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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    I choose not to drink my calories unless it's a Protein drink. Fruit is ok later on, but whole fruit, not juice, so you get the benefits of the Fiber, too. Strawberries were out for me for 6 months. Those little seeds can work their way into your staple line and cause issues. Talk to your doctor, I'm only telling you of MY experience.
  2. LipstickLady

    Food funerals

    I'm firmly in the camp of no foood (sic) funerals. You WILL be able to indulge again if you care to. Maybe not for 6 months to a year, but that's not so bad in the grand scheme of things, is it? Why gain pounds you will have to turn around and lose? Why trigger carb cravings when you are about to get your tummy cut out and won't be able to resolve them? If you are in a good mind set now, why lose that momentum? Have a bit of something you truly love, but don't waste your efforts on something icky like a Big Mac or greasy pizzza (sic). You can do better than that!
  3. LipstickLady


    I don't think it's standard operating procedure for him. Maybe he just thought I was special. Or a lush. Imma' lush. For realz...
  4. Thank you all for your kind words. I didn't start this post looking for praise or validation (but you are welcome to tell me how beautiful I am all you want!!), I started it because I am truly worried for the future of some of our newer WLS folks. I remember how hard it was, I truly do. I remember how hormonal and nervous and uncomfortable I was with all the changes. While I never regretted surgery, I remember the misery of sliming and foaming and vomiting after almost every attempt at a meal. I remember Water thunking when it hit bottom, I remember my stomach rejecting foods one day that it loved the day before. I still have a stricture and I still suffer with water poo some days, so, while this is my new normal, I realize that MY normal will never be everyone else's normal and that's ok. My thought was that in order to gain maximum results, I'd best listen to those who were doing it, who had DONE it and those who had struggled with it as long as they were self aware and honest enough to know why they were struggling. What really gets me? Newer folks who have just had or not yet had surgery encouraging others to stray from their meeal (sic) plan, to take chances, to experiment "just a little". Seriously? That's typically when it turns into a "vets vs newbie" situation, names get called, and fingers start pointing. Again. It's a DAMN shame.
  5. LipstickLady


    Two weeks? Wow! That's interesting!
  6. LipstickLady

    I really hate that my words turn blue...

    You got that right!!
  7. LipstickLady


    There are lots of reasons doctors have no alcohol or a fairly long wait on drinking. First and foremost. Empty calories. Your goal is to lose weight, I assume. Drinking your calories is a really bad idea. And once you've had that alcohol, many people tend to make bad decisions on what they put in their face. Are you (general/plural) really going to reach for SF puddding (sic) or greek yogurt or are you going to finish off that bag of popcorn or the infamous box of Cheez its? Secondly, your stomach has a fresh incision and it takes time to heal. The acidity in wine, soda, and jooce (sic) mixers can irritate that tender tummy. No bueno. Third, you don't know how alcohol will affect you. I got totally blitzed off a glass of wine, and was dead sober an hour later with my first drink. (And the heartburn that commenced had me rolled up on the floor in tears for an hour.) You really shouldn't be eating and drinking at the same time, so there goes the option for foood (sic) in the tummy to soak up some of the booze. But you are an adult and only you can decide for yourself. I am sure you will make exactly the right decision for you.
  8. LipstickLady


    Liquor and cheez-its! Yum! I waited until my surgeon gave me the go ahead and I had my first drink at home because I did not know how it would affect me. When does your surgeon green light drinking?
  9. Oh good! My stalker is back!

    1. ssflbelle


      Finally saw that the check mark for visitors under settings was not checked.

    2. Dub


      LMAO at your Samuel Jackson pic in there. Well played.

    3. LipstickLady
    4. Show next comments  180 more
  10. LipstickLady


    I've never seen those!
  11. LipstickLady

    I really hate that my words turn blue...

    Dirty *****!!!!That was w h o r e. I heart you. I heart you so much more.
  12. LipstickLady

    I really hate that my words turn blue...

    You can stay!!
  13. LipstickLady

    I really hate that my words turn blue...

    Dirty whore!!!! That was w h o r e.
  14. LipstickLady

    I really hate that my words turn blue...

    Oh my goodness!!! Thank you!!!!
  15. Clear is good, dark is not. But you are doing great to get in as much as you are! I loved strained sooo (sic) from our Chinese place! Panera will strain sooo (sic) for you, too, so you can eat out like a "normal" person. I'm not a sweets person, so I much preferred brroths (sic) to proteen (sic) drinks. Bluuuuurp!
  16. Eeeeek! Ask your surgeon that. Is your pee light to clear and odorless? If not, you may be slightly dehydrated from surgery and retaining. Brroth (sic) has a lot of sodium, too, so watch that!
  17. Liquiid (sic) won't stretch a sleeve. A sleeve done properly won't stretch.
  18. Jeeeezus Christ on a biscuit! Or a Triscuit. Or a Cheez It.

    1. LipstickLady


      Ok. I'll forgive you for the "tinned" salmon thought.

    2. OzRoo


      Thank you my Queen! xxx

    3. Djmohr


      I just want Cheez its! LOL.....kidding, really!

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  19. (I added the smilies because the board owner recommended them. )
  20. I'm super sorry you are feeling "condescend", "bullied", "ganged up" on. Seriously. I won't tell you if I think you should/should not have surgery, but I will tell you that the pre-op diet and the hormonal changes you'll go through post op will (most likely) cause severe mood swings, extreme sensitivity, irrational anger at times, etc. (I was a hot mess for sure!) I say this with all sincerity. If you are THIS upset over very well intentioned posts, mine included, you will REALLY want to avoid public forums once you start the process. It's a tough journey, for sure. Edit to add: and I'm sure no one's reactions have anything to do with your BMI.
  21. You were GIVEN judgement free support and information. YOU made the decision to be offended by something where no offense was there. Again, I wish you good luck in your decision.
  22. I'm not going to invalidate your feelings at all. My point was simply that if you didn't like the two genuinely caring answers already given, and you felt they were "condescend you", you certainly didn't need mine added to it. It might be best if you block me all together.
  23. You're not. No one is putting you down or speaking to you in a condescending manner AT ALL. Every response you were given was answering YOUR question in a well thought out and caring manner. I was about to give you my opinion, but clearly that would NOT be a good idea. Good luck to you!

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