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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Oh good! Hungover AND popcorn! Good for you! Yeah, good for me. I'm 28.. I choose to live my life. OH WOW I've had popcorn and a few drinks.. I'm going to fail, I forgot you were a doctor, and weren't just a person with your story, and what you did. My mistake. I've seen you on these boards and your general attitude.. Don't come for me. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I was on your side!! What did I miss?
  2. @@SiSSi829 It's clear you know your body best. It's not your fault the band failed you and your surgeon shouldn't be at all upset you ate bacon a few days post op. After all, you live with you and you are much more aware of what your body needs than he is. You do you! If that means eating off plan, so be it! Bacon can be chewed, milkshakes are a liquid (add some Protein powder?), popcorn is crunchy (and it's corn, really)... You've done this WLS thing before. I'm sure you'll rock it this time!
  3. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

    I think bacon is a GREAT idea. Bacon for everyone!
  4. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

    It isn't the few, it is the majority really and it has been escalating for a while. That is why WLS forums are filled with newbies and not veterans. I love it when when "vets" (who've not been real successful YET) attack vets who don't coddle and give warm fuzzy atta-girls/boys to newbies who are looking for permission/justification to make bad decisions. Yup, they are the best.
  5. Oh good! Hungover AND popcorn! Good for you!
  6. Well damn... Aren't we just the epitome of self control and discipline?!? If u were so good at it then you yourself wouldn't have needed surgery to begin with, with that said. I'm not on here be criticized or to be pitied. I searched for a forum to be informed, to find out if I was the only one going through things and to educate myself on something that I am new to. So please spare me with the self righteous bullshit! You and evry1 else who feels The need to taller about me Or My situation like u knw me. Everything is learned, unless u are so damn special that u were born knowing already. Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl 33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6" highest weight 300s in 2002-03 lowest weight 193 in 2014 I've lost 100 pounds. I've been below my goal weight for 14 months. I weigh 135 pounds. I am 70 years old. I got to this point in the last two years -- by which I mean I have accomplished my WLS goals -- by being compliant with my surgeon's instructions. Period. You can have your big fat hissy fit if you want to. And you can keep eating bacon if you want to. Or eat any damn thing you want to when "life gets too tough." See how far that gets you. Nobody has it easy after WLS. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. It's tough. So get tough. And you'll win, too. Congratulations on your weight loss and all that you have accomplished. Your are the perfect example of a person that I would call a "keyboard worrier"! Why cause any1 can sit behind a cellphone or computer screen and talk out their ass all day and it wouldn't even matter. U don't knw me. U don't knw my life not what I've been through and harsh and being rude not only to me but for every1 else that's tried to give a positive comment doesn't make any more then any1 here. The only difference between u and I is that I'm 21 days into this and u are 14 months, so don't act like you forgot what it felt like the first couple of days and even weeks. Yes every1 struggles, evry1 feels depressed and evry1 at some point thought "what did I get myself into" and no1 deserves to be talked down to because u feel some type of way about what's being said. If u don't agree say that or just don't say **** at all, move on to another post or something. But how dare u act like u don't remember those 1st couple of days when u feel so crappy with something that's been done to you body and have no idea how to get rid of it or fix. So go shake you're damn head somewhere else if u don't have any other way of giving insight to a person without talking down to them. Gastric Sleeve Surgery 6/15/16 Miami,Fl 33yrs/mother of 2boys /5'6" highest weight 300s in 2002-03 lowest weight 193 in 2014 Please don't try to speak for "evry1" because you definitely aren't speaking for me.
  7. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

    We don't always see eye to eye, but I agree. This is EXACTLY why we need a VET forum that is actually restricted to vets. You know you were invited elsewhere. You are still welcome.
  8. So if you did "really good" on your "diet" this week, don't treat/reward yourself with food! You deserve better than that!

    1. CHM


      YAY! Wait...so I AM a dog?

    2. OzRoo


      In that case the doggie choccies maybe a better choice, woof :)

      In other cases, go on the Online Diet: Delete all cookies .... Boom Boom

    3. LipstickLady


      You a bi...


      You a big girl! Do what you want!

    4. Show next comments  213 more
  9. LipstickLady

    Being honest with one's self

    The denial gets real thick in here sometimes.
  10. LipstickLady

    Hot Dogs?

    Eeeeek! I am all about being adventurous and I LOVE hot dogs but being adventurous on a newly cut and stitched tummy isn't the best idea, in **my opinion**. Hot dogs aren't soft and eating off your diet after weight loss surgery is a personal choice, but not one I'd choose. . There is plenty of time for hot dogs later! I took precautions lol - very small bites and chewed until they were mush. Also.. I had all my Protein in and I had calories left over and my fat and sugar macros were on the lower end (that's how I decide if I can splurge.. I track meticulously on MFP. ) So I decided I could let myself have a treat I've also been tolerating other kinds of meat well (chicken, and fish - which are both on my plan as long as they're chewed well at this point) So this is only what I did lol not what someone else should necessarily do - only my own experience. But I admit I'm very adventuresome at times. I got to 264 pounds "treating" myself with food and being "adventurous" on diets. Not the best decision for me, and a choice I won't make again!
  11. LipstickLady

    Hot Dogs?

    Eeeeek! I am all about being adventurous and I LOVE hot dogs but being adventurous on a newly cut and stitched tummy isn't the best idea, in **my opinion**. Hot dogs aren't soft and eating off your diet after weight loss surgery is a personal choice, but not one I'd choose. . There is plenty of time for hot dogs later!
  12. Two months of all liquids?! That's crazy! I'm three years post op and I've never heard such a long liquid post op diet. Months, not weeks? You might want to confirm that.
  13. I need a bourbon and Coke Zero in a tall glass. With a straw.

    1. sharonintx
    2. OKCPirate


      throw in a pizza and I'm there

    3. OzRoo


      Just throw money at me, lots of it, and I'll be there ASAP

    4. Show next comments  213 more
  14. LipstickLady

    Hot Dogs?

    I remember you posting about liking sausages. I bet you do, big boy...
  15. LipstickLady

    Hot Dogs?

    Y'all stop trying to ruin my beloved hot dogs!
  16. Crustless quiche! This morning, I used four eggs, 1 cup of skim milk, 1/2 cup 2% cheese, 1/2 cup bacon bits, 1/2 cup chopped onion, salt, pepper and dried mustard powder. Baked in the convection oven at 350 for 35 minutes in a pyrex and it's delicious! It also reheats well, so that's a plus. I think I might use two whole eggs and 4 egg whites next time to pump up the Protein and I didn't have any spinach or mushrooms to add to it or I would have. Think of all the possibilities! With the summer veggies coming in, you could add tomato, zucchini, asparagus...YUM! What are your favorite quiches? Give me ideas!
  17. One to three ounces of clear liquids per hour sounds off. I was told one to three ounces every 15 minutes to keep hydrated. If you went on the low end and stayed up all night, you would still only get 24 oz. That's not right.
  18. Happy fourth, y'all!!

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      Happy 4th to you also!

  19. I have spent the last week taking donations and loading an 18 wheeler for flood victims in WVa. We've worked from 9a-8p each day in 90+ degree heat. I NEVER would have been able to pull even one day before WLS. I have been interviewed with two news stations (ABC and CBS) and I have been in an assload of media pictures. In an attempt to garner more attention, I have live streamed throughout each day encouraging people to come out and help. Before WLS, I hated being in front of a camera and would have NEVER done even a moment of that. Over the week, I happily visited various businesses and asked for donations, even while sweaty and sort of a wreck. Before WLS, I didn't go anywhere with a hair out of place. I was always a fit, confident person, but I was also always very self aware and self conscious of my appearance. Losing this weight has given me the freedom to just DO without thinking about how I look doing it. Freedom. It's a beautiful thing. One truck filled to the brim, two more weeks of hard work ahead!
  20. LipstickLady

    Major NSV. Probably one of the best feel good ones so far.

    Nope. This is not about what I'm doing, it's what I am now ABLE to do. I'd bet any of you would do the same.
  21. I am so sorry to read about the loss of your father. I know there are no words that can ease your heartbreak and I can't imagine what you are going through. Hugs and healing to you and your family.
  22. LipstickLady

    Social Eating

    I totally and respectfully disagree! I am very social and told very few about my surgery. I had surgery in May, right at graduation/end of school year/teacher appreciation/Memorial Day picnics/summer vacation time. I was super fearful going in only to soon realize that people really don't take note of how much or how little you are eating unless you make a big deal of it. (This fear probably came from my fat days when I thought everyone noticed how much food I ate so I closet ate instead. Hmmm...) I always had a drink in my hand immediately post op and if anyone asked if I wanted a plate, I simply said I wasn't hungry. I didn't go further than that so I didn't invite further conversation.
  23. It worked for me! I never had the band, but unless I was taking phentermine, I was a bottomless pit. I could eat and eat and eat until I was stuffed and then crave more food 30 minutes later. Even when I did WWs, Atkins, South Beach, etc. food was constantly on my mind. Phentermine was the only thing that really turned that off for me until sleeve surgery. Now I hate being full. I think about food, but I don't crave it. I crave certain things from time to time, but it's a"I'd love to eat some..." not a "I **MUST** eat something..." I am three years out and I am thankful for this change every day.

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