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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. You're welcome for sure! Hmmm....that's weird. I can't see Babb's post anymore either. @@Alex Brecher , where did Babb's posts go? SO STRANGE!!! This board has been wacky lately.
  2. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    Silly! You are supposed to have ALL the threads memorized!!
  3. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    I agree!! Why wouldn't one have a bottle of wine at 7 weeks out? Jeez!! Rock on!
  4. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    That's awesome!! Glad you had a great time!!
  5. Shaking my damn head.

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Is that not what arses were made for??

  6. Not true! There are plenty of body weight exercise you can do right at home. There is also the option of band training. Don't discount it so readily, I can still break a sweat from both of those activities. BigViff? You know I adore you, but seriously... Men don't count. They look out the window at a pretty girl walking by and they break their stall. The way men lose makes allllll the girls angry. EDIT TO ADD DISCLAIMER TO ANYONE READING. Viff and I are friends. I can poke him and he won't get mad. (I think he likes it.) No one needs to come in running to his rescue (or as one member like to say -- offer "back up") because I made a man joke. Seriously.
  7. I am going to agree with @Babbs I lost a lot (maybe 20?) of weight pre-op and then I "slowed" to 15ish pounds the first month and then after that? I was lucky to get close to 10 pounds a month. CLOSE TO. Not 10 lost. Your surgeon IS an ass to put such pressure on you. Your hormones are whacked, your body is screaming WTF!?!?! Your mind is asking you what the heck you did and where did all the chocolate and potato chips (or in my case, chocolate covered potato chips) go. Add to that your lower BMI? Of COURSE you are going to lose a bit slower. You are losing at an admirable pace. Follow his medical instructions for sure. His unrealistic weight loss goals can suck it.
  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm only an expert on me.
  9. This ignore feature is fabulous!

    1. KindaFamiliar


      You 'Mean Girls' can simply put all the 'newbs' on your list and play like you own the place...

    2. LipstickLady


      You mean boys, too. ;)

    3. Beck90


      Status updates need a "like" button...

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  10. LipstickLady

    There's a devil in my office

    I dropped a booger in that box. You're welcome.
  11. I saw mine last at 1 year post op. Everything checked out fine, I feel great, I have PCP if I don't. I also know if I feel bad and I am quite certain it relates to my sleeve or I am slipping, I can make an appointment with my surgeon's NP. So far, I don't need to.
  12. I like food, sex, beer, sports, trashy novels. And I gain three pounds two days before I start bleeding. I lose it the day after I start.
  13. LipstickLady

    Beach-Bikini Day

    You're my favorite person here!
  14. I was right where you are for my first year and a half or so. It took me that long to work up to 1000 calories, most days sitting firmly around 750. To combat that, my NP had me add in high protein, higher healthy fat foods to increase my caloric intake without increasing volume. I added delicious cheeses, avocado, olives in oil instead of Water, eggs with an extra yolk, almonds, Peanut Butter... Now I'm spoiled. I can't eat more in volume than I could during that time, but I can eat slightly more often so I have ween myself off all the richer foods. Dammit.
  15. @@summerset EEEEK! I am guilty, too! I didn't realize you were banded 15 years ago. You really DO have a lot to share. What do you think is a good definition of a vet? I mean, we are all going to interpret it in our own way, but as a long timer, you can definitely give an interesting perspective. What caused you to have revision surgery?
  16. PB&J for everyone! I love grilled cheese, too. Instead of bread, now, though, I use half a tortilla, extra cheese (and tons of yummy varieties) and end up peeling most of the tortilla off. It looks gross, but it hits the spot.
  17. I think the definition of veteran is up to the reader.
  18. LipstickLady

    What the hell did I do to my body?

    Sausage is good. Bigger sausage is better. I don't want a gentleman, though...
  19. LipstickLady

    ONE must know thing....

    It's not a cheat, it's a choice. You do what you think is best, but your results will directly correlate to those choices.
  20. This. A "follow your program" doesn't require (or isn't) any "vet wisdom". I'm not sure what is regarded as "vet wisdom"on here, but IMO "follow your program" or "talk to your NUT" or "you need to change your relationship with food" isn't valuable vet advice. That's only common sense. I also think of it as strange that people who're only 12 months out are already regarded as vets. Advice from vets is necessary when your individual program doesn't get you the spectacular results you were hoping for or when you're severely struggling with following your program down the road. Advice doesn't have to be anything fancy, it can be as simple as pointing out the title of a book that helped someone get their cravings under control. I disagree. I'm not saying my advice is better than anyone else's. Period. I am saying that someone who is one, two, three, five years post op and successful (or unsuccessful with a solid grasp on why) can offer much more than a book. Why else would these forums exist? Why would anyone join? I am only a expert on me, but I can certainly share my experiences with nauseousness and what corrected it, dumping (yes, with a sleeve), chronic vomiting and Water poop, a stricture, an extremely teeny sleeve, etc. I can talk about how/why I changed surgeons halfway through process and having to start over. I can talk about cooking for my family immediately post op, etc. Everyone who has gone through surgery can talk about their circumstances but as I was coming through, I wanted to learn from people who knew what it felt like, struggled, and succeeded anyways. That's just me, though.
  21. LipstickLady


    I'm pretty hot for an old lady!
  22. LipstickLady


    Woah what's wrong with steak in the first place?! Love me a good rare ribeye! I love it to be mooing! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Nothing! I love steak. The redder the better!
  23. LipstickLady


    Crackers, beer, steak, bacon and popcorn for everyone!! You're welcome, friends!!

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