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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    Geez! Now I've heard it all... One person poops staples, another "ignored his/her sleeve" immediately post op for years but suddenly it's back, and YOU drank from a straw unknowingly? How?!? Lolz... I'm just poking ya'!
  2. I totally stress ate 7 pounds in the last two weeks. Sigh. Yes, you can eat around your sleeve. Now it's time to get back to business.

    1. Caribear


      Yes, thank you for your honesty! I'm sorry things have been stressful for you. But just from what I have seen in your posts, you are a strong lady and you will get through this and get that weight back off. You can do it x2 :)

    2. Djmohr


      I hear ya! I ate my way around the zoo yesterday for zoo Alacarte. Then today I really was dying for a muffin! WTH!


      I guess we both need to get back after it!

    3. OzRoo


      Feel for you! Stress killed my appetite during the day, but at night I over-indulged in frozen yoghurt. After few evenings like that, I decided to get back on the wagon. Good luck to you and best wishes xxx

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  3. My mom is one of those naturally skinny people who has never crossed out of the size 6 zone and even then, it was when she was 9 months pregnant with me. She was regularly called "chicken legs", "sticks", "skinny minnie" (which I think is equally damaging) all her life because of her build. She never talked about my weight other than to call me "Chunky Monkey" when I was a kid. As I grew older, it was never discussed at all. That said, she sure as hell made derogatory comments about fat people whenever we were out. She was disgusted by the rolls, or made remarks on the quantity random people were eating or how unflattering their clothes were, etc. ALL.THE.TIME. It wasn't occasionally, it was constant. FInally, one day I turned to her and said, "You DO realize that I'm way fatter than the lady you just insulted, right?". She just looked at me like I was stupid. It was almost as if she never saw it on me. AND...she didn't stop the commentary. Sigh...
  4. You don't. She knows what you did, I assume? She knows how happy you are? How great you feel? How much better it was than WWs, South Beach, yo yo dieting, etc? She'll be ready when she's ready. You planted an awesome seed, I'm sure. It's up to her to see it bloom. If you interfere, you look like an a$$. When she's ready, she will come to you.
  5. LipstickLady

    Spin Off thread: do people comment often?

    I think it's a little bit who you are. I've got a fairly strong personality and a great resting b!tch face when I'm around stupid people, so I rarely got questions or comments other than compliments. The few times I did, I just gave them the "you are too stupid" look and the "bless your heart" tone of voice and they got the idea pretty fast.
  6. LipstickLady

    Any good comebacks?

    @@Alex Brecher You agree that using the word retarded is an appropriate insult? Surely you missed that part! Don't make me lecture you about that one! :glare:
  7. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    Whuuuuuuu....!?!? That's hysterical!
  8. Im a "healthy" fat person too. May I ask what you started at? How much are you now? How long have you been sleeved? You know, your whole life story. lol I'm just curious about others. I'm 5'3" and am 238. I'm 37yo getting sleeved on 09/13/16. I'm super nervous. Thanks for responding if you do. I don't normally reach out or blab like this. Hope you are doing well. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I started at 264 and have settled at 155ish. I am 5.3 so technically, I am "overweight" but I am a solid size 8 with an athletic frame and perfectly satisfied. I could probably stand to lose another 10-15 but then I would always be fighting to maintain. My body is healthy where it is and I rarely think much beyond getting in my protein and a heck of a lot of cheese. I'm thrilled. GOOD FOR YOU!! You can totally do this.
  9. LipstickLady

    Well, I guess I deserved it!

    I am no expert on anyone but me, but it sounds like you dumped. Too much sugar at once does it to me as does too much cream. They both come out BOTH sides. SHORTLY.
  10. LipstickLady

    On the run

    I often stop at the market for 2-3 slices of lunnch meeat and cheeese. I work from my car most days and it's too hot to carry a cooler. The cost is maybe $2 max. I make my own little roll ups and enjoy! I do full fat, full flavor cheeese and meeats. Sometimes I'll grab a teeny container of olives, onions or red peppers from a salaad bar to add to my roll up. Cheap, easy, delicious and always different if I choose.
  11. I paid my hospital $25 a month. I could have paid more, but it was interest free, so why not?
  12. LipstickLady

    I'm not sure if I'm im in a stall.

    A stall is three weeks of no scale movement -- up or down. You're certainly not in a stall. One to two pounds a week is good, one or two a day? Celebrate!!
  13. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    I blocked you a long time ago but your frequent visits to my profile say SO much. It's almost .... CREEPY.
  14. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    WTF are you talking about? Most "vets" agree it's a stupid rule. Let's not make something out of nothing. Since I'm more of a "Vet" than most, I was poking fun at myself. (sorry if you didn't get the joke. You can always "ignore" me) Awwww.... You spend so much time creeping my profile (almost daily, in fact - I've got screen shots if anyone wants to see 'em), I figured you wanted me to talk to you. And nothing was taken "out of context". Try harder.
  15. LipstickLady

    Any good comebacks?

    I simply look at people who say stupid things with a blank smile and say, "You probably don't realize how rude and/or offensive you sound, do you?". And then walk away...
  16. LipstickLady

    Any good comebacks?

    Why in the world would you use the word "retarded" as an insult? That's seriously offensive.
  17. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    WTF are you talking about? Most "vets" agree it's a stupid rule. Let's not make something out of nothing.
  18. My stalker is back!! And here I thought she'd taken a clue. She loves me. <3

  19. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    My surgeon's materials said no straw, but it also recommended a Water bottle like a Camelbak -- uhmm...those utilize a straw. I called him on it, and he said the no straw rule was standard, but silly. I used a straw from day 1. But that was just ME.
  20. LipstickLady

    Pop Rocks and Coke . . . .

    A Dixie cup with jokes printed on them! Big diff!!!
  21. LipstickLady

    Would you do it again?

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch Scroll up and back a page to see @@Babbs ' rack! You're welcome.
  22. LipstickLady

    What to do?

    Shots fired!!
  23. LipstickLady


    Well, then. Is it better if I say 'dang, the Blood of Christ burned like it was cheap Merlot'? If so, then can you say "The plain version is ok but I prefer the parmesan and rosemary flavored body of Christ" (Communion Wafers)? Or, "Does anyone have a little "Guac" to go with this?" WAIT!!! Is it sacrilegious to put the blood of Jesus in the little Dixie cups with jokes printed on them? That's what MY Catholic Sunday School did. Hmmmm....

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