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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I figured I ate more than my share in my 40 years and my obesity was putting me at risk for knee, back and health issues. I was pre-diabetic and frankly, tired of being the fattest mom in the room. It's clearly all about perspective along with the whys of surgery. Best to you.
  2. LipstickLady

    Ugh---sleeved 8/1

    You had major stomach surgery on 8.1, ate Pasta on 8.3, and wonder why you feel bad and have diarrhea? You might need to discuss this with your surgeon.
  3. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    And yes, at your stage, I had to remind myself to eat. I set alarms and would grudgingly eat my scoop of hummus or Beans, not wanting a lick of it, but knowing my body needed it to heal. I spent this last week in Las Vegas and alcohol aside, I probably ate about 500 calories a day because I was so busy. I still don't always remember to get in my nutrients, I just stopped setting alarms.
  4. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I have feeding and non feeding days. Some days I want to eat and can get in 3/4 cup at one time. Most days I'm not a fan of food and can't hold 1/2 cup in a sitting or it comes back up. At your stage, I was lucky to eat 2 tablespoons in a sitting. Like @@Dub , I am grateful. I no longer live to eat, I eat to live. I am in **no way** denigrating your story. I'm only offering my journey up to those who may be reading, are newly post op, and feeling your frustrations. It can and does get better for the majority of us. It's only fair to those starting out to know both sides of early complications.
  5. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    This totally boggles my mind and I'm sorry you weren't told these very basic things, nor did you find them in your extensive research. Some people can eat meat, some people can drink tea and coffee, some people can organise quick easy meals. So no amount of research on my part would have revealed that I might not be able to. But not to be told that your quantities would be limited, that you couldn't eat/drink at the same time and that your actual diet would be far different than "regular" people for the rest of your life? Sheesh!! MIND BOGGLING. I sincerely hope you find peace with your decision. I hit the three month mark before I felt somewhat normal, but still struggle with diarrhea and various other complications (stricture). I am definitely not going through what you are, but I do have a small sense of your frustration.
  6. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    This totally boggles my mind and I'm sorry you weren't told these very basic things, nor did you find them in your extensive research.
  7. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I've been following your story and I hate that you are so miserable. My wish for you is that you find relief from the discomfort and inconveniences (understatement!!) you are dealing with. I know you did a LOT of research and feel that you were completely underinformed. In your initial post, you stated : "I miss eating quickly and simply in a way that doesn't have to be well thought out. I want to be able to eat a full salad, maybe even with dressings, without worrying about which component might not agree with me. I want to be able to eat any kind of meat I want cooked how I want in the quantity I want. I want to drink beverages with my meals. I miss a morning coffee or afternoon tea. I miss ice tea. (I know other people can drink it but I can't now). I don't want to have to plan my food day meticulously or be different from others around me eating." Were you not told that all of these things would change or do you now just wish you could go back? These above changes are standard fare for almost all weight loss surgeries , especially so soon out. I'm over three years out and all of the above except coffee and tea still applies, but I knew that going in. (I will say my new meal planning now feels normal so that's a plus!!) As for the dirty house comments and other such nonsense? Report that crap!! That's more than ridiculous! No one should say crap like that to you. I wish you well, and more importanyly, I wish you peace.
  8. LipstickLady

    Gym ugh

  9. You vomit from time to time and you are ok with that? It sounds like you gave yourself an eating disorder by getting a sleeve. You found a post I made almost two years ago and have the qualifications to diagnose an eating disorder over one simple paragraph? Amazing!
  10. You are sending VERY mixed messages, @@Alex Brecher !!
  11. I totally appreciate your self awareness and I **am** one of those blunt, forward people. There are definitely things that totally "butt hurt" me or just p!ss me off in general, so I avoid those topics/forums. Why? Because I don't feel those discussions are for me, but I also feel I shouldn't stifle other peoples' discussion because it makes ME unhappy/uncomfortable. It seems to me that you are self aware enough to do the same for the most part and I admire that in you. I am definitely going to refrain from from posting here because clearly, @@Alex Brecher has made it clear that people like me are no longer welcome. I may chat with friends I KNOW appreciate my frame of mind, but as for answering questions to those I don't know? It's not worth it. If people want to drink/smoke/eat solid foods directly pre or post op, more power to them. If they ask if it's bad but they justify what their actions in the same post, I know they don't want to hear other opinions. My opinion is my own (it says so in my signature) and is only based on my experiences. Clearly my disclaimer is not enough, so I am done. The vet forum is where I will stay for the most part, if at all, unless I know it is someone that will appreciate my advice whether they choose to take it or not. I cannot continue to be called mean, a bully, a clique, etc. blah blah blah. I'm thin, I'm healthy and I have much more important things to do with my life than volunteer my time paying forward the support I was given when it is clearly unwanted. There are a handful of people who have changed this board for the worse (in my opinion) and we have lost a BUNCH of great people. Fortunately, I can connect with them elsewhere and elsewhere is clearly where I need to be. Best to you all!
  12. Girl, I couldn't agree with you more. To add to that -- some people are gonna be offended because they WANNA be offended.
  13. We must also expect the person/people reading to be civil and mature.
  14. This is why I like (most) men better than (most) women. They look at what's presented to them without adding a whole lot of interpretation and emotional connection. You gotta take words on an internet forum at face value instead of reading into every word spoken as a direct hit. Sigh. Staying true to myself is stepping away. Eventually these boards may revolve back into being a place where one can just be oneself but for now? Not so much. You can come sell me shoes anytime.
  15. It has nothing to do with wanting special permission to be "disrespectful", "uncivil", to "treat people poorly", be "mean" or "condescending". It has EVERYTHING to do with the new trend of having to pussyfoot around these boards knowing that someone is GOING to be offended just because of who you are and those who are behind the scenes TELLING others to be offended because they don't like you. I have no problem talking out a misunderstanding, clarifying a post or apologizing for offending someone if I do so. I do have a problem with adopting a fake warm fuzzy persona because some people are looking to be offended where no offense is there. These boards are evolving into a place to be coddled and cossetted to, instead of place where one can give and receive solid advice. It's a shame. Edit to add: This is MY OPINION. No one needs to read it or feel offended by it.
  16. Message me if you'd like to find me on FB, Twitter or Insta!

  17. I am seriously puzzled on how one may be able to make sure that his/her every word is pleasing to every personality on this board without giving up his/her own personality in its entirety. Even then, words are often misconstrued because the reader is emotional/hangry/wants to hear something else/is from another country where words and phrases have different meaning than the person replying. It's also apparent that some people are ripe and ready to be offended because they don't like the person replying or were told that they should be offended when they weren't beforehand. Perhaps instead of making a post like this, one that will only create MORE disharmony and dissension (and causing some of our most helpful people to leave), the offensive parties should be addressed directly. Posts like this **IN MY OPINION** are more harmful to the general sense of community because they justify AND INSPIRE unnecessary butt hurt and finger pointing. Wow. I'm sad. It seems as if there is a trend of posts lately that are telling vets that their time here is done. I hear you loud and clear. ***Of course, this is just MY opinion and just a suggestion, not meant to offend anyone. It's just based on MY experiences as a forum moderator and board owner.***
  18. Vegas in three days!

    1. Montana Gal

      Montana Gal

      Have a great time!!!

    2. Djmohr


      I might be able to fit in your suitcase. LOL. Have a great time!

    3. OKCPirate


      Geez, does Las Vegas know that what happens with lipstick lady, stays with lipstick lady? Just asking

    4. Show next comments  189 more
  19. LipstickLady

    Burping foam

    You ate too much or too fast or too closely to bedtime, most likely. Or, you need a stronger a stronger PPI. Foamies are the worst. I got them all the time for my first year. Log what you've eaten when you foam. You'll find the pattern. Mine was rice, potatoes, any type of bread....
  20. LipstickLady

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    I'm still trying to figure out who said they worked for the NHS. I have read and reread, but I'm missing it.
  21. LipstickLady

    The H Word

    A few sips is only a handful of calories and liquid goes through a sleeve pretty fast. Just keep sipping that Protein drink. My goal was 3 a day, but I could usually only get in two. This hungry stuff will most likely stop when you hit soft foods and can get your protein in via "real" food. Make sure you are taking your PPI, too. Too much tummy acid mimics the feeling of hunger.
  22. LipstickLady

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    @@Elen Oh! And just a thought point for you that I really didn't understand pre-op and you can't fully understand until you've done it. (Post op people hit me up with some LIKES if you agree!!!) Feeling full after WLS (the sleeve anyways) is NOT good. I used to love feeling full. I craved it, I chased it, I got fat because of it. Now feeling full makes me feel like sh*t for hours. It's physically uncomfortable, it makes me feel claustrophobic, I get sweaty, I get nervous, I want to hurl and sometimes I do. Full sits in my chest for hours instead of in that warm comfy spot where my tummy used to live. Seriously.
  23. LipstickLady

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    Ah...OK. Reading that second article was interesting. I've never thought of food as "morally good" or "morally bad" and I'm not much on the use of the word triggering so I truly had no idea what you were saying. So that said... I can kind of agree/disagree. I had the sleeve vs. bypass so I could live a fairly normal life dietarily (is that even a word?). I wanted to be able to have a piece of cake or a scoop of ice cream occasionally. (Ice cream makes me dump, so that's a no.) I enjoy chicken wings and potato chips occasionally as well. BUT. Eating intuitively? Nope with a capital NO. I got to 264 pounds eating intuitively. FOR ME, some foods are bad. Not morally, just a really horrible decision. Ice cream (for the reasons above), rice, potato chips (can't stop with just a couple), M&Ms (same). Some are good. Not morally, they just help me stay on track. eggs, cheese, red meat, asparagus, anything that comes out of the deep blue sea... I spent way too much time yo you dieting. I thought I was a super healthy fat person but now that I am not a fat person, I can see all the damage I did to my body while thinking that way. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/308645-i-was-a-super-healthy-fat-person-until-surgery-changed-my-life-was-it-worth-it/?hl=%20super%20%20healthy%20%20fat That said. My words are mine. My actions and my results are mine. You know yourself best and my words are not at all meant to take away from yours. Good luck to you!! Clearly you have put a TON of thought into this process which is so much more than I can say about a lot of people who have this procedure done.
  24. LipstickLady

    Instant Pot! Good recipes and ideas?

    It's not legal in VA unfortunately!!
  25. LipstickLady

    Instant Pot! Good recipes and ideas?

    Where does one get instant pot and will they ship it to states where it's not yet legal???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
