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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Girl, ask some questions, I am more than happy to tell you A LOT more than that!
  2. LipstickLady

    Well :-(

    I'm seriously hoping it was a mistake. A wrong button pushed. Seriously.
  3. LipstickLady

    Alcohol 2 days preop

    Bottoms up, friend! I love a Bloody Mary! Good luck with your procedure.
  4. LipstickLady

    Well :-(

    @@Alex Brecher Why was the topic Beach Bikini Day removed? It was lovely.
  5. LipstickLady


    I hear you. I get it. I'd still skip the crackers. Eat an egg, have some cheese, definitely don't eat flour tortillas and chips are just... No. It's a personal choice. I don't eat everything my plan allows because my tummy is tiny and I don't have room for empty calories. That said, if you want crackers, have at 'em! Crackers are yummy.
  6. LipstickLady

    Well :-(

    There are no moderators.
  7. LipstickLady

    Well :-(

    Some people just suck. You do you. Don't let them affect YOUR great progress.
  8. LipstickLady

    Well :-(

    Stay. Ignore the negativity. Seriously.
  9. LipstickLady

    Laffy taffy - skittles -starburst

    AKA, they make you fart. And that is a fart you shouldn't trust.
  10. I was afraid of bananas, too. EEEK! I would buy the tiniest bananas I could find and blend in 1/2 (so maybe 2.5 inches worth?) until I found SF banana Torani syrup. It's usually near the coffee and it's really good. A pump or two in my chocolate Protein shake made me a very happy girl! If you can't find it in stores (World Market has tons of SF Flavors), look on Amazon.
  11. LipstickLady

    Weight Loss Surgery for the WIN!

    Yesterday the AC on our house went out. It was to be expected as we've been watching our neighbor's units being replaced pretty steadily over the last year and every house in my 'hood was built at the same time. (We were smart enough to buy home protection service last year as we watched it happen, too. ) Anywho...yesterday my kids started complaining that is was hot in the house. I'm usually freezing (bedazzled) @ss cold so I didn't even notice. Checked the AC, it was set at 76 and it was 80 in the house. Checked the breaker in the garage and the reset button on the unit. Definitely dead. By last night, it was a balmy 87 inside. Everyone else in the house is in misery. Me? I don't care if it takes them a week to get here. I'm like a turtle. I'm just soaking up the warmth. And yes, I still slept under the down comforter last night.
  12. LipstickLady

    Portion sizes help please

    I weighed and measured everything. It's amazing how quickly an ounce can grow to two when you eyeball it.
  13. LipstickLady

    Laffy taffy - skittles -starburst

    What did you call me?!? No inside jokes, precious! It's frowned upon, you twatwaffle.
  14. LipstickLady

    Ugh... why the hell did I do that?

    Pfft, I'm a stupid male that can't accept defeat. No matter how badly I would pay for it, I'd win the contest! In all seriousness though, my limit is 300K scoville. That's getting to the additive level. Habenero, Ghost peppers and everything like that though is my candy. You say Mexitalian I think jalapenos and crushed red peppers. Pfft. Whatevssss... I'd continue this verbal sparring/camaraderie but certain members here get all offended when us "others" have a bit of fun. Jeeeezus. We can talk about how hot we are elsewhere.
  15. LipstickLady

    Ugh... why the hell did I do that?

    Well after I hit maintenance.
  16. LipstickLady

    Ugh... why the hell did I do that?

    How hot do you get them? And how long was it before you could eat wings at all?Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Dude. I'm MexItalian. Your hottest is sugary sweet. Bring it.
  17. LipstickLady

    Laffy taffy - skittles -starburst

    What the %^&*&^ is a TIC taco???
  18. LipstickLady

    Laffy taffy - skittles -starburst

    If it isn't chocolate, it isn't worth it.
  19. LipstickLady

    Ugh... why the hell did I do that?

    I think that should be the big take away. Even after a year and a half, I am still learning. I'm three years out, maintaining with a bounce for two years and still learning. I know what I CAN experiment with successfully (CHEESE!, differently prepped fish, tofu, fancy meats), and what I can't (Pasta, rice, potato, cream based anything). I've learned to stop eating when I'm full and to serve myself teeny portions. I'm still learning not to buy everything that looks good in one shopping trip. The process never ends. Be mindful.
  20. LipstickLady

    Ugh... why the hell did I do that?

    So as a wing lover myself, I'm learning to clarify if they are breaded or not. Breaded? They are coming back up. Not breaded? I can eat 4 or 5. I also learned to eat the (giggle) two boners because the meat is thinner, they take longer to eat and I get less gristle. Hooters naked wings are a favorite! I've never had a cheese curd. I assume that's something fried if it's at BW3? And absolutely no fries. Two fries = one wing. Not worth the space.
  21. Turkey bacon makes me fart something fierce.
  23. So yesterday I was at Chick Filet and I overheard two middle school girls talking. A third girl had just walked in and girl one turned to girl two, side nodded at girl 3 and said, "I hate her so you can't like her either". Funny that some people never grow past that. ;)

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      LOL, now that my kid is an adult. I miss all the little random conversations I would hear being around kids. The things you hear in the stands at a football game. I don't look or dress like a mom, so if they don't know me, they never think I am a Mom.

    2. OKCPirate


      Stupid crud, dumb dumb dumb... However, half the population is below average, so I kind of expect it.

  24. DID YOU JUST BLOCK ME!!!?!??!?!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
