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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    New Question- FUN

    F--k You by Lily Allen.
  2. LipstickLady

    I THOUGHT I was sleeved...

    This, I need to follow.
  3. LipstickLady

    Just wondering.

    No idea why. It's weird. I know some foods make me physically ill so the aversion makes sense. Why some foods taste off? No idea but I'm not mad!
  4. Terrific Tuesday! Tell me something great!

    1. KristenLe


      This time next month I will be in the recovery room and on the loser's bench!! :-)

    2. LipstickLady


      I can't wait to see you soar!!

    3. Dub


      Very cool. Loser's Bench is great !!!!

  5. I love the Myer Briggs. I truly believe it's very accurate in it's results. I am an ESTJ all the way. http://lonerwolf.com/myer-briggs-free-test/ ESTJ (Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging)As an ESTJ, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is internal, where you take things in via your five senses. ESTJs live in a world of facts, experiences and concrete needs. They live in the present, with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and harmoniously. They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs. They expect the same of others, and have no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. They value competence and efficiency, and like to see quick results for their efforts. ESTJs are take-charge people. They have such a clear vision of the way that things should be, that they naturally step into leadership roles. They are self-confident and can come across as aggressive. They are extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task. They can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because they have such strongly held beliefs, and are likely to express themselves without reserve if they feel someone isn't meeting their standards. But at least their expressions can be taken at face-value, because the ESTJ is extremely straight-forward and honest. ESTJ Strengths Dedicated – Seeing things to completion borders on an ethical obligation for ESTJs. Tasks aren't simply abandoned because they've become difficult or boring – people with the ESTJ personality type take them up when they are the right thing to do, and they will be finished so long as they remain the right thing to do. Strong-willed – A strong will makes this dedication possible, and ESTJs don't give up their beliefs because of simple opposition. ESTJs defend their ideas and principles relentlessly, and must be proven clearly and conclusively wrong for their stance to budge. Direct and Honest – ESTJs trust facts far more than abstract ideas or opinions. Straightforward statements and information are king, and ESTJ personalities return the honesty (whether it's wanted or not). Loyal, Patient and Reliable – ESTJs work to exemplify truthfulness and reliability, considering stability and security very important. When ESTJs say they'll do something, they keep their word, making them very responsible members of their families, companies and communities. Enjoy Creating Order – Chaos makes things unpredictable, and unpredictable things can't be trusted when they are needed most – with this in mind, ESTJs strive to create order and security in their environments by establishing rules, structures and clear roles. Excellent Organizers – This commitment to truth and clear standards makes ESTJs capable and confident leaders. People with this personality type have no problem distributing tasks and responsibilities to others fairly and objectively, making them excellent administrators. ESTJ Weaknesses Inflexible and Stubborn – The problem with being so fixated on what works is that ESTJs too often dismiss what might work better. Everything is opinion until proven, and ESTJ personalities are reluctant to trust an opinion long enough for it to have that chance. Uncomfortable with Unconventional Situations – ESTJs are strong adherents to tradition and when suddenly forced to try unvetted solutions, they become uncomfortable and stressed. New ideas suggest that their methods weren't good enough, and abandoning what has always worked before in favor of something that may yet fail risks their image of reliability. Judgmental – ESTJs have strong convictions about what is right, wrong, and socially acceptable. ESTJs' compulsion to create order often extends to all things and everyone, ignoring the possibility that there are two right ways to get things done. ESTJs do not hesitate to let these "deviants" know what they think, considering it their duty to set things right. Too Focused on Social Status – ESTJs take pride in the respect of their friends, colleagues and community and while difficult to admit, are very concerned with public opinion. ESTJs (especially turbulent ones) can get so caught up in meeting others' expectations that they fail to address their own needs. Difficult to Relax – This need for respect fosters a need to maintain their dignity, which can make it difficult to cut loose and relax for risk of looking the fool, even in good fun. Difficulty Expressing Emotion – This is all evidence of ESTJs' greatest weakness: expressing emotions and feeling empathy. People with the ESTJ personality type get so caught up in the facts and most effective methods that they forget to think of what makes others happy, or even of their own sensitivity. A detour can be breathtakingly beautiful, a joy for the family, but ESTJs may only see the consequence of arriving at their destination an hour late, hurting their loved ones by rejecting the notion too harshly. Famous ESTJ'sHillary Clinton Dr. Phil Martha Stewart Henry Ford Margaret Thatcher Uma Thurman Emma Watson Career ChoicesMilitary leader Business Administrator Manager Athlete Police Officer Detective Judge Financial Officer Teacher Coach Sales Representative ESTJ In Summary ...ESTJ's are practical, realistic and matter-of-fact people. They are also decisive and quickly move to implement decisions. ESTJ's organize projects and people to get things done, and focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. Finally, they have a clear set of logical standards that they systematically follow, and they want others to follow also.
  6. LipstickLady

    Why some & not others?

    Clearly it depends on the surgeon's education, methodology, and the health status of the patient. I'd hope that doctors look at all factors when recommending any diet. Certainly a man with a 40 BMI is going to be treated differently than a woman with a BMI of 65. At least, I hope so...
  7. LipstickLady

    My NUT is a nut

    My first bariatric surgeon looked about 14 months pregnant. My first consultation was in November and he was OK. My second was in December and he warned me about holiday weight gain. (DUH!!) My third was in January and I was appalled that he went from 14 months pregnant to about 19 months. I, in turn, had lost 2 pounds. He had the AUDACITY to tell me that I clearly ate crap all holiday. I told him he clearly ate an elephant. It was our last appointment.
  8. LipstickLady

    Long Luscious Locks

    Mine thinned a bit, but that's something that happened every time I lost weight quickly through EVERY diet plan, WWs, JC, LAWL, Atkins. My nails would break like a mofo, too. My skin would be so dry it made the Sahara look like a rainforest... This time around was no different, but I did have acrylic nails so that was better. And I moisturized the heck out of my body. Especially once I could reach all of it.
  9. Manic Monday! What's on your plate? I've already emptied the dishwasher, thrown together a meat sauce for dinner, down two loads of laundy, and entered my calendar for the week. It's almost 7am and I am on the move!

    1. Babbs


      Buyer stuff. Inspection this morning, sending listings to another buyer. After that, hitting the gym. Yay for self employment!

    2. KristenLe


      I need your energy! I'm like a slug - couldn't get out of bed to get my ass to work on time!

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      Grilling, because I marrinated some meat over the weekend but was gone all weekend, so grilling right now before it goes bad. Baked my protein snacks for the week. on my 4th cup of coffee.

  10. LipstickLady

    My NUT is a nut

    My NUT was an ass. I saw her twice because I had to and NEVER AGAIN. She worked really hard at showing me plastic food on a portion plate -- something any WWs vet could have done blindfolded and then spent the rest of our time hawking her MLM Vitamins. I'm fairly certain the hospital she housed in would have frowned on that. She was going on personal experience with diet 100% IMO and she was definitely one of those people who has struggled with being too skinny her whole life so had no knowledge of the struggles of a fatty. I sat with her, smiled and nodded, because I had to. She sucked. BAD.
  11. LipstickLady

    Long Luscious Locks

    Awwww... Thanks!!! My hair was wet in the recent pic, it's normally MUCH fuller. Eat your guacamole!! It's good for you.
  12. LipstickLady

    Long Luscious Locks

    I've got long luscious locks. Had them before surgery. Had then during. Have them after. And no, I did NOT use a special shampoo. I just tried hard (and failed) to get in my Protein and fluids. No room for carbs at all for the first 6-8 months. (Or veggies!!) Took my regular Vitamins most days. I think the key is getting in not only your protein, but a lot of healthy fat. Olive oil, nut butters, avocado... During the process... Last year...
  13. LipstickLady

    Well, Hot Dam

    YAY YOU!!!!!
  14. LipstickLady


    Don't eat bread. It's pretty simple, really.
  15. LipstickLady

    For you Diet Coke addicts [emoji4]

    I agree. It's a weird conundrum that diet soda is not recommended by most because of artificial sweeteners but drinks' like Crystal Light are. Another argument is the acidity in soda, but it's OK in coffee'? The carbonation argument is phooey. Air won't stretch a sleeve. I consider my Coke Zero my "cup of coffee'". Same color, same caffeine, same calories. It's just cold instead of hot and I drink it through a straw instead of a mug.
  16. LipstickLady

    Retried beans

    ME TOO!! Trader Joe's brand are the best.
  17. Sinful Sunday! What's your guilty pleasure?

    1. blackgirlfat


      caramel popcorn...

    2. ShelterDog64
    3. KristenLe


      trashy romance novels, watching football, bloody mary's and any kind of shopping (other than food)!

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  18. If you aren't hungry, ignore the cravings. Head hunger is the biggest downfall (IMO) for WLS patients. If you are hungry, follow your plan. Take your PPIs as acid often mimics hunger, drink your fluids, brush your teeth, gargle with Listerine (cuz that crap is nasty and nothing tastes good after) and keep busy. You can totally do this.
  19. LipstickLady

    Retried beans

    I'd buy them canned. When you make your own, you'll leave a lot of skins in the mash and that bean skin doesn't digest as easily.
  20. LipstickLady

    For you Diet Coke addicts [emoji4]

    My Coke Zero is perfect when I think I'm hungry. The carbonation keeps me from being able to eat for hours.
  21. LipstickLady

    For you Diet Coke addicts [emoji4]

    I dare say Coke Zero has little "control over my life" nor is it a "demanding monkey on my back". Few things have an "Iron hold" on me and I'm quite positive I'm not "addicted". Or were you just being tongue in cheek with this...?
  22. LipstickLady

    For you Diet Coke addicts [emoji4]

    I drink Coke Zero every day. Usually through a straw...
  23. Sexy Saturday! What's your favorite physical feature about your body?

    1. rassiegirl


      Face. Hopefully next year it'll be my sexy body

    2. OzRoo


      Face and legs :)

    3. KristenLe


      Eyes and hair!

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  24. Eight weeks is a long estimate. I had surgery on a Wednesday and was back in action (tired, but back) on Monday. I dragged a bit and half days helped, but I could do it. Two weeks minus a few day and I was FINE. My eating was weird, but I could work. Don't know how that would help you, but my work time perspective.
  25. LipstickLady


    Three years out and I am always cold. It's MY opportunity to wear compression garments or cute cardigans without breaking a sweat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
