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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. It's weird to me that some people claim their surgeon recommends a food funeral. JEEZUS. That's like a heart surgeon telling someone to go eat a bacon double cheeseburger from Wendy's before a triple bypass.
  2. LipstickLady

    Last meal

  3. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    @@gowalking (Is that better??)
  4. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    Well so far, it seems we have quite the majority in favor of closing down posts/replies to anyone who is not 12-18 months post op. I am all for people of all stages being able to read, though! Great thought, @@VSGAnn2014 Is that possible, @@Alex Brecher ?
  5. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    Tag him and anyone else you are missing!! I can't remember everyone's exact names. We need MrPhoto, the biker guy, some of those darn aussies, etc. Tag them all!
  6. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    When I joined this forum when it was just for gastric sleeve, there was restrictions on joining forums for vets. When it changed to BP, those boundaries opened up. Many of those valuable vets are no longer here as a result. I was not at all insulted, bemused, nor did I feel segregated. I understood that they had needs I couldn't meet and they didn't need me poking my head in with internet based knowledge vs real world knowledge. I assume everyone will eventually get to the 12-18 month point post op (knock on wood!), so they, too would be allowed to join in. And just because one is a vet, doesn't mean one would be "locked in" either. As for the "be careful" part... Is that some sort of veiled thread? I'm confused.
  7. LipstickLady

    Last meal

    @@charley27 Girl...you know your body best!! Only YOU can make decisions for you. I knew I couldn't mentally handle a huge meal before my pre-op so I didn't have one. I knew that if I started the "mourning" cycle for foods, I might not have stopped. I found a time I was mentally prepared to start my diet and I just dove in. YOU DO YOU!! You didn't ask me, but I can't eat ice cream. It comes out both ends within minutes. It used to be a favorite food. Rice makes my vomit as does Pasta and more than 4 french fries. Bread gets stuck. Cream based Soups if ejected forcefully from again, both ends. It's such a horrible experience, I no longer want any of the above and I don't miss them. As for the dog comment? It's cute that someone chose to be offended my my personal motivator. I got to 264 pounds rewarding myself with food. Birthday? ICE CREAM!! New client? Thick crust pizza with extra toppings! Bonus? Steak dinner with all the trimmings! Vacations? Drinks non-stop, and all the junk I could eat (it was only for a week, right?). My dog gets treats for cleaning her room. (She picks up her toys and puts them in her toybox.) She gets treats for standing still when we bathe her. She gets treats for tricks, she gets treats for obeying when people are over. It's not an insult to the dog at all (she likes it!). I can't even begin to imagine how it could be construed as such.
  8. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    Cool! Then you can totally opt out just as I don't participate in the male only/religion oriented/locality based goups/various other forums I don't really fit into. As for PMing people? I do think you are confused on the concept of the forum. If I have a question for people who have been maintaining for 2 or 5 years, I want a variety of opinions and discussion. PMing individuals isn't going to be as effective as starting a thread. Having a forum for VET support has nothing to to with "segregation" and everything to do with "being more supportive" of each other --INCLUDING Vets. And yes, we DO have this Vet's forum. We just need to enforce the VET part a little. I'm all for the 18months Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App AGREE!! YAY!!
  9. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    I totally agree with point 1. Also why this option is my first choice. As for the point of your post I bolded? PREEEEACH!! You said it much better than I did, for sure. As for your last point, Vets are leaving left and right because there is little here to benefit us. If there is a place for us to get relevant support, their experience and helpfulness is SURE to trickle out to the newer sections, too. It's a win-win.
  10. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    Agreed. It's definitely needed in my opinion!!
  11. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    It's not concerns about people, it's just a place for vets to talk about maintenance, or post op goals/failings/struggles/successes without being just an answer board for newer people. More of a lounge for those of us who have been there/done that to get support staying at goal or getting back there.
  12. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    @@OutsideMatchInside @@sharonintx @@dubs @@Kindle
  13. LipstickLady

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    @@OKCPirate @@CowgirlJane @@Babbs @@VSGAnn2014
  14. Use these six months to retrain your mind and your body. Eat with purpose, eat with intelligence. food is no longer a reward. Food is fuel. Ease yourself off soda, caffeine, sweets, processed foods. Incorporate more Protein, colorful veggies and complex carbs. Drink Water, water, water. Is it easy? Hell no! But doing the above will make your post op life so much easier. This is only six months, post op is the rest of your life. Are you worth it? I'd say so.
  15. LipstickLady

    Last meal

    Same. I felt as if I'd eaten more than my share in my 40 years on earth. I was so ready to start my weight loss "journey", I started my pre-op diet two weeks early. I was on it for a full month pre-op. Never regretted a moment of it, either. At three years out, there are very few foods I can't eat, and I don't even want those any more. That said, it's a very unpopular trend around here to advise people to follow their doctor's plans, to not over indulge, to think about the logic of splurging on unhealthy choices just before WLS... So my new opinion is -- EAT what you want! Personally? I'm in it to win it.
  16. LipstickLady

    People and their big mouths

    You are far too smart to allow some d-bag steal your joy. You can't help who you are related to, but on the same note, you don't have to entertain the lunacy of f-ck wits, blood or not. Dust yourself off, girly. Imma' swim over there and beat you myself if you give her one more ounce of your being.
  17. Eat what you want, get what you get.

    1. OKCPirate


      Eat less of what you want, and you get less of what you get.

    2. LipstickLady


      What you put inside shows on the outside.

    3. LipstickLady


      Eat some makeup. You need to be pretty on the inside, too.

  18. LipstickLady

    Last meal

    Getting in these "last meals" in quantity is a great idea!!! Eat, drink and be merry!!!
  19. LipstickLady


    Good for you! Do what you want!
  20. Really? Cause my dr said no more bread, Pasta, or rice ever! Forever is a long time. That has me more scared then the actual surgery pain. Do you enjoy food like you did before just in smaller portions? Cause I'm afraid eating for me will always have to be a challenge from here on out. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App My doctor also said no more rice, pasta or bread and I choose to follow his directions, personally. I'm three years post op and maintaining like a champ, but I'm certainly no expert. That said, telling people to follow the advice of their surgeon is super unpopular around here, so I'll stick with my original advice. Eat what you want! You know your body best!
  21. LipstickLady

    Last meal

    I had chicken and salad. A carby meal makes me super hungry for days and I knew I personally couldn't handle that on such a restrictive pre op diet. If you can handle cravings for days (or perhaps carbs don't affect you like they do me), go for your favorites. Live large!
  22. You can eat anything you want!! It's great!
  23. It's so weird when people speak for EVERYONE or ALL OF US. Weird, I tell ya'!

    1. LipstickLady


      But WE are all one voice!!! Damn it!!!!

    2. OKCPirate


      One voice? Like "WLS works if you realize it is a tool not a freaking magic trick Moron". Or was there something else?

    3. LipstickLady


      We, us , everyone here, all of us... I literally can't even. ;)

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  24. Words of advice. pizza is NOT mushy.

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