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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    Well, then. Is it better if I say 'dang, the Blood of Christ burned like it was cheap Merlot'? Oh no!! I just snorted in quite the unladylike manner.
  2. Oh gosh!! These are like crack. I like the chocolaate (sic) cookie bar and the chocolaate (sic) caramel candies one.
  3. LipstickLady

    Eating too much? Metformin?

    At your stage I was eating 2-3 tablespoons max. Now, at three years out, I eat 3-5 oz of Protein at the most. I can eat more fish/crab/shrimp than I can denser meat like pork or chicken. Be careful, weigh everything and don't strive for full.
  4. LipstickLady

    Eating too much? Metformin?

    Well, everyone is going to give you different advice and only YOU can decide what you want to do. On the pork chop. I was still on soft foods at 3 weeks, so meatt (sic) was not a thing for me yet. As far as how much you ate? Was the pork chop 4oz, 6oz, 12oz? One third doesn't really say much when the overall size is unknown. On the meds... I'd listen to my surgeon. She/He knows more about what's going on with your insides right now than your endo. That's just MY opinion, though.
  5. When I asked my NP about ssalad at about 6 months out, she asked me what I missed. I told her it was the crunch/flavor variety of the sweet peppers, spicy onions, cukes, olives, radish, etc. She told me to go to the market sala!d bar and make a serving of toppings and have at it! I could only eat a little but is was exactly what I wanted. Now, three years out, I'm still doing the same.
  6. LipstickLady

    I can't believe it

  7. LipstickLady


    Well, that re-escalated in two bizarre (one being &%$& BIZARRE) directions, didn't it?
  8. Huh? Just when things were simmering down. I question whether everyone who claims to have had surgery really has. Hell's bells! Some people even claim that they were able to "ignore" it immediately pot op for a spell.
  9. LipstickLady

    Things that make me fart.

    This thread was inspired by @@OutsideMatchInside so if you don't like it, you know who to blame. Since surgery my body is whack. I rumble, gurgle, bubble, burp and fart. Things that never caused it before cause it now. Things that caused it before make it particularly foul now. So.. Ground turkey. (Swamp a$$) Cabbage. Broccoli. Cashews. (Clear the room.) Beans. Ice cream. Cream based Soups. Fried foods. Whiskey. Sausage. Deviled eggs. (Oh dear lord.) ... There are more.
  10. LipstickLady

    So, this fasting stuff works.

    I spent five days in Vegas (business conference) and am far too cheap to spend money on a buffet when I could only eat a cup or so at a time. I bought a egg, cheese, bacon on an English muffin in the morning, ate half in the am, the other half as a late lunch. I had a few bites of pizza toppings or beef Jerky for dinner and a Protein bar in between "meals" as a snack. A lot of walking was involved and I came home 4 pounds lighter and the tightest restriction I've had in a long while. Since coming home, I've avoided carbs like the devil, and have tried to only eat between the hours of 1p - 8p. I can now only hold 2-3 oz of protein and my hunger is absolutely gone. I was a grazer before because of my schedule and my restriction. Since Vegas, there is no grazing and my restriction has me down to 1/2 - 3/4 (pushing it) cup at a sitting. I've lost 2.2 more pounds in the last 5 days effortlessly. Rambling thoughts here, but this confirms **my belief** that sleeves don't stretch (at least mine doesn't) and post op restriction can be revitalized. I think there really is something to intermittent fasting or 5:2 dieting.
  11. Yes, I recall.* Sometimes when the posts are layered like lasagne or mille feuille, a few layers slip off the virtual fork. *The post that is, not the rack. You need to see her rack.
  12. LipstickLady

    What to do?

    I'm not sure what you are asking.
  13. LipstickLady

    Completely Undecided.

    I suck at taking vitaminz (sic). I wanted to eat as normally as possible. (Sucks, I'm a slevever that dumps.) I like my intestines. I'm not diabetic. I chose the sleeve. It worked.
  14. @@AmiLou Lose the carbs now as much as possible and you won't crave them later. Hard to believe, but it's true!
  15. Ewwww... You probably camp on purpose, too. You nasty.
  16. I wish I could do this...my brain insists that breakfast be something conventionally 'breakfast' by American standards. Right now I'm just drinking Protein in my coffee because my sleeve hates eggs at the present time, cereal is out and oatmeal is higher carb than I want to eat right now. My old 'breakfast anytime' standard was french toast. I wonder how I ended up 260 lbs? :-) Yeah, get over that. I often make quiche, omelettes, BLTs for dinnner. Breakfast generally consists of leftovers like taco meeat and Beans, cheeese and apples, leftover steak or chicken with sriracha mayo and avocado... Salmon? Heck yeah! Tuna? Who eats that crap on purpose?
  17. Cool that you pulled all the sharps and flats together. Yup, another slow news day in the concert hall. Actually, that was @@Babbs -- she's hot with a great rack.
  18. The other day I had crab legs for breakfasst. Yum. I rarely eat "breakfast" for breakfasst, but I often eat "breakfast" for dinner!
  19. I, too, grew weary of lliquids but I forced myself to soldier through it. To make matters worse, I am a savory person, not much of a sweets eater, so all the shaakes and pudddings and yogurts and Popsicles... URP!!! My saving grace was the soop aisle at Fresh Market. There are blended soops like Butternut Squash, Black Bean, Tomato Bisque, Portabella Mushroom... They come in a carton and were absolutely delicious. I added a little unflavored proteen and sipped on them at "meal time". I still choked down my Premiere, but the Soups were fabulous as I was on liquids for almost a month post-op. EDIT: YES, I CAN SPELL. I HATE IT WHEN ALL MY WORDS HYPERLINK. ARGH!!!!!!
  20. Instead of asking a question and getting mad at the answers, wouldn't it be best just state what you intend to do loud and proud? Your body, your choice!

    1. determinedtolive


      I just don't get it. I guess Jack Nicholson was right, "You can't handle the truth!" LOL

    2. justhere4theshow


      Well, it's full of irony...usually when people post that stupid sh*t, they aren't really going to hear anything that challenges their comfort. The hard path is never the choice that anyone wants to believe in. They think if they can find one person to agree with them or tell them it's okay, then it will all work out great and they will have gotten away with it...so exhausting.

    3. Unbridled


      @LipstickLady... there you go again making way too much sense. Now stop that!

  21. She wasn't rude to you. She took the time to give you a caring, well thought out response. It wasn't the answer you wanted to hear and that's ok. She did nothing wrong. Clearly you have a lot going on right now in your life and perhaps you will read this thread later with a different outlook. I certainly hope so. I have many friends in LA (and many who were devastated by the floods in WVA) and my heart breaks for you. I wish you well. I can't imagine going through such devastation with a clear head, especially after such an emotional surgery. You are in my thoughts.
  22. I am not a dietician. My NP gave me the same advice as yours. I chose to listen to my NP and I successfully lost all my weight in 9 months and have been maintaining that 110+ lb weight loss for three years. You are a grown woman. You can choose to eat anything you want. Why in the world would you feel guilty about making your own choices about your nutrition? Only you can decide what you stick in your face. There are tons of great low carb options out there, but if you choose to eat protein bars or oatmeal, good on ya'! I dislike oatmeal but I do like an occasional protein bars. I didn't eat them while I was losing, but if you want to, why not? Best success to you.
  23. This right here is classic. New person on the board asks a question. Seems as though she's not real happy with her dietician's advice: Successful vet comes in, gives good advice INCLUDING the suggestion of heeding dietician's advice for best results and wishes her well.: New member shows obvious irritation at said vet, calls her judgemental, says she only wants to hear from a dietician, just not HER dietician. She then claims to be non trusting of strangers (yet she is asking a board of strangers) and also states she is kind and considerate to them anyways (when clearly her definition of kind and considerate is questionable). Kids, you can't make this stuff up!
  24. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    Yes, I do believe your approach is as worthy as anyone else's. That said, knowing you as I think I do, I know you are much more intelligent than the average bear. Somehow I doubt you were eating fried wings and drinking bear 3 days out. I also would bet cash money that you didn't try to eat a 20oz steak three weeks out of surgery or anything else foolish. I do believe someone with an ounce of common sense and a bit of self control can do the research, behave appropriately with this surgery and be successful. I think the people who ask ask ask for advice and then get offended when it is given to them are the most...uhm...entertaining. I think those who are overly reliant on their surgeons may struggle with common sense decisions. I do believe there is a middle ground and seemingly MOST people choose to take it. It's always the extreme that we hear from the most.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
