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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I am clearly irresistible!

    1. ProudGrammy


      you are irresistible!! and i'm cute as a button!!! LOL - what a pair we make! - stay the same, i will too - LOL see you around the neighborhood - kathy

    2. Daisee68


      Was there ever a question ? :)

    3. LipstickLady
    4. Show next comments  198 more
  2. LipstickLady

    Anyone in education getting sleeved?

    Do it. Don't wait. You're important.
  3. Sigh. Ok. You can stay.
  4. You promised SMUT, not logic!!! Dangit!!
  5. This was your 2000th post? MAN. You should be voted off the island.
  6. DUDE!!! You screwed the pooch!!!
  7. So.... This was post 1,999. I can't WAIT to hear what #2000 brings, @@OKCPirate !!!
  8. LipstickLady


    I stuck to mine but I am positive that there are many out there that have chosen not to. I can't imagine a hard boiled egg or piece of chicken being more important than my well being during surgery. But that's just crazy talk on my part. You do what you think is best for YOU.
  9. @KindaFamiliar ... Do you need some birthday spankings?

    1. KindaFamiliar


      Need? No...

      Want? Yes!!!

    2. VSGAnn2014


      Bend over ...!

    3. jane13



      feel better, or do we ALL need to spank you, one by one }:P

  10. LipstickLady

    I feel like I can hold too much..

    Where in the world do you get pickles without skin? I love pickles!!
  11. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    I fear for our children, I really do.
  12. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    It seems as if respect is at an all time low and entitlement is at an all time high. Throw in a handful of religious fanatics, political terrorists and we have a recipe for disaster. Scary times.
  13. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    I agree. I do think we are in a really bad part of a somewhat regular cycle in history and we will come out of it in time. But how much time? How many more lives? Is social media fueling the hate? How do we turn it around? It's scary. Really scary. Kiss your husband for me and thank him for his time on the force. XXOO
  14. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    I don't know about profound or wise, but thank you. I am seriously angry at myself for allowing certain people on an internet forum to take up even a moment of space in my head in a negative manner. I'm going to work on that. With two children, one of whom is about to go off to college and leave the relative safety of my nest, I need to push out the bad and embrace the good. I NEED TO.
  15. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    I can't imagine. I would tape my body to my child who was serving as a police officer right now. No kidding.
  16. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    I've been known to moon people at parties occasionally. Doesn't mean I do it every time. Don't give away your power. If they ask you why you aren't drinking, tell 'em you don't want to. If they are judging you for NOT drinking, you need to hang with a better class of people. They don't deserve your time.
  17. LipstickLady

    First Time Out Drinking

    A grown ass adult tried to pressure you into drinking? Seriously? And if you don't want a drink, don't take one. You are the boss of you.
  18. LipstickLady

    Suggestions for midnight movie munchies

    Don't. With all these people screaming fire, why wouldn't you think you smell smoke?
  19. LipstickLady

    Suggestions for midnight movie munchies

    Actually, I think it's indicative of the state of these boards lately. So many people are running around pointing fingers and callings names, people are on edge. So much so, that humor is missed and the ability to show a little personality has been squashed. It's all good.
  20. LipstickLady

    Suggestions for midnight movie munchies

    @ And yes, I know those accusations wouldn't come from YOU.
  21. LipstickLady

    Suggestions for midnight movie munchies

    My first suggestion would be to get out of the midnight munchies/grazing habit, but I won't say that because I'll be called a meanie or accused of shaming, neither of which my intent would be. A string cheese, almonds, jerky, olives, berries, Protein chips... (He was joking.)
  22. LipstickLady

    Oh, how easily we sabotage ourselves...

    Stay off the scale if it's bothering you. Measure your success by how your clothes feel. Remember, you can lose inches without pounds. Also. Find a pair of leggings and a tank top. Put them on and have someone take your picture, front, back and both sides. Do this from the same distance once per week. Best comparison shots ever. I say black pants and white tank because these are basics and easy to find as you shrink out of your originals.
  23. What the hell? False pretenses. @@OKCPirate better deliver.
  24. Threads disappearing, posts disappearing in bulk, posts reappearing but mangled... What in the world? Hello vets!! Looks like we have us a protected forum! Let's chat!! OH! And thanks, @@Alex Brecher !
  25. LipstickLady

    Hey friends!

    Me too!!! I wash it down with a bottle of wine.

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