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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    NEW POLICY: Editing Posts

    Believe it or not, there IS often a reason for my rhyme.
  2. I posted some of this elsewhere, but perhaps this might serve as a helpful guide/reminder as many of us may be quite sensitive immediately pre and post op. Our bodies and minds are going through great changes and quite often, so are our relationships in the real world which completely throws some of us for a loop. We turn here for support from like minded people but some feel that they aren't getting what they desire. So...a primer on Internet forums. Feel free to add your own reminders. First. There is no rule that the responses must stop when you feel you got the appropriate answers, nor do they stop if you get answers you don't like. There are threads on this board that get bumped after 2-3 years of dormancy, such is the way of internet forums. Second, just because you start a thread, it is not YOURS. This is a public forum and you will get answers from the public. Some will be very educated, some will not. Some will be warm and fuzzy, others will be blunt and to the point. And some will be overtly hostile. Take what you want, learn what you can and leave the rest. Third. You cannot interpret the tone of the author of the post. You can read the words but that does not mean you are clearly interpreting the intent of the message being presented. If you don't like the tone you are perceiving, or are confused by it, ask. I don't mind if you say, "Hey lipstick! You being b!tchy or just straightforward?" Or "I'm really not sure how to take what you just said, care to explain?" It's the mature way to handle things and will often end hard feelings before they start. Maybe someone is having a bad day and totally worded their response badly. Give them a chance to apologize, reword or stand by their words before going off in a tangent. If you CHOOSE to read someone's comment and tone as perpetually b!tchy, that's on you. You can't control the actions of others, you can only control your reactions. If you can't stand someone, block them. It's easy and you will never have to read their nonsense again. Fourth. Topics will go off course and discussion will ensue even after the initial question seems to be resolved. The topics presented are NOT just for the benefit of the person who initiated it, but also for other forum participants current and future. Fifth. Name calling is immature and ridiculous. It's also against forum rules. Don't do it. It totally invalidates every word that comes out of your mouth, past, present and future. Sixth. Debate is good. Learn from it. Read it with an open mind. Participate civilly. It's ok to disagree. And my wish... Wouldn't it be nice if people could put some kind of color coding on their posts? Maybe the text would be black if the OP desires straightforward responses, pink for warm fuzzy responses, red if they want a true kick in the arse, green if they just need to vent but don't necessarily need advice, etc. sigh... We are all traveling to the same destination. Our paths are different, our method of travel varies. Some roads are long, some short, some rocky, some smooth. The end goal is to get there. I'm there and I'm buying beer and Coke Zero for any and all who get here with me!
  3. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    I thought that was usually indicative of self service.
  4. I think this is another instance in which we can "use our words." Letting someone know whether you want advice or just need to vent is a good idea both online and in real life.Some people need to state what kind of advice, though. Coddling? Straight forward? Permissive? Fuzzy? At least I'd know when to skip a post without even opening it.
  5. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    Hey! Leave my chimp alone! Is this where that phrase "spank the monkey" comes in?
  6. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    Suck and blow? In my sorority girl days we had a mixer with Sig Ep that was called the Suck and Blow. I'd still wear the t-shirt but it's a bit big now.
  7. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

  8. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    Ridiculous. If I banned you, who would I make fun of?
  9. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    I do this all the time. And it makes me giggle. Because I'm childish like that! I blow bubbles in my Vodka with *sparkling* pineapple because I am a rebel like that.
  10. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    I knew there was a reason I liked you! Well, that and you're all awesome and sh*t. But mostly that... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App You like his "straw"? Is he sending you STRAW pics????
  11. Yes, @@Oregondaisy, I agree. Lately, however, we have has a rash of people telling people HOW they are allowed to respond, what their expectations are on "their" thread, assuming the "tone" of answers simply because said answers didn't give them permission to break their dietary rules, getting upset when a thread didn't stay strictly on topic, and most laughably, telling others to "stay off their threads". (I don't know about y'all, but I rarely look at WHO I am responding to before I hit that post button. Bad habit?) Usually these people have less than 20 posts here at the start of the behaviors so I can only assume they have never been on a public internet forum before. We have also has quite a few people start inflammatory threads (or bump really old ones) and then delete their comments leaving behind only a little internet poo (.) in it's place. It's weird.
  12. Heh. I hope you put your helmet and bullet proof vest on for that statement. But thank you. XXOO
  13. Sleevers don't have pouches. Then your soda would be gross. Really gross.
  14. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    My super hero talent must be the ability to exhale through my nose while sucking in liquid through my straw. No excess air has ever hit my tummy from the use of one to date. Be jelly.
  15. LipstickLady

    Crossing the Dunes

    We own a house in Kitty Hawk, NC and I missed years of running the dunes with my kids. I could get up there once (but barely) but once I came down, I wasn't going back up again. I certainly wasn't going to try to make it to the bay because that required crossing three more dunes. Two summers ago, I crossed those dunes. I ran up and down those dunes 5 or 6 times. I hung in there with my kids because I could. Seriously the best summer ever. And yes, I can still do it. You can totally do this. You owe it to yourself and your family. And when you get down there, you are going to LOVE it again. XXOO
  16. LipstickLady

    The great straw debate!

    I've never understood the argument that air could stretch one's stomach. It's a head scratcher for sure!
  17. LipstickLady

    Odd Jittery Feeling..

    Yogurt, a spoonful of applesauce, Gatorade diluted 50/50 with water, a Protein Drink that has low carbs... Just a bit to balance you out. Works wonders.
  18. LipstickLady

    Odd Jittery Feeling..

    I had a similar issue. I really think it's a dip and rise in blood sugar. At times I'd get 5 cups of coffee jittery, at other times I was utterly exhausted immediately - like an intense desire to close my eyes and fall into deep sleep - after eating. I've evened out for the most part now that I've started eating 5-6 times a day. If I go back to carbs, the feeling returns, so it's my uneducated opinion that it's sugar related.
  19. LipstickLady

    Losing too fast?

    Yup. Men suck. No offense but y'all lose much faster than women. Enjoy it.
  20. LipstickLady

    Pain Scale

    The only pain was the gas from surgery. Once I walked that out, I was fine. I'd say the pain was a 2 on a ten scale.
  21. LipstickLady

    Nothing taste good.

    Yup. You're probably in ketosis. Is your breath horrible, too? It goes away, eventually. It simply,y means you've cut carbs effectively and are burning fat at a great pace.
  22. Yup. You may very well have taken it wrong. My post wasn't to new people on this forum, rather to new people to Internet forums all together.
  23. I never mind when people disagree! What do you disagree with? I do agree that it's sad that reminders like this need to be posted from time to time, but they do. It helps prevent BHS, aka butt hurt syndrome.
  24. @@LipstickLady oh no oh nosay it isn't so what did i do, what did i doi was joking when i said i never liked you eggggads i couldn't say anything mean to you (or anyone)i always have too much SUGAR on my posts!!!i can't say shitt if i had my mouth full i probably misunderstoodeasy to happy behind a computer monitorthis is actually coincidental to what @@Aimee-Belle said in her earlier post grabbing my kleenex with love to @@LipstickLadykathy I know, you silly goose. You adore me and I adore you back.

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