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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I hate people around me

    I didn't invite people to comment on my weight and in fact, I discouraged it. Setting yourself up with a picture collage wasn't the best idea, especially while you are probably feeling frustrated and hormonal. For the record, people really didn't notice my weight loss until about 75 pounds, so there's that. You'll get there. Don't concentrate on other people's opinion of you. They don't matter.
  2. LipstickLady

    Feel like a Junkie

    Yuck. I never ever ever want another popsicle. Ever.
  3. LipstickLady

    How to Make the Most Out of Buffets

    Post sleeve, I decided it was MUCH better (FOR ME!!!!) to get the most out of my sleeve, not the most out of a party/buffet/open bar/all inclusive/salad bar/etc. In a situation like yours, I probably would ask if I could get a one trip deal or a child's buffet. If I could not, I would either choose just to order a starter or drink. If that's still not an option, I would get a little bit of meat, a little bit of veggie, skip the Soup and the rice (because it makes me vomit). I would skip anything fried or breaded and look for seafood if they had it on the buffet. I will never get my "money's worth" at any all you care to eat place, but I do get my money's worth at all my favorite REGULAR sized clothing stores!!
  4. LipstickLady

    Movie theater snack

    Good for you. I have no doubt you will be successful.
  5. LipstickLady

    Jeeez! Who is running this joint?

    You're here!!!
  6. LipstickLady

    Movie theater snack

    I like Walmart's best and I've tried them all.
  7. LipstickLady

    Hey friends!

    No idea. I do know I've gotten PMs from people who can't post here but I don't know the parameters. So same forum, different restrictions, restrictions not defined.
  8. LipstickLady

    Jeeez! Who is running this joint?

    I woke up in a grouchy mood this morning. Thought you were trying to stir up some trouble :-) We normally delete all topics that are posted for testing purposes. Your definition of innocuous is definitely different that mine lol. I was cleaning up threads that went off topic. I hope so as well. You are very welcome! Gasp! I TOLD you I am behaving! So much so, it's snore city. As for clearing threads that go off topic? Really? Isn't that the nature of forums? Discussion rather that point blank question/answer? I'm sorry to hear that, seriously. Discussion is what builds community and fosters relationship. Otherwise, it's just a bariatric web not-md. Kisses! Go back to bed and get up on the OTHER side. It's all groovy.
  9. LipstickLady

    Jeeez! Who is running this joint?

    Oh! And info think there are issues in the app that create issues. I don't use it personally because I can't see where I'm at, I can still see people I'm ignoring, I can't like posts successfully much of the time, etc. I lug around a big 6+ so I simply view the full site. Much easier. For me.
  10. LipstickLady

    Jeeez! Who is running this joint?

    I was teasing you in my title! My topic Testing Testing disappeared. Yesterday I had several posts disappear and reappear sporadically. Some posts are gone of mine that seem pretty innocuous. I've been a good girl! In fact, I'm kind of boring, lately. And yes, it does feel like a kindergarten lately. All the finger pointing, name calling, profile stalking looking to provide "back up", people fighting other people's battles that don't exist, etc. It's seriously goofy. It will settle. I think this forum for vets (thank you, again) along with an enhanced ignore, should go a long way!
  11. LipstickLady

    Movie theater snack

    My advice? When I was first post op, I needed to eat all day to get in even half of my Protein requirements. If that's you, take a Protein Drink. If that's not you, get out of the habit of snacking unnecessarily. It's a bad habit and one that is difficult to break. If you must have something, a cheese stick, grapes, grape tomatoes, olives... When you can have firmer foods, beef Jerky is my snack of choice along with almonds.
  12. Take a picture, it lasts longer. ;)

    1. Kaze


      Sit and do an renaissance portrait for hours and hours, it's more aesthetically pleasing.

  13. What has your doctor advised? My doctor said no drinking for about 45 minutes after eating. I tested that theory once or twice and was seriously uncomfortable after. It doesn't work FOR ME. You do what's best FOR YOU.
  14. I love love love that I can "ignore" people, but it sure would be nice if, like Facebook, when we ignored them, they would also be blocked from seeing us! I am POSITIVE this change would stop a lot of the nonsense that goes on here. @@Alex Brecher ?
  15. LipstickLady

    Can we get an enhanced IGNORE feature?

    AGREED!!!! If you don't' like someone, stop stalking their posts to start crap!!
  16. Man, I wish that people we blocked couldn't see us! I have a daily visitor to my profile looking for things to "back up". I can't see that person but that person sure likes to see me!!
  17. Those dang mosquitoes that used to annoy the crap out of me have been completely silenced. JOY!

    1. VSGAnn2014


      Anti-Zika bug spray? ;)

    2. LipstickLady
  18. LipstickLady

    OMG, how do I do it?

    I can only speak for me, but when I am sliding back into bad habits, I simply go back to the basics. I do three or four days of Protein shakes only, and then a few days of two or three Protein Shakes and one meal of lean meat and veggies. I pretty much do my pre-op diet but I allow unlimited, non starchy veggies. Getting myself back into ketosis kickstarts things, gets the carb cravings out of my system, and refocuses my head.. It's not easy, but it works for me.
  19. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    You have personally attacked me TWICE -- both times when I was supportive of your decision to act in a manner that I wouldn't necessarily choose for myself, but you are not me, so who am I to tell you differently? Neither time was I being "sarcastic, bitchy, or unpleasant". I wasn't trying to "embarrass, humiliate or ridicule" you for your choice. In fact, I told you to rock on. What am I missing? It seems to me that you are being defensive when it's truly not needed. If that's your idea of being "positive, warm, uplifting and coming from a warm place", you might want to reexamine those definitions. Best of luck on your journey. (Do you know how to block me? If not, I'm happy to help you do it.)
  20. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    I seriously wasn't even being sarcastic. That's the humorous part.
  21. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    I agree!! Why wouldn't one have a bottle of wine at 7 weeks out? Jeez!! Rock on!Leave it alone old lady, honestly I'm so over you and your sarcasm. First time you did it, I was gracious as I thought it was a misunderstanding, now I know you're just a witch. It's a shame really that you believe due to your own personal experience you know it all, I didn't realise you was a qualified bariatric nurse.. It all makes sense now.Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I am being absolutely serious! If you want to have a bottle of wine, more power to you. You are the boss of you, no sarcasm coming from me at all. Pinky promise. Your name calling and personal attacks are seriously not needed. I'm sure they will be liked by one or two, though.
  22. @@Babbs !! There you are!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
