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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Anyone ask their surgeon for this?

    Nope. Not nosy here at all. I asked the questions when I had brain surgery and my doctor said no. His insurance doesn't allow it as it opens up the door to too many lawsuits. For some reason, I would have loved to see my brain. My stomach, organs and fatty tissue? NO THANKS.
  2. LipstickLady

    What's your favourite...

    Yeah. Love that song.
  3. LipstickLady

    Sleeve size

    Mine was a 36. That's my surgeon's standard.
  4. If one day at a time gets rough, go for one hour at a time. Slipping on a pair of size 8 skinny jeans from American Eagle made EVERYTHING worth it.
  5. LipstickLady

    What's your favourite...

    This is seriously my favorite song. No joke, no surprise.
  6. LipstickLady

    Big Fat Fab Life

    But fat is healthy. Yeah, I saw a few minutes of that episode, too. I was sick after. The denial is real in that one.
  7. @@reachbree HANG IN THERE!! Your will power and determination thus far tells me you are going to be wildly successful. It's going to be SO worth it. SOOOOOO worth it.
  8. LipstickLady

    Probably most stupid question

    To the OP. I am fairly certain your bariatric surgeon has seen more than his/her share of nekkid fatties before. You definitely (HOPEFULLY!?!?!?!) won't be his/her first. Unless your bits are particularly impressive, no one will remember them at all.
  9. LipstickLady

    Probably most stupid question

    They know. Say u have your period. So u can wear disposable undies Sent from my SM-G935P using BariatricPal mobile app I'm fairly certain lying to your doctor who will surely figure out that you're....LYING...isn't a good idea.
  10. I, too, appreciate how well you took some "tough love" and straightforward advice with a sense of humor. I would guess that 99% of those who are willing to come back here and give you a bit more than warm fuzzy are doing so because they genuinely care. If they didn't, they would be off living their new, healthy lives with no further attachment to the WLS community. Instead, they are choosing to give back a little. We were all new to this at one point and I'd venture a guess that most of us screwed the pooch (NOT THE POUCH!!) at some point in our pre/post/maintenance diet.
  11. ABSOLUTELY NOT! That would be wrong. You need to use a capital "T", it should be "The crazy pizza lady". The ****CRAZY**** Pizza Lady
  12. pizza ain't soft. I'd recommend skipping it. FOR NOW.
  13. I am definitely a meat eater but I have a kid who wants to go veggie. What are you using as your main sources of Protein? I want to make sure she gets enough and no one knows protein like a WLS person! THANKS!!
  14. First I'm talking about rude and nasty ones . We all have a journey and I'm the type of person that puts myself in someone's shoes before I sit there and make negative comments . The thread is not for that in my opinion . For example if someone on here is 300-400 pounds and they said they never realized how big they were before surgery it would be rude for me to comment and say "well how the hell do you not know " now that's rude and I have seen people on here be rude like that . I have NEVER seen that here and I've seen ALL kinds of nonsense. Personal attacks are not tolerated. Report that stuff for sure!
  15. It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point. My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight. I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do keto. I just don't lose. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App With a condition as unusual/clearly medical/atypical as yours, a public WLS forum where most of us got fat from overeating junk is probably not going to get you the responses you need and desire. Definitely come here for support and love as you go through the process, but as far as factual scientific advice? Your situation is so far out there in the atypical range, I'm sure there are very few here that are qualified to answer. Best to you!! I'm sure with your desire to succeed, you can make it happen. I wasn't the OP. I was just letting her know she's not alone and that there are said to be benefits for those who are not eating 2 meals at McDonalds for dinner and still unable to lose weight. However, I'm not really sure where else one would look if they were in my situation and looking for answers. I can't possibly be the only one in my situation. And doctors assume I'm showing them my food diary that shows whole foods and then running thru to get a milkshake. No one believes me. I don't care and im not offended. But when I do start a thread with questions it's because of can't possibly be the only one in my situation and I need help too. As far as the doctors are concerned there is no reason and I just need to exercise harder. I did that. 2 hours a day. Where else can I turn? Like I said I wasn't asking questions originally, but where else would I go? Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App Hugs. That's why I added the OP part late in the game.
  16. It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point. My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight. I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do keto. I just don't lose. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App To the OP!!! With a condition as unusual/clearly medical/atypical as yours, a public WLS forum where most of us got fat from overeating junk is probably not going to get you the responses you need and desire. Definitely come here for support and love as you go through the process, but as far as factual scientific advice? Your situation is so far out there in the atypical range, I'm sure there are very few here that are qualified to answer. Best to you!! I'm sure with your desire to succeed, you can make it happen.
  17. Once you get the hang of your new stomach, you might just find you no longer WANT all the stuff you like. For example, I was not a big sweet eater before but I loved ice cream. Now it makes me physically ill, so while I might want a bite or two, I don't want more than that. Same with rice, Pasta, and squishy bread. But to answer your question. Eventually, you will be able to eat anything you want. Be careful, though! Your "want" for food might defeat your want for healthy weight.
  18. LipstickLady


    To add to a great post ... while doing your research... Just because you read it on the internet doesn't mean it's true. And just because someone on a public forum disagrees with you, doesn't mean they are "bullying" or "shaming" you. Take responsibility for your own research. Take responsibility for your actions. Take responsibility for your feelings. Ultimately, YOU are the most important part of your process.
  19. LipstickLady


    Take what works, leave the rest. That's my best advice.
  20. LipstickLady

    Eating Disorder - Bulimia

    Triple ditto!!
  21. LipstickLady

    Old friend

    Sometimes the trash takes itself (its self?) out!! Go with that.
  22. What kind of beer has 800 calories per bottle? And how big is that bottle?

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