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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I'm just going to leave this right here.

    I agree and I don't usually acknowledge negativity, but I also don't want to come across as thinking I'm a superhero because I do normal mom stuff. My rap skills, however...
  2. LipstickLady


    How far out are you? I am 3+ years out and I eat high Protein, high fat, low carb. I avoid fried food, but I don't worry about mayo, butter, real salad dressing, etc. Fat makes the food taste better and keeps me full longer. As the beginning stages, however, fill your tummy with good quality protein first, the rest later.
  3. LipstickLady

    Why chew?

    Yeah, that's why I won't let my doctor fix my stricture. It keeps me honest.
  4. I am a big girl. Hit me. :) Better me than anyone else. I can take it.

    1. KindaFamiliar


      If I didn't think you'd enjoy it I'd be all ov...


      Not that kinda 'hit'...


  5. LipstickLady

    Down 108 pds

    YAY YOU!!! Welcome to a whole new world!!! I hate to focus on the superficial, but you look AMAZING.
  6. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    I think some people purposefully disagree with whatever certain people say no matter what it might be. I'm flattered, personally. It's like a 2nd grade crush.
  7. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    You don't know me nor my beliefs. May God forgive you for your mockery of me and my prayers. Prayers going up--especially for you, LipstickLady. PS: Is this enough, Alex Brecher?? Where did I say I was talking about/to you? Please. Block me. I seem to distress you. Prayers going up for you. No, I didn't. Nice try!!
  8. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    You don't know me nor my beliefs. May God forgive you for your mockery of me and my prayers. Prayers going up--especially for you, LipstickLady. PS: Is this enough, Alex Brecher?? Where did I say I was talking about/to you? Please. Block me. I seem to distress you.
  9. LipstickLady

    Why chew?

    I chew to death because I have a stricture. The rest of you? No idea!
  10. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Prayers going up for people who use their religion for passive aggressive purposes. Your God might approve, but mine certainly would not.
  11. LipstickLady

    Hard Boiled Eggs

    I alllllllways bake my bacon. SO perfect! And it doesn't splash grease everywhere. I bake my bacon too! I put the cooked bacon in the fridge and reheat it a piece at a time in the microwave. So much easier. You know what else is good (and similar)? I buy country ham at the deli and ask for it in thin slices. (I do ask them to show it to me first so I don't get a ham that is too fatty/stringy.) Put a slice on a paper towel and zap it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. It crisps up like bacon and is almost as delicious and MUCH easier/faster. YUM.
  12. LipstickLady

    Hard Boiled Eggs

    I alllllllways bake my bacon. SO perfect! And it doesn't splash grease everywhere.
  13. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    This was a HUGE reason I kept my surgery to myself. I am a mom to two great teenagers. I have been happily married for 21 years. I have a fabulous goldendoodle. I am a 2nd degree black belt and a certified martial arts instructor. I volunteer at a womens' shelter. I play the guitar. I own a successful business. I work with autistic children and kids with Down's syndrome. I love Old School Rap and can perform Rapper's Delight in it's entirety. SOBER. I love talking to strangers. I am the VP of my HOA. I am PTA president, Choral Booster's VP and head theater mom at my kids' schools. I love dogs, hate cats, save turtles and run screaming from spiders. I was a beach lifeguard, a sorority girl and an only child. (Explains a lot, huh?) I Zumba, deep Water fin and ski double blacks. I drive like a ****** bag even though my vehicle is a minivan because I am always in a hurry. (At least I own it.) I hold the door for people and I can recite pi to the 56th digit. I used to teach emotionally disturbed kids until the parents drove me nuts. I was a theater major before I was a psychology major, before I got my degree in communications/psychology and my master's in education. I am a brown Mexican but don't speak Spanish. I am a great cook but a horrible baker. I love to read and I love reality TV. I drive with the radio off because I enjoy the silence. I could go on forever but I am boring myself. I have a lot more interesting things to talk about over WLS. Why on earth would I make that the definition of me? People can't help but ask about it, I have no desire to be the inspiration of that discussion. It was bad enough that people had to "confess" every extra calorie or missed workout to me while I was losing out of a bizarre "guilt". I'd rather be any of the above over the former fatty/WLS lady. You hate cats?! I hate cat boxes. I had a neighbor who had 8 cats and 2 cat boxes. She would have me pet sit when she vacationed and cleaning up was DISGUSTING. I shouldn't blame the cat, but that neighbor. And she paid me, not in cash, but in houseplants. What 10 year old wants a HOUSEPLANT!!??!!
  14. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Ya know... I just reviewed this thread because I was genuinely puzzled at how you took me as so argumentative. I even messaged a few people and asked their opinion because it was not my intent. You called me out for a sweeping generalization and I immediately apologized because I HATE categorizing all people into one lump. Then I noticed the bolded above... I feel much better about myself. Clearly you missed it.
  15. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    This was a HUGE reason I kept my surgery to myself. I am a mom to two great teenagers. I have been happily married for 21 years. I have a fabulous goldendoodle. I am a 2nd degree black belt and a certified martial arts instructor. I volunteer at a womens' shelter. I play the guitar. I own a successful business. I work with autistic children and kids with Down's syndrome. I love Old School Rap and can perform Rapper's Delight in it's entirety. SOBER. I love talking to strangers. I am the VP of my HOA. I am PTA president, Choral Booster's VP and head theater mom at my kids' schools. I love dogs, hate cats, save turtles and run screaming from spiders. I was a beach lifeguard, a sorority girl and an only child. (Explains a lot, huh?) I Zumba, deep Water fin and ski double blacks. I drive like a douche bag even though my vehicle is a minivan because I am always in a hurry. (At least I own it.) I hold the door for people and I can recite pi to the 56th digit. I used to teach emotionally disturbed kids until the parents drove me nuts. I was a theater major before I was a psychology major, before I got my degree in communications/psychology and my master's in education. I am a brown Mexican but don't speak Spanish. I am a great cook but a horrible baker. I love to read and I love reality TV. I drive with the radio off because I enjoy the silence. I could go on forever but I am boring myself. I have a lot more interesting things to talk about over WLS. Why on earth would I make that the definition of me? People can't help but ask about it, I have no desire to be the inspiration of that discussion. It was bad enough that people had to "confess" every extra calorie or missed workout to me while I was losing out of a bizarre "guilt". I'd rather be any of the above over the former fatty/WLS lady.
  16. LipstickLady

    Hard Boiled Eggs

    Am I the only one who bakes my hard "boiled" eggs? http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/the-kitchen/500-series/rise-and-shine/how-to-make-hard-boiled-eggs-in-the-oven.html I bake my bacon, too.
  17. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    I've not changed my question at all. My general answer to why I find SOME tellers offensive is because they call non tellers "liars", accuse them of being "ashamed", and say it's their "duty" to educate others. By what logic are SOME non tellers disparaging tellers for actually telling? I am not looking for specific names, posts or quotes, I am looking for the the actual accusations like I listed above. I seriously can't be clearer than that nor am I asking you to do any digging. As for your worries? They are logical, I've no problem with that. But SOME tellers state the whole LYING, ASHAMED, DUTY stuff as FACT. It's not my fact and I am certain it's not the fact of EVERY non-teller.
  18. LipstickLady

    Post Your Silly Rant

    I feel the opposite. I think that they are made for people to stand still. I think they are used for both. Stand to the right, climb to the left. If you are just standing, get the heck out of the way instead of standing dead middle on your phone because I am coming through.
  19. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    You are absolutely right. Some people who are conflicted might feel as if they are lying. Some people might be ashamed. Some people are unkind and some people use religion as a weapon. I am still missing tan example of where someone who chooses not to tell disparages someone who chooses to tell BECAUSE of their choice. Disparages the individual in general? I see it all the time. Big difference, though. Perhaps I am not stating my point clearly. As for worrying about what others think of me? I don't. I do, on the other hand, worry about people who are reading and not replying, who are researching surgery or going through the emotional ups and downs, and who are being made to feel a liar because they don't care to share.
  20. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Hmmm... You certainly have a tendency to "like" posts that use that same verbiage towards people you don't care for. Funny that.
  21. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

  22. LipstickLady

    Post Your Silly Rant

    I love giving a loud, sarcastic "YOU'RE WELCOME" when I hold the door and someone doesn't even look up, much less acknowledge my gesture. I give a hearty "OH GOODNESS -- EXCUSE ME" when someone jostles me, or or pushes past rudely. Then I smile at them like the idiot they are.
  23. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Uhh... no, no it doesn't. I have nothing against people who choose to tell the world of their WLS. I simply have issue with those who call me a liar (or imply it) for not telling the world of mine.
  24. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Oh dear lord, I'm really not -- I've genuinely missed it and I certainly wouldn't ask if I knew the answer. You are correct. I am above that. Please feel free to tag me next time you see this happen. I would honestly appreciate that. I can't imagine why it would be WRONG to tell the world if one chooses to. I'd be happy to shoot down that logic just as I am happy to shoot down the logic that it's wrong to keep it to oneself. I've never understood ANYONE who thinks their way is the ONLY way or the BETTER way or the RIGHT way for anyone other than themselves. I think you are reading me completely wrong, but that's certainly your right. Here I was thinking you are I were having an honest, friendly discussion from both viewpoints. Clearly I was, again, incorrect. Apologies. Is anyone else willing to enlighten me why reasons some non-tellers disparage tellers for doing so? I don't need specific examples/research. Simply the logic behind it. THANKS!
  25. LipstickLady

    Is your surgery a secret?

    Really? You've seen someone who doesn't tell people about their WLS put down or insult people who do tell? What was their reasoning? It seems to me that this one is (to my knowledge) a one way street.

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