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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Sleepiness after every meal!

    Yup. It will pass. How much are you eating at one time? For me, it was all about my blood sugar level being so low and then suddenly high. It made me warm and sleepy and generally irritable. I found that if I ate 6 or 7 mini meals instead of three mains, my blood sugar levels stayed more even lessening that awful feeling. My NP also suggested Gatorade mixed 50/50 with Water to stay hydrated and to keep my salt/sugar levels up a bit. I was only consuming 400-600 calories a day, so a bit of Gatorade was negligible. *****THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE ONLY. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR CONDITIONS.***** (I had to put in that disclaimer 'cuz some people get really offended when us old timers offer up an opinion. )
  2. LipstickLady


    Listerine is the answer. It is so strong and so foul tasting and smelling that it will clear up any desire to eat/drink/smell anything. Listerine breath strips work, but a good old full on gargle will totally wipe your head of the desire to actually put anything in your mouth. Including your tongue.
  3. LipstickLady

    Confessions of a good girl gone bad...

    I was a hot mess for the first 6 months post op. Emotional, angry, elated, exhausted, high maintenance, energetic, miserable, excited -- all in the passing of about five minutes. EVERY five minutes. I knew it, I owned it, I apologized for it. My family bore the biggest brunt of it, unfortunately, but because I realized it, I often put myself in time out when I needed to. When my mood was swinging, I stayed away from things that triggered my anger and channeled that energy towards cleaning or organizing or kickboxing the crud out of something. This will pass. Just don't take it out on me, please. I mean well, I promise.
  4. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    I got beat up on for suggesting cheese! How about them apples?
  5. LipstickLady

    Phew! Is it...

    Never ever ever will I suggest a healthy high Protein REAL food over a processed, boxed, carb laden food. Not without a helmet, anyways.... SHEESH!
  6. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    And it's the vets that are the problem....
  7. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    cheese, avocado, hummus, greek yogurt, Peanut Butter, spinach dip, refried Beans, soft scrambled eggs with cheese, chicken salad, seafood salad, crab legs, crab cakes, deviled ham.... So many better things for you than cheese-itz. You will get to the crunch, promise.
  8. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    No, they taste like flat, crispy Goldfish crackers. I like the Extra Toasty ones, myself, but I don't buy them often. If they are in the house, they taunt me. I know I could snarf down a serving easily and they don't stick with you long. I will buy 100 calorie packs occasionally because they are overpriced that way and I am too cheap to open more than one bag in a sitting.
  9. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    For the record, my very first mushy food was mashed potatoes with fat free gravy -- recommended by my NP. I used real potatoes, not boxed, real milk, real butter, and Protein powder. (She did limit me to 1/4 cup a day.) Real food, with real Fiber and added protein. Mashed potatoes are in no way akin to Cheez-its.
  10. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    I guess I don't understand how expressing a different opinion equates to the "wrath of God". Is it me or are logical, nutritional options no longer desired? If so, I am going to say TOO BAD. My answers are as much for the lurkers as they are for the people authoring the thread. I can't imagine many doctors who would give an enthusiastic thumbs up to processed food over real food at 2-3 months out. If the issue is truly caloric intake, I would rather one get more nutritional punch for their calories than something like Cheez-its would offer. #TeamCheese #RealFood #ThreeYearsOutandSuccessful
  11. I long for the days when one could give nutritionally sound, WLS friendly dietary alternatives without getting smacked down by another member who prefers to pass out permission to eat junk food.

    1. Beck90


      Hey Dark choco is healthy for your heart so dark choco + banana seems legit (and tasty!) to me within moderation of course.

    2. Bee healthy

      Bee healthy

      Repeating this comment from above...I am a newbie and I welcome advice from all of you Vets. This community would not be very helpful without Vets sharing wisdom and experience. Please don't stop! ( that includes the humor and funny observations...great for a laugh or two)

    3. KristenLe


      My favorite is when the OP isn't even complaining about the comments and some "hero" comes in on the attack and accuses everyone of bullying the OP and being ignorant and mean.

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  12. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    She didn't ask about kale, quinoa or salmon (which is actually what I made for dinner Monday) nor was I being judgemental. I simply offered a better alternative for her stage in the game and I did so with a bit of humor to boot. Crackers can be a slippery slope and my suggestion was made with good intent. Clearly that's not understood around these parts so I acquiesce to your more approved of answer! As I said, Cheese-itz for all!
  13. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    Thank you so much for opening my eyes! Cravings should be the ultimate answer in this WLS game for sure! Who cares about being nutritionally sound?! Cheese-itz are an awesome idea!! Pass the box!!
  14. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    Sometimes you just want to drink a beer, smoke a cigarette and eat a large pizza, too, but it's not always the best idea.
  15. Does he walk to work or drive? Easy way out. Does he hand wash his clothes and pin them on the line or use a washer/dryer? Easy way out. If he gets a headache, does he take meds or wait it out? Easy way out. Electric toothbrush or a twig and baking soda? Easy way out. Does he hunt/grow his own food or go to the market? Easy way out. Does he get the flu shot and all his inoculations? Easy way out. Does he do any shopping via the internet? Easy way out. I could go on forever.... Work smarter, not harder.
  16. LipstickLady

    Cheese itz?

    Stick with the cheese, drop the itz part. Soft cheese if you like it, on a spoon, not a cracker.
  17. LipstickLady

    Only able to hold down liquids

    EEEEEK! I'm afraid I might not be much help. My stricture is so slight, I refuse to get it fixed. It definitely slows my eating and drinking, things get stuck if I eat too fast or don't chew enough, and my meals will eject if I'm not very careful. I love mine. It keeps me honest. I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling with yours. I will say that mine has loosened up over time. I was all liquids and mushy foods through week 6. If it wasn't warm, I couldn't eat it. pills got stuck, so I went to liquid Vitamins for awhile. Warm Water was MUCH easier on me (with lemon, plain water made me hurl). I had to sip all freaking day long non-stop or I couldn't get my liquids in. I am sure you have moved through all these suggestions, though. Best of luck! I hope they figure it out for you soon.
  18. LipstickLady

    Very different NSV!

    @@rydersmama GOOD.FOR.YOU.
  19. Three years out here! Swim. Then swim some more. After that, go swimming. As far as restriction. I went to Las Vegas last week and refused to pay $$ when I can't eat more than a cup and a half in one sitting on a really good day. I barely ate over 500 calories for five days (although I drank a few too many). Since then, my restriction is almost what it was immediately post op. I can eat 2-3 oz of Protein at a sitting max. My cravings for carbs are gone. I've often heard of "veterans" doing an all liquid diet for 3-5 days to "reset" their restriction. My guess is that it works!
  20. LipstickLady

    Things that I'll be taking to hospital

    (And yet we are told Vets are the problem?!?)
  21. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I'm curious what the BMI requirements are on your side of the world. Here in the US, it's 40 for most insurance companies. At 225 and 5.2, you still exceeded that by a bit. My insurance company went by initial weight at first appointment, not immediately pre-op, thankfully, because I was close to the line, too. Wow! Ten to fifteen pounds a week. Your doctors didn't yank you back into the hospital immediately? Shocking. I know you're against lawsuits, but you should consider it for the sake of people using that particular team after you. They definitely need to be looked at closely.
  22. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    You lost 75 pounds in 9 weeks? That's alarming! We were definitely on the same path as far as start weight/surgery weight/current weight. It just took me 9 months instead if 9 weeks to get there!
  23. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    Your stats say you were 5.2 and 266 pounds. I was 5.3 and 264 pounds. I was a high BMI person according to the doctors I consulted, it's strange that you weren't considered the same. I see your goal is 125. You lost 136 pounds in 9 weeks? I can definitely see your concern. That's outrageous!
  24. LipstickLady

    Ok so how bad is this gonna hurt?

    Pain? Nope. Gas discomfort was walked off. I was the "lap queen", walking four hours along the halls 30 minutes after surgery. Soreness? Yes. Pain meds needed? Nope. I was nauseated as hell for a few days until meds were prescribed but actual pain? It was easy.
  25. I'm not fighting anyone. I'm tired of being called rude, mean, etc. for giving my opinion in a straight forward manner. I don't like being told how I should or should not post. I don't call names, although I'm called names. I don't rally behind people to stir trouble, but there are others that do. I don't throw out the "holier than thou" card while "liking" the name calling posts as some do. There is one particular "vet" who stalks my profile daily (I have screen shots to prove it if anyone wants proof). Blocking her doesn't stop her from stalking me and I can only imagine it's to look for things to report. It's ridiculous, don't you agree? I've got better things to think about, and certain people have sucked the fun out of this board. It's a shame because at three years out, I do believe I have something to offer but I also need support. Hopefully the tide here will change. Until then? Not my circus, not my monkeys.

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