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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    You lied again lol

    That is one of the saddest things I have ever read. I do hope you're not saying that the only people with whom one associates whether in person, online or other means are from the world of bariatric surgery. Not going to a support group in no way means that someone is never in a room with other folks. If this is one of the saddest things you have read then you need to get out more!!! You need to re read from the Top... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Girl, you right. IF she'd been reading from the top, she would have found it much sadder than someone is THAT worried/mad/irritated by another's attendance (or lack thereof) at a SUPPORT meeting.
  2. LipstickLady

    For those that are worried about excess skin...

    You go girl! You look awesome! And you're correct. A little bit of saggy skin is SO much better than fat filled skin. If one has to have surgery for non cosmetic reasons because of skin, I'd assume their condition would have been so much worse with the excess weight, too.
  3. LipstickLady

    Chili-roasted nuts

    I love spicy nuts. I've never considered making my own, though! I don't know why, I make spicy pumpkin seeds every year. Hmmm....
  4. Meh. Just a little joke to keep things light. No harm intended. I personally like being called a princess. And we all know that @@LipstickLady IS one. A pretty pretty one. A VERY pretty pretty one!!!
  5. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

  6. Clearly no one sees the humor in a horse dressed as a banana. I wonder if he'd mush down to 4... Never mind.

    1. heidikat72


      haha i just spit water out my nose. thanks for the laugh

    2. OzRoo


      Just saw it now, LOL, spitting my coffee again :)

  7. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

  8. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

    It's a horse. Dressed as a banana.
  9. LipstickLady

    This might be a fun little 5 minute test for y'all.

    No, but I love my LGBT friends MUCHO! MUCHO? What does that acronym stand for? My useless cat hates oreos. Sounds like your cat is a racist! I actually don't have a cat. Cats are icky.
  10. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

    And then there was the guy who ate a 20oz steak a few weeks post op and somehow that was his surgeon's fault. HA!
  11. LipstickLady

    Getting back on that wagon, is it possible?

    I seem to regain and re-lose the same 10 over and over (when my bounce was only supposed to be five!!). ARGH! I've got no one to blame but myself. It's really quite easy to lose if I decide to just do it. I go back to all protein' first, and eliminate the carbs. A day or two of 'liquids only doesn't hurt and it will jump start the strict restriction. And I know I have to move more, couch less. If I can do it, anyone can.
  12. LipstickLady

    This might be a fun little 5 minute test for y'all.

    @@The Candidate You've never taken this test before? WOWZERS!! Almost every company I've ever worked for administered it in some form. Interesting. Perhaps because I have always been in sales/training/communications... If you liked this extremely brief test, you really should seek out a fuller version. It's a very interesting insight and I've met no one who says it does not describe them very well. You should be able to find some better online versions free!
  13. LipstickLady

    This might be a fun little 5 minute test for y'all.

    No, but I love my LGBT friends MUCHO! MUCHO? What does that acronym stand for? My useless cat hates oreos.
  14. LipstickLady

    Major regret.

    That's weird. Hope you are on the mend soon!
  15. LipstickLady

    This might be a fun little 5 minute test for y'all.

    No, but I love my LGBT friends MUCHO!
  16. LipstickLady

    Major regret.

    Because it's not a pouch. RNYers have pouches. Your stomach was cut into a banana' shaped sleeve. Pouches can stretch, sleeves, if done properly will relax but will not stretch.
  17. LipstickLady

    Major regret.

    First, if you have a sleeve, you don't have a pouch. There truly is a difference. Second. Yes. Liquids' sucked hard for me for a long time but they are an evil must. I could only tolerate room temperature Gatorade which I diluted 50/50 with Water. Plain water is very hard on many sleeved people. Something about the pH (science science blah blah) something or other. Third. Yes, it does get easier. Fourth. Just keep sipping...
  18. I've considered just strapping them in with a belt, personally. They hit at about waist level anyways...
  19. LipstickLady

    You lied again lol

    I didn't.
  20. YOU apply tone. It's your choice to decide how to read responses. Your personal interpretation does not equate to the intent necessarily. Just sayin.
  21. LipstickLady

    More food porn

    Will I need to bankroll a college education for you?? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Cuz I already have three going... I may be broke when all is said and done @@LipstickLady Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I've got a Master's. No desire to get at my Phd unless it's in BITCH. Oh wait.... GOT THAT.
  22. Ask what you want. Expect people to reply in kind. Weird concept, I know.
  23. Since you brought this up... And my answer isn't FOR YOU, it's for anyone reading. I can take a large banana full of sugar, little protein', throw it in my food processor and reduce it to 4 Tablespoons. I can also take 3-4 cups of puffy Cheetos, throw them in my food' processor and reduce those down to 4 Tablespoons. Measure it before you mash it. Just a thinking point for those who are receptive. If that is your allowed portion, and that is what you ate, then why are you asking advice from random strangers? Your plan has outlined what you are allowed to eat and you are following it. I added a lot positive to the post, weighing and measuring your food is the key. If you are weighing and measuring your food and eating your proper allowed portion from your plan, how is there a question? 1/4 cup of food is a normal portion for most patients. I'm just not saying what you want to hear? You are being really nasty to people over a banana. Good luck. Yup. I suck.
  24. LipstickLady

    More food porn

    @LisaMergs If you marry @@Dub , can I be your kid? Sounds like the perfect solution to me.
  25. It's super simple for me. If I drink within 30 minutes of drinking, I vomit. I don't like vomiting.

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