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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    I've not regretted mine for a minute!
  2. (Imma' gonna go ahead and tip toe out the door!)
  3. As a sleeved chick who dumps, I'm going to have to disagree! I dump from high sugar almost always, but other random times pretty regularly. No rhyme or reason, really. Three + years out, here.
  4. Of course it can be done. I learned the hard way. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake.
  5. We go out and eat and drink, I just eat and drink a LOT less. I usually order an app or a side. Sometimes, I just eat a little off his plate. No big deal. I still cook like normal, I just cook a lot less. We still go to our normal places, we just spend less. We never did buffets before, so that's not a change. My husband didn't have surgery, I did. There is no need for US to change, I changed. And for the better. There is a LOT more that I can do now that I couldn't do before (including in the bedroom.)
  6. I can drink right up to a meal, but during or within 45 minutes after is uncomfortable at best, and usually makes me vomit. If I take more than a teeny sip while eating, my meal is over. I can't hold any more. It's been three years. I am totally used to it.
  7. LipstickLady

    What's on your bucket list?

    I've been at goal for a little over two years and life is awesome! I do mud runs with my kids, I am a martial arts instructor, I run the dunes in Kill Devil Hills, I Zumba. I am no longer self conscious of my size when I travel, I can fit in airplane seat and down the aisles of various means of transportation without have to shuffle sideways sucking in my gut. Theatre seats are comfy, hotel bath towels fit all the way around me and amusement parks ride operators no longer grimace when they see me coming. And the shopping...don't even get me started.
  8. LipstickLady

    Hey friends!

    We have us a room.
  9. LipstickLady

    How to Make the Most Out of Buffets

    I have a stricture and a VERY tight sleeve so I was a very slow mover through the food stages. I drank the Carb Advantage (Sam's or Walmart) Protein shakes because they were a bit thinner than Premiere. I filled my Tervis Tumbler up to the brim with crushed ice and poured the shake over it. It took me hours to finish it, but the Tervis kept it cold. This helped me get in a full Protein Drink as well as about 20oz of liquid from the ice. I had 2 of these daily along with as much 50/50 Gatorade Water I could handle.
  10. LipstickLady

    I hate it when people say...

    I'm ok with being a "fake" woman. I am a THIN "fake" woman.
  11. LipstickLady

    I hate it when people say...

    I lost XXX pounds and **KEPT** it off because of surgery. So SUCK it.
  12. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    A HUGE hug to all our military, police and first responders. I can't even imagine the turmoil you and your families are feeling right now.
  13. LipstickLady

    Just feeling down

    @@Sophie74656 Kisses, girl. Message me if you need to talk.
  14. LipstickLady

    Just a Tip

    And, THAT makes you my new best friend *giggle*Hahha. Def wasn't thinking that when I wrote it! Sent from my LGMS631 using the BariatricPal App But now you can't unthink it.
  15. LipstickLady

    Just a Tip

    (I am sure I will offend someone by saying this, but I just can't hold it in. Every time I read the title of this post, I think to myself 'that's what she said.' Giggle.)
  16. LipstickLady

    Just a Tip

    A pillow is a MUST for the car ride home. The bumps along the road can be felt from the inside out and a pillow helps that pain a LOT.
  17. LipstickLady

    Bizzaro milestone?

    Here's another one. When I was a fatty, I always had "dirty knees" in the summer. Because I wanted to look my best (aka less like a manatee and more like a dolphin) on the beach or at the pool, I would pose my body "just so" -- chest out, tummy sucked in, knees bent at exactly the right angle... When you tan with your knees bent, they look darker when your legs are straight because more skin is exposed. (You beachy girls totally follow me, right??) Now when I am at the beach or the river, I don't care what people think of my much smaller body. I lay spread out, legs flat, comfy instead of all tensed up. My knees look so much less dirty. HA!
  18. Do any of you Americans regularly buy the Entertainment book?

    1. theantichick


      I get one every year because I forget to cancel my subscription. I used to use it enough to get my money back, but keep forgetting about it now. :/

  19. LipstickLady

    Bizzaro milestone?

    This is my favorite answer. Fo'shizzle.
  20. LipstickLady


    You're not going to like my answer, but I will post it anyway. What can you do? Suck it up and keep going! You are almost to the puree' stage and you can and WILL make it. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it's a miserable feeling, but it's kind of like labor. It's horrible while it's happening, but the results are worth it. Plus, in a few weeks, you will forget about how miserable you were. You can do it!! I'm rooting for you! Stay strong, rinse every few hours with Listerine (because nothing tastes good after that), drink lots of Water, knit or paint your nails (keeps your hands busy), walk, walk, walk... You will get through this.
  21. LipstickLady

    Bizzaro milestone?

    I love that! I no longer even worry about taking off my shoes, my watch, my earrings...HELL. Anything and everything I could get away with. I can now put on a pair of heels without carrying a spare pair of flats! And I can wear them for several days in a row without wanting to die. It's so weird.

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