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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Huh? Not supposed to have gluten or spicy? What am I missing?
  2. LipstickLady

    Hoping someone can tell me about chia seeds

    I need to get a clay head lol Cha cha cha chia...tge pottery thar grows. Fast forward 20 years and I'm thinking about eating them lol life is weird. Sent from my SM-G930P using the BariatricPal App Every time my kid eats them in front of me, I sing the song. I can't help myself. She sprinkles them on everything from yogurt to ice cream to her smoothie'. Word of warning, though. Check your teeth after your meal. She often has them lodged in her tooth gaps after she eats. It's gross.
  3. LipstickLady

    Hoping someone can tell me about chia seeds

    You can grow really cool Chia pets out of them. My 18-year-old swears by them. She says they help her poop more regularly.
  4. LipstickLady

    calories be damned?

    At 11 weeks, I'd drop some of the higher carb foods for leaner protein', personally. JUST MY OPINION. The apple and crackers are taking up valuable real estate when you could get in something higher in protein' and will keep you full longer. I'd also swap out almonds for the cashews. Better fat content and more fiber'. What kind of veggies are you consuming? What's your serving size on the whole grain option?
  5. LipstickLady

    Preteen with growing weight problem

    Obese is not a natural body shape. No fat shaming here, just stating facts.
  6. Cold brussel sprouts smell like farts. The after effects of eating brussel sprouts also smells like farts.

    1. ShelterDog64


      You have an issue with the sprouts from Brussels, don't you


    2. LipstickLady
    3. ShelterDog64


      I can tell.

      I can tell.


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  7. LipstickLady

    Preteen with growing weight problem

    I've not read the entire thread but I see where @@Babbs is coming from. I'm a pretty private person, so if one were to bring my CHILD's health problems to a public forum -- even without naming names, I'd PERSONALLY be concerned. Her features are described, her mother is described and this site isn't particularly (aka -- at all) privacy safe. This forum is mostly about adults contemplating WLS, not children with potential PCOS issues, so TO ME, there is a disconnect. Just the other day someone posted a story about how they erroneously outed another member's WLS on FB thinking they were posting here. Stuff happens... That said, if the question were worded something to the effect of, "What are the signs of PCOS is an 11 year old girl?", I'd have no issue. If potentially over - protecting my child makes me a meanie, so be it. That's just me, though.
  8. All day continuation education class and they bring in pastries and bagels for breakfast. I'm sure lunch will be pizza and cookies will be brought in this afternoon. I'll just sit here with my pineapple, almonds, cheese sticks and jerky.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Pastries, bagels, pizza and cookies? Never heard them. Never ever. We-e-ll, maybe bagels and cookies.

    2. blizair09


      Companies love carby breakfasts. Mine started having all of that plus protein options a few years ago after the majority of people skipped the provided breakfast and expensed the $30 hotel breakfast buffet!

    3. Unbridled


      And then they wonder why everyone can't keep their eyes open. Carb coma city limits.

  9. LipstickLady

    I want to get drunk.

    A lot of people text and drive/smoke crack/don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom/eat off the floor/run red lights/lie, cheat and steal/etc. I'm not one of them nor can I imagine telling someone it's ok for them to do it either.
  10. LipstickLady

    Underage (17) and Bariatrics?

    If there is any way to get it done, DO IT. Jump over the hurdles, dive through the hoops and take this chance to improve your life NOW. Many insurance companies require two years of documented weight loss attempts. Start that NOW. Even if you can't get surgery done until you are 19, you are still way far ahead of the game. You are young enough to get this issue under control now. I am rooting for you!
  11. LipstickLady

    Did I eat too much?

    The stomach does stretch, I agree! A properly sleeved stomach will not stretch significantly. But hey! What do I know? I am 3.5 years out and can still only eat 1/2 cup to a cup on a BIG day per serving. I can/will only speak on MY experience.
  12. LipstickLady

    Did I eat too much?

    Sleeves don't stretch. I am three and a half years out and if I were to eat 3oz of tuna, I'd be stuffed. No way would I be eating the crackers, too, especially at your stage in the game. Useless carbs IN MY OPINION. AGAIN!! Just my opinion. My doctor recommended eating over 30 minutes and stopping without distraction. That said, I know how hard that is with kids, so I'd recommend measuring out what your doctor recommends and eating just that. (At two weeks out, I was allowed 1-2 oz or 3 tablespoons.) Do you feel full? Satisfied? Were you still hungry when you went back to finish?
  13. LipstickLady

    Chinese medicine?

    You really need to consult your surgeon on this one.
  14. LipstickLady

    I want to get drunk.

    Do it! Have a few for me, too!
  15. LipstickLady

    Hair loss 1 year out

    I'm no "warrior", I'm no "expert" and I definitely have NOTHING in common with a certain member linked with me up there. I can only speak on MY experience. I've lost hair' with every rapid weight loss diet I've gone on from Atkins to WWs to my sleeve. Once I incorporate fat back into my diet, the hair' loss (and nail breakage) slows. High protein', high fat does much more to slow hair' loss IN MY OPINION than any supplement. But again, that is just MY opinion. Hair' loss seems to hit 99% of us, but that is also just my opinion based on what I've read here.
  16. The kid is home for a mini fall break and I've made my killer brownies and almond joy cookies for her to take back. The house smells fabulous. In my fatter days, I would have made double batches and tasted myself into a sugar coma. I love that one is now more than enough.

    1. LipstickLady


      @ShelterDog64 I posted the recipe on my FB wall!! They turned out awesome. Far too rich for me, though.

    2. LipstickLady




      At your stage in the game, chocolate tasted like the bottom of an ashtray to me. Unfortunately, that changed.

    3. theantichick


      I'm kinda glad it doesn't. I like a small bite of dark chocolate every once in a while. What I love now is that the one bite or one cookie is enough, and it doesn't taste quite as good as it used to, so I only have it if I'm really wanting it.

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  17. LipstickLady

    This is who I do it for!

    I had surgery for myself first and foremost. I wanted to LIVE my life with my kids not just sit on the sidelines and watch it pass by. I wanted to be in front of the camera not just be the one taking the pictures. I wanted to ride roller coasters WITH them not watch from the observation deck. I wanted to feel great in my swimsuit and look great in my jeans. I didn't want to be the fattest mom in the room any more and I didn't want to sweat my way through every class party and field trip. I want to live to see my grandchildren and maybe even my great grandchildren. I want to be healthy and I want to be the same me on the outside as I am on the inside. BEST.DECISION.EVER. And your baby girl is ADORABLE.
  18. LipstickLady

    What is your favorite snack?

    My go-to was jalapeno and green olive white pizza' with a thick chocolate' shake'.
  19. LipstickLady

    What is your favorite snack?

    OH NO!!! NO!!!!!
  20. LipstickLady

    Not "hungry", but hungry..?

    It's a habit more than anything. The answer? Develop new habits! Walk around the block, learn how to knit, do a sudoku puzzle, anything that will occupy your mind for about 15 minutes -- until the urge passes. For good measure, go gargle with Listerine. Nothing tastes good after that, for sure!
  21. What a fat person thinks are adequate supplies FAR exceeds what a newly sleeved person actually needs. You should have seen what I used to buy when they were calling for a day or two of snow vs what I buy now. It's insanity.
  22. Not much, really. If you stock up, you might end up spending money on stuff you no longer care for. SF popsicles, a couple of gatorades or powerades -- whichever you prefer. A small pack of Protein drinks. SF pudding. I had surgery on a Wednesday, was home on Thursday, and driving on Friday. I could get whatever I needed at the store once I was driving and before then I was drinking Clear Liquids only, so...
  23. Y'all!! I ate a Brussel sprout and I didn't die!!

    1. LipstickLady


      I got them off the food bar at Wegmans because they keep coming up here. They were roasted in what I assume to be garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and were quite charred. The initial taste was very good -- I love roasted veggies -- but they are certainly bitter little things once you chew them up. And as expected, I was quite gassy last night.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Hey, I just posted a link to a load of Brussels sprouts recipes. Title is 'Brussels sprouts on parade.'

    3. LipstickLady


      That's pushing it.

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  24. LipstickLady

    I KNOW I can eat more than I should

    Yes! Testing your sleeve is akin to splashing bleach in your eyes to see if your safety goggles work, IMO.
  25. Your title definitely made me wonder what kind of player you were going for!

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