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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Right. I'm the rude one. Seriously. Is anyone as amused as I am right now?
  2. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    Be careful, y'all. Some people get offended when conversations go off track. But man...I love eggs. Preferably two at a time.
  3. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    @ Actually, I think the OP put herself on blast with the original post itself, and then admitting she did it just for the sake of feeling ... I think she used the word ... b!tchy? That kinda sealed the deal. I also think a lot of those who also love to point fingers also called themselves out, but they probably will never see the irony in their accusations. Anywho... Such is the life on an internet forum. I will go on being me, y'all go on being you. Hopefully EVERYONE will learn something today, hug someone they love, take a moment to enjoy a good meal, spend a few moments with a good book and a good friend, and realize just how lucky they are in the grand scheme of things.
  4. LipstickLady

    Here I come world!

    I make "pizza" in a shallow bowl. A touch of olive oil, with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and garlic powder. A thin layer of Mozzarella cheese next. Toppings like bacon, pepperoni, onions, mushrooms, etc. Another thin layer of cheese. Microwave it for 30 seconds or so. YUM. YUUUUUM.
  5. LipstickLady

    Stomach stretching

    I get extra mayo. Slides down easier.
  6. LipstickLady

    Not Giving Up, But Wow

  7. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    The whole point of surgery IS so that you will be satisfied with just one egg Then why do they put TWELVE in the carton!?!?!??!! So you can be satisfied 12 times Oh!! That sounds fantastically dirty!!
  8. LipstickLady

    I'm just going to leave this right here.

    I've always loved myself. I am fun, funny, loyal, sarcastic, blunt, intelligent and have a fabulous family. The only thing that has changed is that I'm now at a weight that I can do all the things I used to do, but better. And easier. And with less sweat and frustration. Oh. Yes. One big thing has changed. I look great in skinny jeans.
  9. My easy (true) answer would be private GIRLY issues. It's private, you're a girl, and that's all ANYONE needs to know.
  10. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    The whole point of surgery IS so that you will be satisfied with just one egg Then why do they put TWELVE in the carton!?!?!??!!
  11. You're fine. Stick to plan from here on out and stop beating yourself up.
  12. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    You are absolutely right. I have no doubt that you had no intention of eating such a huge steak. I know that if I eat while doing something else, I may be able to eat more than I should. You absolutely call your doctor and get some answers. Clearly this is 100% his fault and you did nothing wrong. Your sleeve should absolutely do the work for you, because like you said, why have it if you need to exhibit any will power or pre-portioning? That's crazy! And yes, if everyone else had it on their plate, you should have it, too. I'd be furious. Call your doctor and get some answers. You are paying him, you are in ultimately in charge. Who cares if he gets mad? Not your problem. Good luck to you!!
  13. LipstickLady

    Post Your Silly Rant

    Or when they call you and then put you on hold. CLICK. And I don't answer when they call back. That's why we have voicemail that I don't listen to.
  14. At your stage (and through year 2), I ate with a baby spoon. Still do sometimes out of habit. I would never survive, even now, on three a day. I have 5-6 teeny meals over the day. They are only 2-4oz and it's working just fine for me.
  15. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    haha I actually think that may be the whole reason I posted the original post.....I'll be 4 weeks post op on Monday and think I'm having a hormonal dump and just needed a good snarky pissy conversation...hahaha Let me clarify..........I certainly still standby what I've said in my original post and still believe people should be able to ask questions without fear of being belittled ....... What I'm admitting to is I knew the post would spark some good banter and due to the b:tchy mood I've been in today it sort of "hit the spot" and was just what I needed......actually saved my husband from having to take the brunt of it...haha Ahhh...well that makes this all SO much better.
  16. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    haha I actually think that may be the whole reason I posted the original post.....I'll be 4 weeks post op on Monday and think I'm having a hormonal dump and just needed a good snarky pissy conversation...hahaha And there it is. Yup. Intentional drama. Wait, why DO some people try to ruin this forum?
  17. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    haha I actually think that may be the whole reason I posted the original post.....I'll be 4 weeks post op on Monday and think I'm having a hormonal dump and just needed a good snarky pissy conversation...hahaha Ahhh...the be kind to one another thing, right?
  18. LipstickLady

    Stomach stretching

    Agree. If I only wanted an opinion that matched mine, I'd call on my granny. If I only wanted a single opinion, I'd call my NP. When I want a true variety of experiences and opinions, I come to a public forum. And one of my favorite things about forums like this? Not only can I get a variety of thought processes presented to me, but the twists and turns of the actual conversations are fascinating. How boring would it be if all the threads stuck 100% to the original question posed? What a snore that would be!
  19. LipstickLady

    Stomach stretching

    We keep coming back to the same issue of hard advice vs soft advice. When the real issue here is that my dozen roses have wilted waiting for you... Best, Sanju Generally when someone who shows an aversion to my style of communication calls me dear, honey, darling, etc. I am leery of any token they may offer. I quite suspect there is a bee in those buds just waiting for me to take a sniff.
  20. LipstickLady

    Stomach stretching

    When I taught, I learned from my students because they challenged me. Now I own a local business and I learn the most from my team members because I give them the ability to try new things in the work process. Regarding my sleeve, I learned the most from people who were willing to call me on my actions, point out my flaws and challenge me to do better. If I wanted pat answers and warm fuzzy advice, I'd have visited my Aunt Marie. Probably would have enjoyed a slice of her amazing coconut cake while there, too.
  21. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I think that pot stirring posts like this are intentionally looking for the "accused" to come and start "misbehaving" so the OP can feel justified in feeling indignant and ruffled and so they can report the posts righteously. I've been called a b!tch, a bully, a mean girl. I've been lied about, conspired against (it's funny that there is always one "mole" that carries the story back), etc. I've never reported a post unless it was threatening, profanity filled or spam. And I've never reported anyone who has lashed out at me. Why? Because I'm bigger than that. Take that how you will. Quite honestly, I don't look at WHO wrote something before I reply, I just reply. I don't care who I agree with/disagree with/laugh with/laugh at. My opinion is based on the post, not the author. In turn, I do quite often notice that my posts will be almost stalked and commented on one after another by certain people and it seems quite intentional. It's actually quite amusing. As for name calling? I don't believe in it and I don't participate in it. In fact, most of the people who are called "bullies" or "mean girls" or "cliques" DON'T call names, it's the people who go on the defensive for no real reason that start in with that nonsense and the people who cry out against it are the FIRST in line to "like" it. It continues to amaze me that the people who are so angry or so riled up by certain posters don't just click on their profile (oh wait, they already do so they can follow their activity)... I don't understand why they don't just click on the BLOCK button while they are ON their profile so they never have to see another word that is said by whomever it is that offends them. Wouldn't that be the logical thing to do? As for the last line of this post. It is so much like the prayer thing... The post itself is digging and aggressive, followed up with sunshine and light. If this is one's idea of being "kind to one another", perhaps the word kind needs to be redefined. My best advice? Take what you want, leave the rest. Friend those you love, block those you don't. If you have beef with someone, take a moment to message them directly instead of starting up threads like this. You never know what you may have understood or misunderstood.
  22. LipstickLady

    Super hot weather advice

    And use a straw!!! I love the heat. I love the beach, I love sitting in the sun, in fact, I spent yesterday turtling (laying on a river rock soaking up the heat like a turtle) and enjoyed every moment of it. WLS does not mean you have to change your activities. You changed the shape of your stomach, not the shape of your future. Well, you did, but in a positive way!! Carry Water at all times. Invest in a great insulated cup you love and don't worry about cost. Drink G2 if you stomach it, I can't -- I mix Gatorade and water. Cut your sodium intake. Beef Jerky is not your friend in the heat if you have a hard time getting in fluids. SF Popsicles, Italian Ice, watermelon, grapes, high water foods are great treats! Wear your sunscreen and have a great time!
  23. LipstickLady

    I'm just going to leave this right here.

    Y'all need to stop. I can't stand the greatness in this thread much more. Waiting for your humble "brag"!!!

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