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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. My BFF (gay female) struggled with this. On one form, she simply wrote in all caps NO DICK ALLOWED IN/ON/NEAR MY VAGINA. This is absolutely why she's my bestie.
  2. A hic-burp means I've gone a bit too far. I was very big on measuring everything until I got the hang of feeling full. When I was fat, I craved feeling full. Now, I despise it.
  3. LipstickLady

    What are you drinking?

    Water is only my friend 1/2 the time and that's HUGE progress at three years out. For my first two, water didn't work at all. I do drink Coke Zero, but with my doctor's permission and I am over 3 years out. I drank Gatorade mixed with water (I hate g2), crystal light, iced coffee...
  4. I like myself much better when I just throw it all out on the table. AHHHH....

    1. LipstickLady


      I do yoga AND pilates. ;) WELL.

    2. Dub


      I took taekwondo........I'll let you speak wiff Master Buyong Lee.


      Little dude beat the cowboy shyt outa me back in the day.

    3. Dub


      And......I liked it...........................................

    4. Show next comments  156 more
  5. @@phuckyourtruth I just love your username. Seriously.
  6. Good for you. It's a CHOICE not a cheat. I think I make MUCH better choices when I start thinking of them as that instead of "cheats". I not only own my choices, but I own the consequences. I'm far too old to waste time feeling guilty.
  7. LipstickLady


    But do you drink it through a straw?
  8. LipstickLady

    Tears of Joy today at my follow up appt

    I'm so happy for you!
  9. LipstickLady

    Let's talk meat post op RNY. Please

    Hmmmmm.... Ok. I forgive you. If you never talk of tuna and cottage cheeese, again.
  10. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    Don't faint when I say I agree with you 100%.
  11. LipstickLady

    Let's talk meat post op RNY. Please

    And yes, steak must be so rare it moooooos when you poke it.
  12. LipstickLady

    Let's talk meat post op RNY. Please

    @@LisaMergs I broke up with you over the tuna/cottage cheese/cheese melt thing. You must send wine, roses and chocolate and beg my forgiveness.
  13. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    @@GinaCampbell I wish you well and I sincerely hope good health finds you soon.
  14. LipstickLady

    Taco soup,is it to much atm?

    I think that yogurt and onion soup mix idea is GENIUS. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App There are so many dried soup/dressing mixes you can use. I particularly liked the spinach dip one.
  15. LipstickLady

    Let's talk meat post op RNY. Please

    Sleever here, so perhaps I should butt out, but I love meatt, too. I have had a hard time keeping down many meatts, especially chicken and pork. Ground beef doesn't work well either. My answer? Gravy, mayo and saucees. There are very few meatts that go down without one of them. I also have to cut my meatt very thin, or finely dice it if it's in a salaad (chicken, tuna). I have found that seafood goes down mush easier. Crab legs, crabcakes, flounder, salmon... I love love love seafood nowadays.
  16. I asked my doctor how much I could expect to lose and his answer was on point. He told me that my weight loss would directly correlate to the effort I put into my sleeve. Period. He was right. He never gave me a goal, even when I asked for one. He refused to talk to me about averages because he stated his patients weren't average. I asked about regain and he said that was up to me. Maintenance was up to me. EVERYTHING was up to me. All he could do was the surgery itself and follow it up with a weight loss plan that I could choose to follow or not follow. After that, the ball was firmly in my court. He was absolutely the right doctor for me.
  17. LipstickLady

    Taco soup,is it to much atm?

    Oh my gawd...If I could smite you, I would. That is absolutely the grossest thing I have ever heard in the history of EVER. I just threw up in my mouth a little. Now I'm mad. Well smite me if you want- just give me a heads up to which definition-striking me or having a crush on me Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yes.
  18. Flax seeds and chia seeds have almost no carbs and are high in fiber and Protein. I sprinkle them on everything. They add no flavor, just a bit of a texture that makes no difference to me. My husband swears by wheat germ, so there's that. Avocado is a great source of fiber and is one of my favorite foods, too. The first three add no bulk to your diet, the last is a staple in mine. Another thing to remember is that protein like cheese is a binder so you have to be careful. I eat a LOT of cheese, so I try to also balance things out a bit with healthy oils like EVOO. Avocado is another great source of healthy fat. Makes things....uhm...slide easier.
  19. LipstickLady


    @@4MRB4PHOTO Hate to tell you but you spelled it wrong. It's V O D K A.
  20. LipstickLady

    Taco soup,is it to much atm?

    Oh my gawd...If I could smite you, I would. That is absolutely the grossest thing I have ever heard in the history of EVER. I just threw up in my mouth a little. Now I'm mad.
  21. LipstickLady

    Taco soup,is it to much atm?

    @@dede_mont Guacamole is a great puree. Black bean soup pureed and strained is excellent. This is gross, I know, but I was not a sweets person and craved anything savory. I would mix different seasonings (like french onion soup) into plain greek yogurt and let it sit over night. Like making a chip dip? Then I would eat it. On a spoon. My kids thought I was disgusting but... I still do that for veggies. Plain greek yogurt blended with avocado is yummy. Cottage cheese is nasty but I forced myself to eat it with salt and pepper like twice.
  22. LipstickLady

    Taco soup,is it to much atm?

    HAHAHAA!! I thought you were begging for an ass kicking.
  23. Perfect! I will say water first won't make food stick. Water after might make it come back, though. My sleeve is VERY restrictive and I have pretty much become a grazer. A piece of beef jerrky here, a handful of almonds or a string cheeese there. I am getting totally used to the "tapas" way of life. (That's what I'm calling it. Sounds much better than grazing. I'm not a cow anymore!!) I have found that I enjoy nibbling on a few shrimps in the afternoon, or a really great cheeese in the evening. Now that I eat so little, I allow myself to buy more expensive, better quality "treats" that fit my meall plan. (Wegman's cheese counter might break my bank. And the olive bar...) You will find foods you like as your appetite comes back. Don't allow bad habits (cough muffin cough scone) creep in this early. What textures do you enjoy? Perhaps we can suggest some high proteiin foods that might work better for you. It's hard to be creative while you are learning your sleeve, I know. You aren't "wrong", you are just on a learning curve. I think it happens to most of us.
  24. LipstickLady

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    If I wasn't already married, I'd totally ask for your hand...

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