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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    And HERE you state you already had IBS and severe bowel problems pre-op? Post op you blamed the sleeve? Now it's possible CDif? Color me confused.
  2. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    Interesting. I've been following this now very long thread because I'm pre op and want to hear all the perspectives. I looked back and found the post in question and you're right, this is the post. GinaCampbellJunior Guru Posts: 344 Joined: May 2016 Gender: Female Location: ENGLAND Surgery: Gastric Sleeve Surgery Date: May 2016 Height: 5 feet 2 inches Starting Weight: 266 lbs Weight Lost: 76 lbs Current Weight: 190 lbs Goal Weight: 125 lbs BMI: 34.7 @MentionPosted May 28, 2016 - 6:36 AM[/size] #9 My daughter thinks that I have not given conventional dieting enough of a chance. She feels that I could lose weight normally if I tried harder. I explained that I am addicted to food, cannot stop overeating and that my disability prevents me from exercising. I now am 95% bedbound. She just sees this surgery as a shortcut to weightloss. Also she feels that after surgery that I will simply overeat again so it won't be successful.No, she is not obese. Thank you all for being so supportive, it really helps. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Gina, it sounds like you had a LOT of health problems before the surgery and now you're trying to scare others away with your horror story but you're not giving the full picture. If you're truly trying to "inform the public", you should include the backstory as well. Well, now. Isn't that interesting? If one was already 95% bed ridden and in such shoddy health, why would one bla... Oh. Never mind.
  3. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    Waaaaait a minute!!!! So now you are FULLY admitting that your issues were caused by your team's lack of information, nonhygenic practices, staffing issues, inattentive behavior, etc. yet I, along with everyone else who had great success with our WLS procedures really should have just "worked harder"? You know my weight loss history better than I do? You know my exercise routines, dietary choices made, battles won and lost pre surgery? You get to judge all of us because your weight fell off through unfortunate circumstances making it "easy" to get to your goal through "starvation"? I've said it again and again. I'm sorry you've suffered and if I had a magic wand to put you back where you were, I'd all but beat you with it to make it work, but you have no right to say the rest of us should have simply "worked harder" to lose the weight. I worked da^m hard to get where I am and I've worked harder over the last three years to maintain it. That remark was blatantly offensive, judgemental and unwarranted. WLS is no walk in the park for most people, complications or no. It's definitely not the " easy way out", even for those of us who have not had your same issues.
  4. LipstickLady

    Having a date wtih a cheater

    It's not a cheat, it's a choice! You're a grown up and you can do whatever you want. You get all the blame for your "failures" but you get all the credit for your successes!
  5. THAT'S what I really wanted to hear...lol. Believe me, I know! *Snert* :hic:
  6. LipstickLady


  7. If money is an issue, or you're just cheap, check out RTic cups. They are as good as Yeti.
  8. LipstickLady

    Did you ever have second thoughts?

    Never had second thought, never had a moment of regret. Was I nervous pre-op about the procedure and endless list of risks that come with any surgery? Sure! Was I more afraid of the damage I was doing to my body by being morbidly obese? Absolutely.
  9. LipstickLady

    Do you like sushi ?

    I love sushi. My favorite restaurant will leave off all or most of the rice. If I go somewhere other than my favorite, I order sashimi or Kani salad. If I'm plate surfing off others, I just eat the insides.
  10. THAT'S what I really wanted to hear...lol. Believe me, I know!
  11. Seems like the only person who knows the answer to your questions will be your surgeon. Good luck to you!!
  12. Don't be sticks in the mud!! We all know our surgeon's instructions are nothing more than mild suggestions. I mean, just because we paid the big bucks and trusted this gal (or guy) with our lives, I really see no need to actually listen to what she says! Seriously, you lived through the procedure, you are up and feeling great, you've got your diet down pat, and you are losing weight successfully! You've totally got this. No alcohol? Hogwash! I read about successful WLS patients who are drinking days after surgery and they are OK, at least according to the internetz. What's a few drinks? Bottom's up, y'all!
  13. LipstickLady

    Clothes Shopping Chaos!

    Oh dear lord, you'll get over that overwhelmed feeling fast enough. I went from having a walk in closet full of black cardigans, black dresses, black dress pants, black shawls, (you get the idea), in every size from 14 to (tight fitting) 18X to having a jammed packed walk in closets full of brightly colored dresses, patterned(!!!!) pants, slim cut sweaters, sleeveless tops, skinny jeans, tall boots, high heels -- anything and everything shiny and sparkly and flashy and tacky and loud and... Oh my gawd, how much fun shopping is! My two teenaged girls roll their eyes, even...
  14. LipstickLady

    Good outcome of bad choice

    OH!! Do we get to have the big, juicy, glistening sausage talk again? You know, the sausage with GIRTH!?!?!
  15. LipstickLady

    Good outcome of bad choice

    You do add a little hot sausage to your balls, don't you?
  16. LipstickLady

    Good outcome of bad choice

    It's so super simple. Make your meatballs as usual, but after you roll them, poke your finger into the middle creating a hole. Stuff the hole with the cheeese of your choice and reseal the meatball. Cook it however you want at that point! When I'm in a hurry, I just cut up a few string cheeses and use those. My best creation was halving button mushrooms, seasoning them up a little and stuffing them in the hole with the cheeese. The juices from the meeat made the mushroom so good. And the cheeese... Hmmm... Dinnner tonight maybe?
  17. LipstickLady

    Good outcome of bad choice

    Have you tried mozzarella stuffed meatballs? To die for!
  18. Have at it! I'm sure your surgeon didn't mean it.
  19. Mine looks like the pink one. The taser is on the tip and along the sides. The wrist strap is key. If anyone grabs it from me ( or my kids), they can't use it against me. That's important. Once the key is dislocated, the stun gun is inactive. http://www.thehomesecuritysuperstore.com/self-defense-stun-guns-baton-stun-guns-sub=37
  20. I didn't read all the comments but I am a martial arts instructor and teach women's self defense. I carry a baton shaped taser on walks and my teenaged girls (also martial arts instructors) do the same. It's 7 million volts and the noise alone will scare off any bear/dog/predator. It has an LED flashlight at the end that shines or strobes. It also has a wrist lock so if someone takes it from me, it's disabled. The shock strips are all along the sides as well as at the tip so if it is grabbed....ZAP!!! I have a concealed carry, but I don't exercise anywhere I think it might be needed. This baton is more for fear factor, but it will drop an assailant in a second if I use it on them. No doubt.
  21. @@SoExcited101 Girl, you've got some HAWT cheekbones!! Hope all is going well.
  22. Three down, four to go!

    1. Djmohr


      You are almost there!

    2. LipstickLady


      I do love my sleeve.

    3. Djmohr


      I noticed I put on 3lbs over the last month or so. I have not been as good as I usually am. We have gone to some events where I found myself eating things I usually don't and too much of it. The good news, I will just get back on track and take those few pounds off quickly. I LOVE MY POUCH too!

  23. LipstickLady

    Good outcome of bad choice

    So, I had a long hard conversation with myself over the concept of "wasting" foood one afternoon after fussing at my kid for not eating over half her lunnch. If you eat it, it's gone. If you toss it, it's gone. Either way, it's gone. If you don't NEED it, don't eat it. If you don't want it, don't eat it. I got FAT because I NEVER "wasted" food. I would shove in the last few bites no matter how stuffed I was. I would eat the leftovers even if I wasn't hungry before I'd throw them out. I'd finish the last chicken nugget from the kids' lunch even if I'd already eaten. A cold fry in the bottom of the bag? Not wasting that hard chewy morsel of fat. Both my kids are slender and healthy. Why? If they don't want food, they simply don't eat it. Even if it means *gasp* wasting it. Hmmm... Interesting concept. By not wasting food, I wasted 20 years of my life being 80-120 pounds overweight. I wasted a lot of knee cartilage. I wasted a lot of trips to the dunes and the amusement parks and the mountains because it was a tough walk. I wasted opportunities to ride horses and jump out of planes because I didn't want to tell people my weight. Yeah. Waste the dang brownies. Your victory was SO much better.
  24. LipstickLady

    Birthday cake, I'll pass......

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! I have no doubt you WILL be successful. I chose the sleeve over RNY because I wanted to be "normal" after surgery. I wanted to be able to enjoy a bite or two of cake, or a few spoon fulls of ice cream. I was never a huge sweets eater but I wanted normalcy. Oddly enough, I am one of those sleevers who dumps. I'm glad, too. It keeps me honest.

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