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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    Oddly, it boils down to if you like the person who answered or not. I have seen that answer come from one member and it HELLFIRE HORRID BULLYING but coming from another member, it's humorous and lighthearted. Weird. It's the way of the world, isn't it? Lets all have a taco and move on? Through a straw, while chewing gum, on vacation 30 mins after discharge. There. And chase it with a cold beer.
  2. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    Oddly, it boils down to if you like the person who answered or not. I have seen that answer come from one member and it HELLFIRE HORRID BULLYING but coming from another member, it's humorous and lighthearted. Weird.
  3. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    @@chycky Not at all.
  4. People who ask questions, get real answers, get angry... Sigh. The point is to answer the question(s) they ask. Real answers are great as long as they are the answer to their question. Everything else is irrelevant. Get it? I disagree. My answers are for the benefit of EVERYONE reading and a lot of times, what seems like a yes or no question is actually so much more. I'd say most people who spend their valuable time here attempting to pay it forward are doing so because they care. Nothing "irrelevant" about that. I'd throw in a flippant "get it" and an emoji, too, but I am sure that would be taken as sarcasm.
  5. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    I didn't call anyone rude, did I? I simply pointed out where the name calling generally starts. I chalk it up to being hangry and hormonal and move on. If certain peeps want to beat up on me? I can take it. I simply hit that ignore preference and move on. I find the name calling ... OH WAIT ... adjectives amusing. I have no problem laughing at myself or at the misguided perceptions of my tone. Have at it. My big girl panties (thongs in the summer!) are MUCH smaller than they used to be, but they are still on firmly. And yes, the word bullying here is ridiculous.
  6. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    He really really really likes to bring up your WLS status. Weird.
  7. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    Again, this was my "smug" response.
  8. How much more fun would this world be if everyone loosened up a little and took themselves a lot less seriously?

    1. Dub


      Agreement and agreement!!!

    2. OzRoo


      Absolutely, yes and yes !

    3. KristenLe
    4. Show next comments  144 more
  9. Since you brought this up... And my answer isn't FOR YOU, it's for anyone reading. I can take a large banana full of sugar, little protein', throw it in my food processor and reduce it to 4 Tablespoons. I can also take 3-4 cups of puffy Cheetos, throw them in my food' processor and reduce those down to 4 Tablespoons. Measure it before you mash it. Just a thinking point for those who are receptive.
  10. People who ask questions, get real answers, get angry... Sigh.
  11. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    Yup. I'm the same in person. If one reads my posts as sarcasm, that's on them. I'm not intentionally rude, and you'll please noet that it's the newbies who generally start the name calling and insults. Look at who called out rude, smug, a*****e, etc.
  12. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    I am humbled to be in your presence, my queen majesty. As you were, my fine man...
  13. And enjoy those bananas for sure!!!
  14. Eeeeek! So you don't want real advice that pertains to your questions? You'd prefer limited validation? You might want to block me now to relieve and undue stress I might cause!
  15. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    Woah, there. I'm the queen asshole and a smug one at that. Don't try to steal my title. I can totally take you.
  16. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    DEEZ nuts!!!! Amirite, ladiezzzz!?!?
  17. LipstickLady

    You lied again lol

    Just smile, nod and move on with your day.
  18. LipstickLady

    Stretched sleeve

    Same. My surgeon insists that if the sleeve is done correctly, all the stretchy part (or the fundus) is removed leaving only the muscle which won't stretch. Natural relaxing will occur, but he advised me that I would never be able to eat more than 2 cups in a sitting -- 6-8oz of protein' MAX. At three years and three months out, I have found that he is wrong. There is no way I can eat two cups of anything except popcorn' and 4oz of protein' is my limit. If I push it to 6, there is a high probability it is coming back out.
  19. LipstickLady

    You lied again lol

    I loved WWs, I hated the meetings. There was always one person who made the entire meeting about them to the detriment of the rest of the group. Sometimes she was the know it all, who wasn't actually successful, but had been going the longest. Sometimes it was the whiner who failed week after week and blamed the system not her actual actions. Sometimes it was the newbie who wanted to be spoon fed every detail instead of opening up her materials and actually reading them. Every week, every meeting, every time slot, one of the above existed. I gave it a chance, too. I gave each location at least 6-8 weeks and I shuffled the time slots. I found leaders I loved and groups I adored, but there was always that one person who didn't allow actual learning to occur because they monopolized the entire 30 minutes. I went to two support meetings and saw that fatties/former fatties are the same everywhere. I don't have extra hours to spare in my life for that nonsense. At least here, I can click on a different thread and "ignore" those that make me grit my teeth. But I am still wondering why her attendance at a meeting would bug the OP so much.., No one's participation (or lack thereof) has any bearing on my results.
  20. LipstickLady

    Foamies, who gets them?

    I got them regularly for the first year to 18 months. Now, at three years and three months out, I rarely get them. It only happened when I ate too fast, one bite too much, or drank too soon after eating. For me, that was about an hour, now I only have to wait about 45 minutes. Seriously the most disgusting thing ever. But it kept me on track!
  21. LipstickLady

    You lied again lol

    Why do you care about what she is doing? Really?

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