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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. And link to the store. It wouldn't be as bad if the words didn't capitalize/lower case themselves, too, making me look like I don't know basic punctuation. So now I am forced to misspell my words. Sigh. It's painful.
  2. LipstickLady

    Would you do it again?

    I would do it again every freaking day to live the life I do now. Yes. Hell yes, I would do it again. Abso-fu<king-lutley, I'd do it again.
  3. You're going to be fine. F' that!! You're going to be BETTER than ever once you move on. He's SO going to miss out on you and your boy. That said, he doesn't deserve you. Best!!
  4. Before WLS, foood (sic) had a firm grip on my time, my thinking and my wallet. WWs and yo-yo dieting taught me to research and track everything I ate and I took that to the extreme (and not in a good way). I knew menus by heart, I planned my day so my lunnch (sic) stop could be somewhere new and interesting. I loved the feeling of full and couldn't help striving for it. Now, I still plan my meals, but more for nutrition than satisfaction. I hate bring full, I can easily skip a meal if there is nothing that meets my dietary needs, and I don't think twice about it. Instead of living to eat, I eat to live. WLS has broken the mental hold foood (sic) had on me and I'm thrilled.
  5. LipstickLady


    If you wish you were on a liiquid (sic) diet, do a Liquiid (sic) diet. It's normal to be nervous, but you'll be fine!! Best wishes.
  6. LipstickLady

    Life After My Sleeve

    Express away. Not all of us behave that way.
  7. LipstickLady

    Random Thought/Question

    My doctor is all about balance as long as I do proteen first, veggies second, whole grains last. As far as portion size? I've lived here all my life so these ridiculous portions seem normal. I do think that's a huge reason so many Americans are obese. At my favorite market, I can buy a delicious olive oil and garlic white pizzza for $10. It's 20" across and even cut into ten slices, each piece is bigger than my face. My family of four can't finish it over two meals (well, now that I'm sleeved -- before I'da finished that off if it killed me). It's ridiculous.
  8. LipstickLady

    Life After My Sleeve

    I'm all for dreaming big, setting goals and working towards those goals, for sure. That said, the OP is riding the high of a successful WLS. Who's to assume he's not pursuing a passion, whether it be educationally or vocationally? All those shoes? He's got to be earning his way somehow.
  9. I'll have your share then!
  10. LipstickLady

    The mighty scale

    I admire your enthusiasm and realization that the number on the scale in no way defines YOU -- I feel exactly the same. That said, your health care professional should have access to your weight. Weight means nothing to the general public, but it does determine prescription doses, further needed health care screening, etc. If you truly believe you do not equal the number on the scale, why should your doctor knowing it disturb you even a little?
  11. LipstickLady

    Life After My Sleeve

    I'm going to agree! Such questions/assumptions go way beyond the scope of WLS support and come off as quite judgmental, whether that was the intent or not.
  12. LipstickLady

    Olives OK to eat?

    I love olives!! Healthy fat, intense flavor, lots of varieties. They are very satisfying.
  13. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    Ahhh... You edited that one.
  14. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    What were you saying about being "nothing but respectful", again? I assume this was also "non abrasive"?
  15. LipstickLady


    You? I love. Interesting! I'm undecided on you That's ok. Mutual love is over rated.
  16. Daaaaaaaamn. With those gorgeous curves before!?!? You can only be more awesome after. For real!?!??
  17. @@AvaFern I love the French onion soup at Panera!! Why no cheese? I leave out the bread and ask for extra cheese.
  18. LipstickLady

    3 days post op troubles

    I drank regular Gatorade mixed 50/50 with water. G2 makes me yarf.
  19. I have to disagree! As someone who spends most of my time in my car (self employed), there are a lot of great things one can eat on the go. Chick Filet's grilled nuggets are fabulous. Add a side salad if you are at that stage, perfect. They will also do their Breakfast sandwiches in a bowl sans the bread if you ask. Sonic makes a great junior breakfast burrito and if you peel off the tortilla and just eat the insides, it's perfect. Which wich will put any sandwich in a lettuce wrap. (Subway will, too, but I don't care for their options.) Chipotle kids' meals are great. McD's egg mcmuffin minus the top is good and with all day breakfast, it's a win! Egg drop Soup and steamed shrimp and veggies can be had at any Chinese restaurant. WaWa and other convenience stores sell boiled eggs, cheese sticks, yogurt, hummus, etc. It was 103 today. No packed breakfast/lunch would have held up in my car, so I'm often forced to find great choices out. My best option is going to whatever market is nearby and visiting the deli for a few thin slices of meat and cheese. Usually costs about $2 and I get weird looks when I ask for 2 slices of each, but I don't care.
  20. LipstickLady


    I think it's time for you to put yourself first. Stop worrying about what other people think or say or feel about you. They don't matter, you do! I only told my husband, my kids, a few besties and my mom and dad pre-op. I told them if they had anything negative to say, to keep it to themselves. This surgery was about *ME*, no one else. That said, the quality of life it gave back to me benefited everyone in my life, whether they knew about it or not.
  21. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    If I listened to what many people told me, I would spend quite a bit of time fornicating with myself. Well, there's that.
  22. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    If you say so, I believe you, but that first post up there screams STFU to me. It certainly was, if nothing else, "abrasive". And no, she didn't "get run out of the room". The answers, for the most part, were written with care and concern. She never came back as offended, she simply made up her mind to do what she wanted. It seems that the problems often stem from people who want to get offended on behalf of others, where no offense was originally taken. That's always an interesting phenomenon to me.
  23. I was! My daily activity included swimming and martial arts so my doctor approved unlimited non starchy veggies along with an additional serving of lean proteen (sic).. (My pre op diet was two proteen (sic) drinks, one snack of Greek yogurt and 4oz of lean meat and veggies.) If you are very active, talk to your doctor!
  24. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    You should ALWAYS choose what you want to hear. It makes life much more interesting and fun.
  25. LipstickLady

    My own personal nightmare

    @@Karen Froschauer Goodness gracious! You are totally in my thoughts.

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