? Add the idea that it will improve the quality of your next few decades? In the grand scheme of things, two weeks is a flash in the pan.
  13. LipstickLady

    Pay day - buying staples

    Oh dear lord. I could have paid a semester of college in protein bars that I threw away. I could only eat about 1/3 at a time. It took me a week to finish two. My fat head thought I would eat two a day. HA!!!
  14. Yes? Oh wait. You are trying to bait me so you can call me a b!tch again? Sorry! Won't work.
  15. LipstickLady

    Pay day - buying staples

    Oh! And I must have bought 500 kinds of Water enhancers and flavor adders. VOMIT CITY. All in the trash.
  16. LipstickLady

    Pay day - buying staples

    Honestly, if you don't get paid but once a month, don't buy anything past some Gatorade and SF Popsicles. My tastes changed 90% post op and I threw away so much food that I bought in advance. I couldn't tolerate tea, most of the Protein powders, Jello, Carnation Instant Breakfast. Yogurt sucked, Water sucked. EVERYTHING SUCKED. I was driving 48 hours after surgery and I needed to walk so trips to the WalSuck were perfect. I drank a lot of chicken broth, broth based Soups (strained), Gatorade mixed with water. I could eat SF pudding and that was about it, along with my Protein drinks. (Bought 8 different individual kinds until I found two that worked.) I tossed at least $300 worth of food and protein crap because I bought it in advance. Why so much? Not only did my tastes change, but I totally over estimated how much I could eat. A fat mind doesn't even begin to comprehend the limitations of a sleeved tummy for a long time. I am three years out and I still over estimate how much I can eat from time to time.
  17. LipstickLady

    What Is Your Brilliant Substitute for a Craving?

    Have you had scrambled eggs yet? Whole eggs, not just the white. I scramble mine until they just start to set and add a pat of butter along the way. I also add a bit of cheese. High fat, high protein, easy on my tummy. Solid eggs whites don't sit well with me at all.
  18. Shockingly enough, I disagree. I like to think that we learn more when we are open to discussion, to other people's ideas (even if we don't agree with them), and to debate. As long as it can be had without name calling and personal attacks, I'd bet most all of us can grab a smidgen of new information if we try. It's the internet. Keep what you love, leave the rest. It's quite simple, really.
  19. Ahhh...you said it so much better than I did.
  20. I totally agree with you. I also think that people fail to realize that most NPs and surgeons do tailor their pre and post op directions to individual patients on a case by case basis. My diet was different than some because I has a slight stricture. I imagine someone who has a tendency towards acid reflux will be given a less acidic diet than someone who does not. I am not a sweets eater, so my doctor told me that an occasional cookie or piece of cake was fine, but advised me to stay away from the popcorn and potato chips for the first year because those were more likely to trigger a binge. I have never preached my diet as gospel nor will I. I will, however, answer questions that seem much more general because I truly care about the health of various people here. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here 3 years post op, happily maintaining for more than 2, and being called names by those who have never really interacted with me.
  21. @ I definitely agree I hate getting caught up in back and forths as it seems so petty and not what I came here to achieve however I also can't stand certain things and have to have my say if I think something is unjust. Getting back to the topic - I have noticed as stated in my other comment that although I strayed from my plan from my Doctor there is such a wide variation of information, restrictions, diet plans given to patients that all have the same surgery. So whilst 'testing' your sleeve isn't a great idea there are people out there being advised by reputable surgeons that they can have certain foods way earlier than others. We all go by the advice 'Stick to what your Doctor says' but if they are all saying different things is any particular one more right than others or are certain surgeons being overly cautious? It's MY **OPINION** that every doctor has a slightly different method of surgery, and has seen complications (or fewer/no complications) when patients follow a particular diet progression. I followed **MY SURGEON'S** directions to the letter because I didn't want to put myself at risk. He had only 5 leaks to date with 15 years of experience so having no personal medical training, I felt his words were wisest **FOR ME**. Now, that said, when something didn't make sense (straws!!), I questioned it. When things did make sense (strawberry seeds), I didn't. Sometimes he agreed with my questions, sometimes he didn't. In turn, I let his word be the final word for the first year because by that point in time, I knew I was safe from any possible leaks forming. I also felt that going by "my gut" was what got me to 264 pounds and in need of WLS. Why in the world would I put out so much money and then think I knew what was best for me? Twenty years of obesity proved that I didn't. As I have said MANY times over the years, I am no expert in anyone but myself. I can only speak from my experiences. What worked for me may not work for you. What my goals are may not be your goals. It's all good. We all have different journeys, hopefully we all end up in the same place.
  22. If you go into the bathroom and say it three times while spinning in a circle, the bougie man will appear and scoop your eyes out. Just a head's up! This is my favorite bougie chart:
  23. it's interesting how plans vary, or things change over time. At one month I was told I could eat anything, including berries. they have been one of my favorite treats. True!! I followed my surgeon's advice because I was paying him the big bucks. I'd advise anyone/everyone to follow the advice of their's.

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