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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Have you talked to him about this? Perhaps it's real or perhaps you're just anticipating it so you're noticing it more? Seek therapy if you a want to better your relationship. If he doesn't want to go, go solo. I have a degree in psychology, but I'd never dream of offering specific relationship advice via an Internet post. You are both worth a great love life, mentally and physically.
  2. LipstickLady

    Sex after surgery

    Nothing frowned upon here! Sex is better because I feel better about me. I'm saggy and floppy and loose, but I have more energy than ever and am much more ... uhm ... BENDY. Plus, when I'm playing cowgirl, I'm not afraid of squishing him. That's a bonus.
  3. Nope. I follow the same rules I was given post op. Proteinn first, veggies next! There is rarely enough room for anything else. I do indulge from time to time and when I do, I feel it in the waist of my pants. When this happens, I just spend a few days with my favorite proteinns (hello filet mignon, salmon and crabcakes!!) to retrain my brain. It's really quite easy when I make myself do it.
  4. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful.

    1. Fredbear


      Why do you think so many have opiate/drug addictions? ;-)

    2. borg/assimilated


      It would be great if the collar could differentiate between those with low IQ ( and really are unable to help themselves) and those with inadequate commonsense.

    3. ProudGrammy


      so, that is why i hurt so much? LOL - kathy

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  5. Cast Iron before. Nothing was too hot, too spicy, too sweet... Now I dump when I eat ice cream or a rich cream based Soup. I can still eat super hot or spicy foods, but I cannot drink after or it all comes back up. Rice and Pasta make me vomit. I can eat a few bites of bread and potatoes but I feel crappy after so I just don't. None of the changes bother me. They keep me honest and on track.
  6. LipstickLady

    Myself and a cold

    I prefer Bravo.
  7. I hope something great happens to you today!!

    1. OzRoo


      Hope something great happened to you today or this evening! :)

    2. LipstickLady
    3. OzRoo


      And Hugs xxx

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  8. LipstickLady

    Myself and a cold

    LOLZ... Me, too! Sudafed and Vicks. And trashy tv.
  9. LipstickLady

    Myself and a cold

    What do you normally do when you catch a cold?
  10. Ooooh-Kay! Good luck with that! While you're talking to your doc about your poo, I'd talk to him/her about WHY you did what you did.
  11. Thirty pounds in 25 days? Do you realize how unhealthy that is? Unless you are a morbidly obese 6.10 man weighing over 350ish, that's pretty unrealistic.
  12. Not until about 3 months out, here...
  13. We've met. He and I like to talk about big, juicy sausage.
  14. I said sliced tomatoes.I said trash can.@@LipstickLady, I can't wait to get together someday. I am going to treat you to a delicious bowl of cottage cheese! Remember that other cottage cheese post where I said trash can and about got kicked in the teeth and set on fire for it? Hangry people hankering for horrific foods have no sense of humor.
  15. LipstickLady

    Pre Op feeling of FAILURE

    Yes. I feel cheated. It really should have been in the disclosure package.
  16. I said sliced tomatoes. I said trash can.
  17. LipstickLady

    Pre Op feeling of FAILURE

    Woah nelly!! I don't mean this to sound harsh, but ... HELL NO! I had this surgery at 42. I tried every diet out there and successfully lost 60, then 80, then 90 pounds "on my own". All those lost pounds struggling through diets killed my metabolism and the regain was fast each time. My mind was on food constantly and that alone was unhealthy, not to mention the damage I was doing to my back, knees and feet. I lost years of opportunities because I was too fat to participate fully in my life and the lives of my kids. I tried and I was always active but it wasn't what it could have been. I look back through pictures of my family and I was "missing" for a good decade because I didn't want to be caught on film. How sad is that? WLS gave me back the fullness of my life and I DID "do it on my own". Seriously. I did the pre op, I had the procedure, I followed my post op diet, I literally exercised my ass off ... Tell me who did it for me. No one. I did it ON MY OWN. My sleeve is a tool. Hearing aids are a tool. Your car is a tool. Washing machines are a tool. Insulin pumps are a tool. Defibs are a tool. Air Conditioning is a tool. Why would you not utilize a tool if you honestly need it? As far as "fat acceptance"? Tell me one good thing being fat ever did for me. Oh wait. I floated better in the pool and big waves didn't knock me over. Other than that? Being fat -- accepting fat -- did nothing for me physically or mentally. Doesn't sound like it's doing anything for you, either.
  18. LipstickLady

    My 1st dumping syndrome!

    Not everyone dumps from the same thing. I dump from ice cream, and cream based Soups, but not fried foods or something simply because it contains starch. My reason for questioning if the OP dumped is because it normally happens (for me) immediately. I get the sweats, chills, and everything evacuates, often from both ends simultaneously. Hot look, huh?
  19. LipstickLady

    Having a sleeve vs. old school dieting?

    I've always been a champ at losing weight. My sleeve and the restriction helps me keep it off. Certain foods make me dump or vomit so I avoid them. Others make me feel horrible so I just don't. Others make me feel full and stay full for hours so I stick with those. My sleeve keeps me on track at three+ years out. WWs couldn't do that. For ME.
  20. Cottage cheese is best served to someone else. Bluuuuuurp.
  21. @@Djmohr Do you turtle your neck, too? I stretch my neck up and kind of out in front of me. Kind of like a little old man turtle coming out to take a look around. I am sure it's very attractive.
  22. I'm so sorry. That really does suck.
  23. LipstickLady

    Disgusted by food

    Me!! Dang I miss those days...
  24. LipstickLady

    Locs/ dreadlocks/ dreads

    What an interesting question! That would suck!

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