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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I won't say I love how this was worded, but I do agree with several of the points. It still floors me to this day that you did SO much research and found so little of the basic facts. There are lots of people from the UK on this forum and several others that I visit and not one of them didn't know about the Water poop, nauseousness, gall bladder issue, food aversion, etc. I actually messaged many of them because I was downright curious about how backwards your particular practice seems to be.It's a shame you never visited any of the WLS support forums pre-op. All of the issues you've encountered have been discussed ad nauseam on them daily. I am SURE you would have felt much more prepared. My "water poop" is because I have had C diff since June.I have constantly highlighted my lack of information via my LOCAL bariatric program. I am really pleased that you are interested enough and took the time to poll other UK NHS patients regarding my programs lack of in depth information regarding possible post op bariatric issues. You have to admit, after reading thousands of "sleeved Sunday, in work Monday, I love my sleeve, happy days" posts. Which are discussed "ad nauseum", I might have missed some posts regarding in depth, post op mental, emotional and physical complications. We all have lives, even me. There are only so many hours a day to research this topic. I asked my team in depth questions. I got the same answers most people here give. "You'll be fine!", "It's a stage!", "follow your program!". And I have! To the letter. Instead of trying to prove me wrong, why not investigate how to raise awareness? Do posts on food aversion, malnutrition statistics, mortality rates due to c dif infection post op, in the NHS here in the UK. Why not compare the difference in bariatric surgical care in different countries? Why not be helpful instead of trying to imply that it is only myself and all of my bariatric stream patient friends, in the whole of the Universe that has had issues through lack of information? Raising awareness, not trying to disprove a whistleblower, would be more productive! Just off to beg the NHS for yet more procedures, tests, antibiotics etc for C diff. And now that I have reached goal weight in 12 weeks post op, what next? Starvation, malnutrition? Being weak enough for the C diff to finish me off? Thanks for raising awareness as always! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Woah Nelly! I wasn't belittling your experience nor was I investigating against you. I was simply curious if your low level of basic information was common in your area or simply a fault of your practice. If it was common, I'd certainly agree that more awareness is necessary but I see no evidence that it is. Clearly we will have to agree to disagree. I see SO MANY complaints of food aversion, nauseousness, water poop, gall bladder issues (all of which I had myself except the GB, that was already out), it's boggling that someone else didn't see it, especially with four years of extensive research. I'm glad to hear you are no longer blaming your poo issues on the sleeve, just as I really couldn't blame my c-diff on my brain tumor. That's a risk of any surgery. I'll chalk up your little personal jabs at me as a product of your frustration. We've always been civil, you and I, or so I thought. And yes, as you spread awareness, others will spread positivity. You are clearly in the minority in your struggles/lack of pre-surgical awareness. That doesn't make them unimportant by any means, but it does help to pinpoint where the lack of education is originating. My sleeve saved the quality of my life and it's a risk that I was willing to take. Some of the complaints you have are huge benefits to others. (I love my food aversion! I love my dumping, too, to be quite honest. It keeps me on track.) So again, every where you spread "awareness", expect others to do the same. It's not meant to offend you, but to show the other side. Fortunately the side where the majority of us stand. It's not an us vs them. It's a total picture. As always, I wish you well.
  2. LipstickLady

    I need help keeping this secret!

    I don't lie. I do watch what I eat, I follow a great diet (mostly), I work with a medical team and I move my body more. Nope, no lies there. I don't need to talk about myself and I feel like my decision is very personal. I knew I was fat. I knew there were options. I'm not stupid. I didn't need anyone to offer alternate solutions to my problem because I knew they existed. Why in the world would I be so arrogant to offer MY solution to someone else who is just as capable as me? I "evangelize" nothing. Not my business, not my WLS, not my political beliefs, not my spiritual beliefs. I've got a big mouth and a big personality but my belief set belongs only to me. I'm fairly certain no one else cares.
  3. LipstickLady

    Am I making the wrong choice?

    @@TiredOfMyself Off topic. Forgive me if I'm being too personal or misguided but your username makes me sad. Tired of your weight? Yes!! Tired of sweating/aching/exhaustion/cravings/etc., absolutely! Tired of YOURSELF? No!!! You are too important. You are not your weight. You are NOT tiresome.
  4. LipstickLady

    I need help keeping this secret!

    @@laceemouse Cool! Understandable, too. The whole "you don't tell people so you're a liar" is a recurrent theme around these parts so I get a bit touchy about it at times. Thanks for the 'splainin!
  5. LipstickLady

    I need help keeping this secret!

    So your love of sharing somehow negates my desire for privacy? It makes me dishonest? My WLS must now benefit others? They didn't tell me anything about this in my bariatric seminars.
  6. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I won't say I love how this was worded, but I do agree with several of the points. It still floors me to this day that you did SO much research and found so little of the basic facts. There are lots of people from the UK on this forum and several others that I visit and not one of them didn't know about the Water poop, nauseousness, gall bladder issue, food aversion, etc. I actually messaged many of them because I was downright curious about how backwards your particular practice seems to be. It's a shame you never visited any of the WLS support forums pre-op. All of the issues you've encountered have been discussed ad nauseam on them daily. I am SURE you would have felt much more prepared.
  7. LipstickLady

    Am I making the wrong choice?

    Why do gastric bypass people say this? It's so not true. Sigh...
  8. LipstickLady

    114 lbs GONE for good!

    Look at you!!
  9. LipstickLady

    I need help keeping this secret!

    I am an extreme extrovert with 1700 FB friends, 500+ insta/twitter followers and I told 6 people (3 who live in my home). Social media and WLS does not define me. It's just a circumstance.
  10. LipstickLady

    Vegas, regrets and a NSV

    Eat to live, don't live to eat. I went to Vegas (MGM) for a week the beginning of August for a business convention. I ate a half bacon, egg, cheeese on an English muffin (top removed) for breakfastt, the other half for lunchh, a proteen bar as a snack, and a few pieces of jerrky for dinnerr. I did drink, but I saved a TON of money, walked 20k steps per day, never felt deprived and came home 6 pounds lighter. I'm three years out. Take advantage of this time to retrain your brain. It's an awesome thing. Edit. I can spell. My errors are so my words don't link to the store.
  11. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    How do you pee in all that?
  12. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    So, did I ever tell you all how badly I was judged when I took my kids to see The Book of Mormon on Broadway?
  13. LipstickLady

    Worried about gas pains after surgery

    No use worrying about something you can't predict or control. It sucks, but it's not the worst thing in the world. The more you walk, the more you move, the faster it escapes. It's truly a small potato in this entire process. Promise. (And if I'm wrong, you don't know where I live, so... )
  14. I need a Coke Zero.

  15. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    Well I think it is inexpensive, I mean $60 is about average, but some people act like it is a lot, so I am pretending that it is a lot so people on the internet don't get mad. Sixty bucks for a bra IS a lot when you buy a few at a time. BUT!!! BUT!!! A bra is a neccessity!! It's the foundation of your wardrobe and a properly fitting bra will support your chest and save your shoulders and back. Yeah. That's worth $60. A great bra is worth a lot more. It's kind of like shoes. You can buy cheap shoes at Payless and kill your knees, feet, hips and back, or you can invest in properly fitting shoes made for your fitness/professional needs and be a helluva lot more comfortable in the long run.
  16. LipstickLady

    Is my anger justified?

    Travel. Ask that your records be transferred and have the new doctor explain IN DETAIL what the heck happened to you. Pursue this medically and if warranted, legally. Accidents happen. Repairs are needed. It happens, it sucks, with that, you move on. It sounds as if they were grossly negligent, not just by medical error but by downright giving you misinformation about what happened to you. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT. If you are ever in an accident or need further surgery, your doctors may not have all the information to treat you properly because YOU don't know what happened to you. THAT'S WRONG. Travel. You are worth it.
  17. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    I like shift dresses, personally. Or skinny jeans and swing tops.
  18. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    @@OutsideMatchInside We have a Soma and I have never been in. You've sold me. I'm going Thursday.
  19. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    @@higher @@OutsideMatchInside nailed it! Body by Victoria. I like the Perfect Shape. It has pushup but good coverage as well.
  20. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    That, too.
  21. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    Unfortunately, mine became booooooooooooooooooooooooooobs.
  22. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    Does it need all that much staying on? Not to me, but I always get in trouble for straying.
  23. LipstickLady

    From fat and firm to fit and floppy.

    They do have some poor quality bras, but if you dig a little deeper, they have some super soft push up bras that give good coverage and a lot of support. When I get home, I will look for the style name for you.
  24. LipstickLady

    I'm firing my surgeon.

    I'm going to back out of this discussion right now.
  25. LipstickLady

    When can I drink through a straw?

    How did we get from straws to masturbating amphibians? And where are the "stay on topic" police?

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