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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Stop the negativity! Post something that makes you giggle.

    Hey @@CowgirlJane !! (FOR her, not AT her. She knows.... )
  2. LipstickLady

    Shaving before surgery

    Oh...I bet you are a white girl, too. I made sure to roll my (bedazzled) @ss out into the sun pre-op so at least I was brownish. LOLZ!
  3. First and foremost, this isn't gym class and you aren't getting a grade. Second, you are lapping EVERYONE whose @ss is still planted firmly on the couch. GOOD FOR YOU. Edit to add: Clearly I was late to the party with the above post and I just got to your update. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
  4. Listerine strips are awesome. They taste terrible, are extremely strong and make anything you eat for the next few hours also taste absolutely horrific. They will definitely keep you from eating or drinking anything and enjoying it. And whenever your kids fight, go make them clean something. Windows, walls, baseboards, something mindless that you never get to anyways. They'll hate it and your house will look better in the long run.
  5. LipstickLady

    Shaving before surgery

    When I had my first child, she came a month early so my pedicure was a hot mess, I hadn't shaved my legs or cootch for 6 months or so (couldn't reach or see) and I had eaten enchiladas the day before so every time I pushed, I was "productive". To make matters worse, my baby nurse was a girl I despised in college and they were short handed so I couldn't switch. Seriously. It could be worse and they have SEEN worse.
  6. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Yes, it was a VERY enlightening thread indeed.
  7. LipstickLady

    Stricture (late VSG complication)!

    Same, but I noticed mine immediately upon starting soft foods. Too much food too fast? Vomit. Don't chew thoroughly? Vomit. One bite too many? Vomit. I'm keeping mine. Keeps me honest.
  8. LipstickLady

    Stomach Stretching

    I am an expert on no one but me. I am over three years out and have had gastric sleeve. I lost all my weight in 9 months and have been maintaining since. My surgeon cut out the fundus (the stretchy part) of my stomach leaving behind the muscle so I have little to no stomach left to "stretch". I drink carbonated beverages, I use straws, I consume alcohol, and I am fine. That said, I could easily "eat around" my sleeve if I wanted to. I choose to follow my surgeon's dietary recommendations 90% of the time. If instead, I chose to eat ice cream and Cookies, I would/could gain all my weight back. If I make good choices, I can eat no more than 1/4-1/3 cup of food and I am full for hours. If I choose carbs, I can't eat much more than the above, but I can eat more sooner. Again. MY stomach hasn't stretched nor will it, I am quite confident. I can't speak on anyone else's.
  9. LipstickLady

    Stop the negativity! Post something that makes you giggle.

    This is totally me.
  10. LipstickLady

    Scallops, crab legs and saganaki

    It will be scallop (singular) if you buy the big ones. And your number one lesson to be learned? If you aren't hungry, don't eat! One of my first soft foods was crab leg. Made a cluster, could only finish one. It was delicious after a month of Soup and Protein drinks.
  11. You need to ask why. And after, follow up with HR.
  12. What was your bosses' reason?
  13. LipstickLady

    Grieve loss of stomach

    I don't miss mine at all. No more than I miss my gall bladder, my wisdom teeth or my lemon sized brain tumor.
  14. I used Sugar Cookie from Philosophy. Or was it White Icing? Hmmm... No instructions here.
  15. LipstickLady

    Weight Loss Surgery for the WIN!

    I used to keep heat at 68, air at 72. Now I keep heat at 74 (really 76, don't tell my husband) and my air at 76 and I'm still cold in the house all year long.
  16. LipstickLady

    You know what would be really fun?

    You're right. I do.
  17. LipstickLady

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Oh dear lord. I am surrounded by Master Baiters!!!
  18. LipstickLady

    Stop the negativity! Post something that makes you giggle.

    Have we posted this one yet?
  19. I've been accused of a lot of things in my life, but never before today have I been accused of using a generic internet model as my picture.

    1. BigViffer


      lol, damn! I just can't win with you ladies! It's like we're married or something...

    2. LipstickLady


      That's definitely no way to propose, young man.

    3. OzRoo


      Back to the big Spoon, generic models and blow up dolls ..... No arguments then .... ;) LOL

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  20. What's even more boggling? As were many of us, I was a dieting expert. I (thought I) could eyeball meat/chips to the ounce and salad dressing/ice cream/juice to the tablespoon or cup. Every once in awhile I would check myself only to be shocked that 4 oz crept up to 6, 1 cup crept up to 1 1/3 cups, etc. It looked the same on the plate, but not on the hips. My husband is naturally thin. A plate of food the size of his head looks like a small portion to him. Now, when I put 1/2 or less away in tupperware to save for another meal, he just shakes his head. More than a mouthful is no longer a waste.
  21. LipstickLady

    Weight Loss Surgery for the WIN!

    That's the only worry I have. We have a guinea pig that may have to live downstairs until it's fixed and a Goldendoodle who FORTUNATELY just got a summer cut, or she's be fracking miserable. The only part I don't like is the humidity. Curly hair and all.
  22. I don't limit my family either. I offer a lot of nutritious foods in the house, but there is junk, too. I want my kids to have a healthy relationship with food so they don't end up like me. My mother denied us all junk food, sweets, and goodies. When I got out of her house, I binged because I could and blew up as a result. My kids always have cake, chips, candy, Cookies in the house. It's nothing exciting to them so they rarely eat it.
  23. LipstickLady

    You know what would be really fun?

    I don't know if it is odd or not, but I do the exact opposite. If I find the user to be a total tool, Soup sandwich, drama queen, or mouth breather; I don't bother with a reply. If I have any experience or applicable knowledge AND I deem the person worthy of any effort on my part, only then will I bother with a reply. This is what I need to do from here out. I need to make a list. My memory sucks.
  24. LipstickLady

    Things that make me fart.

    At Disney they could have changed the song to "It's a smell world after all". That joke stunk. Bad.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
