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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I weigh myself 2 to 985,789,475 times a day, naked, clothed, morning, night, before a poo, after a poo, just because. I don't measure my success by that number, though. I measure my success by how my clothes fit, how easily I can climb a flight of stairs, how physical activity doesn't make me sweat excessively, how easy it is to buy clothes, how I fit in seats, how I feel about ME. I applaud your approach. As long as YOU are happy with your achievements, nothing else really matters.
  2. LipstickLady

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    @@GinaCampbell I am certainly not discounting your experiences or those of your friends (or anyone else for that matter!). I've never felt that these forums have "shunned" those who have had complications nor do I think those who have hold "unpopular opinions". What happened to you happened to you (you being general plural) good OR bad and I'm sorry you've (specific) had such an experience. I had many complications of my own and my post was simply telling you how **I** dealt with them. I certainly hope that yours are resolved sooner rather than later. Best wishes.
  3. LipstickLady

    Do you still identify as a wls patient?

    I will always BE a WLS patient. I will always EAT like a WLS patient. I will always PONDER my choices like a WLS patient. I will not IDENTIFY as one. (Perhaps I am taking the question too literally?) I've got far more interesting things to identify as.
  4. LipstickLady

    Sleeve done

    Good for you!! Welcome to the "other" side!! Now go for a walk and sip some Water.
  5. LipstickLady

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    This is not normal. You need to hire a legal team if you were promised things that are no longer being given to you. I had diarrhea -- Probiotics helped that immediately. I have a stricture, I simply eat slowly and lean towards softer foods. Gall bladder removal is common after WLS, so that's no big deal -- no medication I know of will prevent that. Many of us "battle" dehydration for months after surgery, we just adapt by sipping fluids alllllll day long. I went months on 300-700 calories a day. It took me almost a year to get up to 900. I was severely nauseated and had cramping, both were treated with two teeny pills. I couldn't swallow vitamins (stricture) so I took a gummy form. Some of your stuff sounds normal and workable, some, not so much. Y'all really need to seek council.
  6. LipstickLady

    If the seatbelt fits...

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App See y'all?? This is how ADULTS discuss issues and incidents. Mistake? Misunderstanding? Error in advice? IT's ALL GOOD!!! Just listen and HEAR what the other person is saying. It will all work out if you make the effort. I misunderstood. I acknowledged that. NO BIG DEAL ON EITHER SIDE. Thanks @@fatgirlsvelte for understanding. PSA over.
  7. LipstickLady

    If the seatbelt fits...

    OH DEAR LORD!! I screwed up!! YOU GO ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF. I totally thought you were four months post op. HAAHAHAAA!! You keep doing what you are doing, for REAL.
  8. LipstickLady

    If the seatbelt fits...

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App All right, girl... I have been rooting for you since your bathing suit post for real and I am so happy for your success!! That said, I would not be me if I did not say **based on my experiences** to slow your roll a bit. The bread, alcohol, ice cream, all in one meal at four months out? No. You should not deprive yourself (that's why I got the sleeve vs bypass), but maybe pick ONE of the three vices? The servings of all are teeny, but put together, that's a pretty big meal -- one I couldn't handle at 3 years post op. Added all together, that is certainly over my 1500 calorie range, and at four months, I was still at 500 - 800 calories, but again, that's just me. YOU DO YOU. You know what's best for you. Just consider my opinion.
  9. I was in a kickboxing class a few months post op and my pants fell off. In front of the class, and worse ... IN FRONT OF MY MARTIAL ARTS INSTRUCTOR!!!!
  10. LipstickLady

    Flat Diet Coke

    I drink that, too. Really? how soon after surgery? how many? Trust me, I don't plan to drink any time soon after surgery, but I'm VERY curious to know.. When my surgeon gave me permission!
  11. LipstickLady

    Flat Diet Coke

    I drink that, too.
  12. LipstickLady

    If the seatbelt fits...

    Yay you! You are doing fabulously.
  13. LipstickLady

    Do you still identify as a wls patient?

    Nope. Well, here I do obviously, and with another group of favorite people on the WWW, but other than that? Nope. I didn't tell people because I want a normal life. I don't identify as a brain tumor patient either (unless I want something) and that was a far bigger deal than some stomach cut out.
  14. LipstickLady

    I hate food

    Yup! That's why I did me pre op diet for a month instead of two weeks and why I never even considered a "food funeral". Why gain it just to lose it? I'd eaten more than my lifetime share of food by the time I had surgery and was ready to stop. So....I did.
  15. LipstickLady

    Flat Diet Coke

    I drink Coke Zero (fizzy and with a straw no less!) all the time. I prefer a fountain soda, but will pour some over ice at home. No success "wasted" here! I didn't drink it before my NP gave me permission at 6 months, though.
  16. Nothing wrong with full fat cheese!!
  17. LipstickLady

    Now I'm pissed. Seriously pissed...

    People are killing police officers. Police officers are scared and some are trigger fast. Terrorists are gunning down people in nightclubs and running families down with trucks. College campuses are under attack, high schools are using metal detectors. Innocent people are losing their lives around the world because of senseless hate. Yet here we are, on this forum, worried about who is eating crap, drinking and smoking four days post op? People are fighting about straws, about carbonation, about f'ing popcorn? People are pointing fingers, cyber stalking, name calling, accusing, getting defensive, cursing at, reporting, conspiring against... All because they don't "like" someone they never met? I'm not crying innocent, I'm certainly no angel, but I am tired. In light of all that is happening in this world, is a post that can easily be skipped, or a poster who can be ignored, really worth all this nonsense? Personally, I'm done. Have at it, folks. Do what you want to do. Live your life, eat what you want, ask for advice and love it or hate it, take it or leave it. It's your choice. While you're doing all that? Hug your kids, call your mother, text your best friend, smile at a stranger, give a homeless guy a gift card for a meal, take Cookies to a neighbor, pay the toll of the lady behind you... Tell your loved ones how much you care about them and take a minute to care about a stranger, too. Spread a little love. Please.
  18. chicken is hard on me as it is on a lot of people and I am three years out. I can eat it in chicken salad, or with lots of sauce or gravy but plain chicken? Nope. Thunk. Try seafood! Lighter fish, shrimp, scallops, CRAB (in legs or blue)... All high in Protein and can be prepared in a million ways. SO GOOD.
  19. LipstickLady

    Over doing sushi?

    Not to further belabor the point, but... I'm still rice-less at over three years out. After 1-2 pieces of sushi with rice and I tend to get very uncomfortable to the point of vomiting. I was told it expands but I'm not a doctor or a scientist, so... I eat sushi without rice. All the same rolls, I just ask them the roll it in seaweed or cucumber. If they don't get it or can't do it, I just peel the rice off (usually making a mess) and have at it.
  20. Dang, girl! I rarely come here anymore and you still can't help creeping on me! Too bad the block doesn't work both ways...

    1. FrankyG


      I hate when I miss stuff. :(

    2. LipstickLady


      No stuff to miss. :D It's just amusing to me how irresistible certain people (person) find me.

  21. LipstickLady

    Not behaving myself...

    Thank you for your support! I'm open to hearing your opinion on what I'm doing wrong, but gentle please Sent from my LGMS345 using the BariatricPal App Nope. I'm not "gentle" by nature. Sounds to me like you KNOW what you are doing wrong. Nothing I can tell you and nothing your team can tell you if you choose not to do it. You just have to make up your mind to it and make it happen!
  22. LipstickLady

    Not behaving myself...

    Oh dear... I won't try to shame you into doing what it right nor will I tell you what I think you are doing "wrong" in my opinion. Talk to your doctor. She/he is your best council. Your body is your best measure, but all together, it's up to you. Your efforts will equal your results. I am rooting for you!
  23. LipstickLady

    Maybe too much but...

    WHY!?!?!?!?! Go with it, girl!! I've got a great bullet to help that out. So serious!!
  24. LipstickLady

    Maybe too much but...

    No, but what a great side effect!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
