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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    Oh I know-a taco is all about the crunch. But this was almost just as good..... almost Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App It looked good! I love ranch on a "taco" "salad". Throw some avocado chunks in that and it would be perfect.
  2. I blended my refrigerated protein' shake' with ice and then poured it in an insulated tumbler and just sipped on it. It was a slushy consistency and small sips went down ok. Helped with my liquid' intake, too.
  3. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    At 3+ years out, I still can't eat a big salad'. Well, maybe I could, but I have not tried. I know I have said it before but perhaps it bears repeating. My NP asked me what it was I missed about a salad when I expressed the same. Turned out it was the flavorful, crunchy, variety of the toppings. So now when I crave a salad, I go to the salad bar and get a bit of each of my favorite toppings: onions, red peppers, cukes, edamame, cheese', olives, radish, chopped egg, bacon bits, sunflower seeds (skip those for a long time y'all), ham, and dressing. I can rarely finish it and I just get a pinch of each. Delicious.
  4. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    That's true! As far as a taco, at three weeks, I would have been allowed refried beans, sour cream, and a pinch of cheese'. I would have been able to get down about 2 tblspns max. I wasn't allowed veggies until week 6 and that did NOT include lettuce. No nutritional value and takes up valuable real estate.
  5. I felt very much the same and it turned out that I had a slight stricture. Absolutely no big deal -- in fact, I chose NOT to have it corrected. I stayed on liquids' (protein' drinks!) for three weeks and then went to pureed' for two. It was slow moving, but at week three I was doing fine on just my shakes' and some greek yogurt, hummus, refried Beans and other really loose foods. Concentrate on protein' and liquids. Gatorade 50/50 with Water was a HUGE help for me, too. You will get there!!
  6. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    Bougie size matters very little. My bougie was a 36, the pen. Yours was a 40, the cap.
  7. LipstickLady

    3wks out tacos?

    In all fairness, it's really NOT a taco unless it includes a fried corn shell. Yes, Americanized, it can be a soft flour or soft corn, but my reply was based on the TRUE definition of a taco. There really is a difference.
  8. LipstickLady

    )Thank you all

    Great luck to you! Sounds like you're already finding successes.
  9. This rain is ruining my curls!

    1. CHM


      And it's ruining my blowout!

      Sounds like bad hair days all around...

    2. heidikat72


      yep was hoping my short hair wouldn't be as impacted, but it's completely frizzed out today. and the rain ruined my commute to work too - seriously people, it's just a little water, no need to lose your mind

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      All my life my hair was straight to just nicely wavy. In more recent years, I never know what to expect. I wake to anything from straight to wavy to curly to frizzy. My hair has gone hormonal with time and rarely gives me what I hope for on any given day.

  10. LipstickLady

    Silly question

    Girrrrrllll.... Yes!!
  11. LipstickLady

    To eat or not to eat....

    Most of my "meals" would be considered "snacks" by others.
  12. LipstickLady

    To eat or not to eat....

    That was me for almost a year. I still can't always get it all in. I have days when I really want to eat but can't. I have days when I really don't eat at all. And I have days when I graze on cheese', nuts', and meat' all day. It's definitely a new bizarre normal. I don't mind it a bit.
  13. Your issue is not his and his is not yours.. You do you and work towards better health. You can't control what he does, you can only work towards YOUR goals. Period.
  14. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    If you are going to get ugly, I'm out. I get enough of that around here already. Good luck to you!
  15. LipstickLady

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    Why do you want to feel stuffed? That concerns me. Have you considered having a second opinion on the size of your sleeve?
  16. LipstickLady

    Noisy co workers

    Wait! You STILL want to know about my procedure even though I told you it was private? OK! Every time I cough, I fart glitter. It's jamming up my vacuum cleaner. Every time my partner and I have sexy time, my genie clamps down hard on his dickie-do and we have to call 911. The emergency operators chipped in to fund this. Every time I sneeze, I O! It's great but with my allergies, it's dangerous when I drive. Every time some asks me a personal question, I have an overwhelming desire to eat their face. Clearly I'm not starving.
  17. LipstickLady

    Noisy co workers

    I agree with the not lying part, but I disagree with the likelihood of people figuring it out. I am 3+ years out, 112lbs down and no one that I did not choose to tell knows more than the fact that I eat a diet much like atkins and I move my a$$ a lot. Only one person asked me out right if I had WLS and my response was simply, "What a personal question! You probably did not intend to be nearly as rude as you came across." My tone clearly invited no further discussion and no further discussion occurred. If I were to tell people I was having a procedure and they asked what kind, I would simply tell them it was very personal. Nothing else needs to be said. But I never told people that part, either.
  18. LipstickLady

    Twinkie Twit

    Since you won't stoop to telling her to shut the f--k up (totally understandable), why not buy an airhorn and let it blast every time she opens her mouth? Or a rape whistle? Sigh... I guess that's just as immature. Have you ever walked up to her with a smile and asked her WHY she is so rude? Ask her what her actual reason is for being so blatantly nasty? Admittedly, it doesn't always work. I've done it here with a particularly ugly one and got zero response, but it does feel good to confront them in a non aggressive way and put the ball in their court. Acknowledging and recognizing their poor behavior is strangely comforting. If they continue to engage in it, as mine has, it's 100% on them. In turn, you are the bigger person giving her the chance to explain. And you never know. They might just wake up and turn their behavior around.
  19. LipstickLady

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    Now you are talking NONSENSE. Asparagus is fabulous. Roasted with garlic? YUM.
  20. LipstickLady

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    :eyeroll: Some trainers aren't even an expert on training just as some NUTs know nothing about nutrition. It's shocking.
  21. LipstickLady

    Vent of frustration

    So my (totally uneducated, don't live in your shoes, don't know your relationship, etc) opinion? He doesn't get it and that's OK. He doesn't see physical wounds and no one can comprehend the exhaustion that comes with the lack of nutrients, fluids and hormonal changes that come along with WLS unless one has been through it. I am sure he is anxious for you to be back on your feet and you are anxious to be back to normal as well. That said, even YOU don't fully comprehend how much the hormone dump is affecting you because it's so bizarre. It made me anxious, mean, grumpy, excited, sensitive, giddy...ALL AT THE SAME TIME. You can't really see it while you are living it, but you can when you reflect back on it. Work on resting at regular intervals. Work on your fluids and protein'. Walk as much as possible. Nap when you need it. Have prepped foods in the refrigerator. Ignore the absurdity of his reactions and ask that he ignore yours. In a month or two, you will be back to normal. A slightly different normal, but normal. AND PLEASE... don't give in to the common misconception that he is jealous, insecure, blah blah blah. Yes, it happens quite often, but when one assumes that is what it is, you react in ways that may be more damaging than helpful, IN MY OPINION. Good luck! You're going to be fine.
  22. LipstickLady

    Almost There !

    I SEE YOU!!! It's hard to give advice with so many specific complications or medical "oddities" (for lack of better word before my coffee), but I can wish you great luck!!
  23. LipstickLady

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    And this is exactly the reason I stay. What did you eat so we can give you a firm and proper lashing???

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