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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Can I eat this?

    I'm a naughty word.
  2. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I would like to be "all things sex, relationships, and alternative lifestyles." Thanks! I gotchooo.
  3. LipstickLady

    Can I eat this?

    OH NO!! You said STRAW!!!
  4. LipstickLady

    Sometimes, the Universe reminds us to be grateful.

    My heart breaks for her. Thankfully you all found her in time and I hope she gets the help she needs. Hugs.
  5. I'm smarter than you look. :D

    1. LipstickLady


      But not prettier than me.

    2. KindaFamiliar


      Oh God no...

      I'd not be so bold...

    3. ProudGrammy


      hmmm, are you sure??

      i'm smarter than I look!!! kathy

    4. Show next comments  240 more
  6. LipstickLady

    Can I eat this?

    It's SO easy. I throw some ham in my mini food processor and buzz it a few times. Then I add a generous plop of mayo and sweet relish and a dash of vidalia onion. Buzz it again to desired consistency and use as a spread during your puree' days or as a chunkier spoonable salad when you can have soft foods. I have been known to use lighter sodium spam but I won't admit that out loud.
  7. LipstickLady

    Can I eat this?

    Duke's Mayo (I'm from the south) make a sandwich "relish" that is delicious. It's basically mayo and relish mixed. Perfect ratio for tuna or chicken salad. Have y'all ever had ham salad? It's delicious. Basically you use it like tuna but it's finally diced ham. YUM.
  8. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    You were totally "calling me out" and that's OK. I can handle it. I'm truly not the mean, horrible b!tch that people want others to believe. Like I said, I know who I am and the intent behind my words, as do the people who care to know me. I also know that I've done really well on this WLS "journey" and am as hesitant to share at this point as you are to ask. I love the idea of "paying it forward", but for this type of reward? Nah...
  9. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Yup. This seems to be the cycle. The next step will be the newbies angrily wondering where all the vets are and why they aren't generously donating their time to answer. We went through that about a year and a half ago. This is why we need a vet forum and color coding. SNORT!
  10. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    You call them battles, I call them debates or discussions. I don't mind having an adult discussion, disagreement or a bit of banter. I don't get easily offended but yes, if someone says something I don't understand the intent behind, I ask them privately. Some are VERY clear on their intent via name calling, passive aggressive "offerings", etc. No need to message about that. They just don't always like the answers they get back. I think the problem comes in when a third (or fourth) party comes in and starts fanning the flames, throwing out jabs trying to incite more drama, fighting someone else's battle when there was no battle there, etc. It's also quite telling when the person fanning the flames is all of 3 days (or minutes) old on the forum and jumps right in with both feet. (Happened the other day -- a handful of new people came for the drama and haven't really been back. WEIRD STUFF RIGHT THERE.) Anywho -- no offense taken. I know who I am and I know who my friends are. It's all good!
  11. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Wait! My tattoos are minor... There are many that are much more qualified in that field. Anywhoo... I am still all for color coding response requests. Pink for warm and fuzzy only, red for blunt honesty, green for no advice needed -- just wants to vent, blue for patronizing and agreement... IT REALLY COULD WORK!!
  12. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I say this will all due respect because I understand where you're coming from, but... Sometimes people think they are being insulted/joked about/etc. and they aren't. That comes from the anxiety, stress and hormone changes. Wouldn't it be better just to ask the intent via the forum or private message? If someone says something I don't care for and it's important to me, I shoot them a message and ask. It's stopped a lot of misconceptions before they even started.
  13. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    And then the offended person gets all huffy and starts calling people mean girls, bullies, snarky, etc. OR they start threads like this one. So counter productive and to be blunt, hypocritical. It seems it would be much better all around for the vets to stay out of the newbie forums and be in one where it's a bit "safer" to be one's self. I know for a fact that many vets have left this forum for exactly this reason. Good, smart, intelligent people who are successful and maintaining at four, five and more years out. Thankfully, there are other places to talk to them. Those people matter, too.
  14. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Amen. @@Alex Brecher -- please?Good idea! I will work on putting something together.This site has too many forums as it is. The reason people post in the wrong forums here is there are a bewildering array of (mostly inactive) forums. You need fewer forums, not more. "When all is said and done, usually more has been said than done. " I agree that there are too many forums, but there does need to be a forum for people who are passed all the beginning stages and need to talk about long term maintenance without having to worry about hormonal butt hurt and indignation. I don't even mean that harmfully. I'd daresay many if not most of us went though it, some of us were simply more able to hide it.
  15. LipstickLady

    I'm just going to leave this right here.

    Not only offended but down right nasty. It's all good, though. It's interesting that none of those who were so angry (or so *giddy* that a few were so angry) have posted in here.
  16. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Amen. @@Alex Brecher -- please?
  17. LipstickLady

    What made you get a tat?

    Tragus, daith, conch, outer conch, rook, lobes, dermal punch. I'm sparkly.
  18. LipstickLady

    What made you get a tat?

    I got my first at 18. It's my sorority letters on my inner ankle. I was only a pledge and as pledges, we were forbidden to wear letters. WHOOOOOOOOPS! I've always been a rebel. Almost didn't get initiated over that one and to whomever says hazing isn't real? HA!! You're right... My second is a little butterfly on the top of my foot. It's a cutsie little nothing. My third is a sparrow that goes along the side of my left foot. It's just for decoration. My next will be a little lemon behind my left ear. You know the guy from the lemon head candies? It will go there to symbolize the lemon sized brain tumor I had evacuated a few years back. I've not done it yet because vibrations still make my metal plates rattle my brain a bit. Should we talk piercings next? I've got a lot of those!
  19. LipstickLady

    What Are You Most Proud of?

    Unhappy butt muscles suuuuuck! Stretch, girl, stretch!!!!
  20. LipstickLady

    Tragedy in Orlando

    This tragedy should NOT be used as a platform for political,religious, gun control or immigration agendas. It should NOT be used to push personal beliefs or biases. It's a time to come together and support one another no matter your race, religion, gender, or sexual preference. You said it best @@4MRB4PHOTO . The friends, family and loved ones of the Orlando victims are in my thoughts today. http://www.cityoforlando.net/blog/victims/
  21. LipstickLady

    Tragedy in Orlando

    Looks like she changed her user name to Read2016? So confusing!!
  22. I **wasn't** good enough. Mentally, intellectually, emotionally -- yes. Physically, no. That's why I had surgery. I needed to become the best person I could. Nothing hypocritical about that. He loved me before. He loves me now. My weight/size plays no part in that.
  23. LipstickLady

    On my way...

    Good luck to you! Walk walk walk. Sip sip sip. Lose lose lose.
  24. Today make an extra effort to do something nice for someone you don't know. Buy someone a cup of coffee, pay the toll for the car behind you, give out a few sincere compliments, hold the door and say good morning or good afternoon, smile at those around you -- and mean it. Spread some love today. The world needs it.

    1. ProudGrammy


      love it, love it - nice thoughts for the day - kathy

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