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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    There's a worse one! chicken, potato and gravy 9 days post-op because surgeon's diet doesn't make sense. And washing it down with water!
  2. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    So basically, you're saying that if one's answer is clearly NOT the one the OP obviously wants to hear, they should STFU? Nobody "denigrated" her. The answers were thought out and caring for the most part. They did not give her permission to drink -- the permission she seemed to seek. If you think that's wrong, you might want to block me now. You know I adore you, right? You just earned my everlasting affection for sure.
  3. LipstickLady

    3 days post op troubles

    I had to take an anti nauseousness pill and another that stops stomach cramping for my first three months. Ask your doctor!
  4. LipstickLady

    Random Thought/Question

    I chose the sleeve for exactly the same reason. I wanted to be as close to normal as possible. As luck would have it, my body no longer tolerates psasta, rice, cream based soops or (gasp!!) ice cream. Ice cream was my favorite thing in the world -- for real -- and now it makes me dump. It's horrible. But you know what's interesting about that? I no longer want it. It does not appeal to me any more so I don't miss it. I can have one or two small spoonfuls if I really want, but after that, my tummy says it's coming back. I have a taste of ice cream from time to time out of habit more than anything. It's an amazing thing to say I just don't want it. I don't mind my food restrictions a bit.
  5. LipstickLady

    Random Thought/Question

    I throw that nasty stuff in the garbage. Cottage cheese disgust me for some reason. Hurl factor is high just thinking about it. There was a thread awhile back asking people about their favorite way to have cottage cheese and my answer was absolutely in the trash can. I took a beating for it, too. WHOOOOOOPS! I would say I agree with you, but I'm scart.
  6. LipstickLady

    Getting Back On Track

    Come visit the Vet Forum for sure! I am three years out and have been having good luck with intermittent fasting. Seven pounds down in two weeks. There is also a thread about 5:2 dieting which has been really successful for so many. Both seem to bring back that restriction and since starting, I have a lot less desire to eat. Good stuff!
  7. It's very interesting to me that some people are SO in-tune with their bodies, they just *know* that they will be fine if they hurry through the food stages or drink alcohol early. If I was that in-tune with mine, I never would have needed WLS to begin with. I am SUPER jealous.

    1. LipstickLady


      Not yet!!! Perhaps she got the hint that I was on to her?

    2. Unbridled


      Stalker? @LipstickLady has a stalker? <standing in line to be LipstickLadys stalker> I want to be her stalker! She is fascinating, funny, real, has a great story, not to mention she secretly wants to be called "Hottie" because she has EARNED that title!!!

    3. LipstickLady


      Not so secretly!! You can stalk me anytime!!

    4. Show next comments  177 more
  8. LipstickLady


    You? I love.
  9. Please get help for yourself and your son. You are being emotionally abused. Even worse, your son is WATCHING this abuse. As long as you continue to take it, your child is learning that treating a woman like this is ok and/or normal behavior. You don't deserve this nor does he. Please, please, please don't continue to put up with this behavior.
  10. LipstickLady

    Today. Was. Rough.

    Good for you! I have a feeling you're going to do great!!!
  11. LipstickLady


    Silly! It doesn't matter what **your** doctor says! As long as **someone's** plan OKs it, it's fiiiiiine.I am following my surgeon's plans to the letter, and even postponed my surgery because of their air travel restrictions, but it is interesting to compare all the different "rules and requirements" that different practices follow.I followed my surgeon's plan, too. I figured that I paid him the big bucks, entrusted him with my life, and really, are a few bites of foood or swigs of drink really worth the chance? That said! If I disagreed with his advice or wanted to implement something earlier than allowed in the manual, I simply asked. We discussed my whys and his and modified (or didn't) accordingly. Call me stick in the mud, I guess...
  12. LipstickLady


    Silly! It doesn't matter what **your** doctor says! As long as **someone's** plan OKs it, it's fiiiiiine.
  13. Squeeeeek! Who is going to be 20k?

  14. LipstickLady


    Girl, I don't think you need someone else's story to justify your own decisions. You're a grown woman and can absolutely think for yourself. From your blog, you had already decided you were having wine at the wedding before you even posted this thread! You do you. Clearly you know what's best for you. Bottom's up! Have a great time!
  15. It boggles me that some people are always ready to be offended and take any sort of differing opinion as immediate attack. Why must almost every issue become an "us against them" scenario? This was another case where the thread was started defensively, others jumped in saying "Yeah! Yeah! Just wait for the bullying to start, it always does..." and then the first person who offered a different thought was immediately jumped on for no reason. She wasn't rude in any way, in my opinion, in fact she was quite gracious even after being spoken to quite harshly. Put down the boxing gloves, ladies! It's ok to agree and disagree. Discussion is good. Differing opinions are how we learn from each other. Yes, this place is a form of support, but it's also about learning, sharing, discussing, debating, That does not always have to mean a pending fist fight. No mic dropping necessary.
  16. LipstickLady

    Jeans NSV

    YAY YOU!! I totally broke down with my first purchase of jeans from American Eagle. And they looked great!! That was a HUGE step for me.
  17. LipstickLady

    Weird food

    I gotcher chicharonnes! In my pants!! Ha!!
  18. LipstickLady

    Sweats after eating

    Slider (for me) is carbs not fat. I don't count fat or calories, just carbs. High fat from real food (avocado, olive oil, cheeese, butter, bacon) not carby food (deep fried batter, crackers, chips) keeps me full for a long time. I'm all about high fat, high protein, low carb. It works. And no, lippy is weird, unless you must. Hottie is fine, though.
  19. LipstickLady

    Weird food

    I love pork rinds! Seriously. Those microwaveable ones? So gross! I've never eaten them, but I bought them for hubby as a joke once. I think we tossed them... Pork rinds are a great crunchy snack with no carbs. Get them freshly made at a Hispanic market? Yum!
  20. LipstickLady

    Sweats after eating

    Yup. Too much, too fast, too dry... Sweats. My solution was adding mayo, a bit of relish and processing it almost to a purée. Even then, I could only eat a tablespoon or so. chicken thunks hard, even three years out. Gravy, mayo, sauce... It helps the chicken go down.
  21. LipstickLady


    You make me tingly on purpose, don't you? (Here I am, always bringing it back to the important things.)
  22. LipstickLady


    You make me tingly on purpose, don't you?
  23. LipstickLady


  24. LipstickLady

    No veggies.....?

    I'm chewing a piece of beef jerrky (sic) while I read this...
  25. LipstickLady


    Well. That escalated quickly.

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