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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    What to eat

    There's an "eat what you want" part? Dang! I should have shopped surgeons better.
  2. LipstickLady


    I'm a 36d lonnnnnnnnggggg..
  3. LipstickLady


    Girl. Meeeee toooooo.
  4. And your boobs don't sit on the table at that booth? Awesome!!!
  5. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    Maybe? Possibly! Yup.
  6. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    Alex- and this is one of the reasons I've been mostly dormant for the last couple of weeks- and I know others have, as well. This forum, from my understanding was for people legitimately considering weight-loss surgery or had had weight-loss surgery due to obesity. How any of us got to that state makes no mind. This young lady, and I'm assuming it is a woman, is not obese--whether or not she has an actual eating disorder or is just trying to fill time in her day still doesn't belong here. I think the prudent thing you could've done is reached out to her privately, perhaps suggesting another forum for people with eating disorders that don't require weight-loss surgery. Alex you know as well as the rest of us who have gone through or going through this how difficult it is. Having a person come on like this quite frankly is not only ridiculous but a slap in the face to those of us who have truly struggled at our highest weights where our life was in jeopardy due to comorbidities and such. This person does need help just in a different way and in a different venue. Calling out the members on this forum for even having to question her or who want to try and understand her as her story grows more odd by each and every post she makes seems below the standards you set forth not only for behavior but for the reason of this forum. Alex you're the face of this community, and so many of us appreciate the fact that you established it, but allowing people to come in here and basically taunt us with their nonsensical post and comments is below the belt. The fact that you reinstated her under her original identity here is quite a sad fact. Now to the original poster, I happen to live in Chicago. I happened to have graduated from one of the top universities in the Midwestern states right here in Evanston Illinois. I'd be happy to meet with you and take you to see some of my colleagues and prior professors who might be able to give you the help you need. And if you'd prefer to do it in Michigan, I have a summer home there, plenty of friends and colleagues in that state as well. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App And another. @@Alex Brecher
  7. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    Excellent post! @@Alex Brecher
  8. Sorry I didn't put much information about myself to the above question.Hello, I'm 37 years young, mother of 3 beautiful children. My Bmi is 43 right now, it often fluctuates between 40-43 depending on my weight gain or loss. I'm an active mother, wife, worker, and very healthy young woman to say the least. However, I'm sick and tired of the yo-yo dieting. I've taken diet supplements along with injection (and I'm scared to death of needles- but did them anyway) for years I know since 2013, I've been on a strick diet plan for over a year and lost only 7lbs from 250lbs of weight I already had on my 5'4" body frame. At weigh in just the other day and was back up 243lbs. So all that being said....... I'm more then ready, to use this WLS as an added tool to stay healthy and fit. But I just can't get the one person I felt that would understand, to understand!!!!! I love my life but I know that I have to do this for ME and I don't want it to seem as if I'm being selfish and not considering his concern for me..... I've had 3 c-section do to my children and those are the only surgeries I've every had & all went extremely well by the time we had our 3rd child I was up walking around on my own the very next day, the nursing staff didn't like that but I told them "I can't take you guys home with me, so I have to do this on my own, you all just supervise me cause I don't want anyone getting fired because I wouldn't let you hold my hand!" They understand and just simply walked behind me as I walked the halls of the hospital... so when, I'm determined I'm determined!!!!! Mind over matter!!!! Sent from my SM-T817V using the BariatricPal App Our stats are right on and I was about the same age as you when I had my surgery. Here is my story: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/308645-i-was-a-super-healthy-fat-person-until-surgery-changed-my-life-was-it-worth-it/page-15?hl=%2Bwas+%2Bsuper+%2Bhealthy#entry4274115 And if my husband was against it? Not my problem. He'd have to figure that out on his own. I'd listen to his concerns, I'd direct him to appropriate research and I'd let him take it from there. I love him but I don't LIVE for him. He is a huge and important part of my world but he is not my world in it's entirety. Big diff.
  9. Perhaps I am an anomaly (doubt it), but I never really worried about what my friends and family thought about my surgery. I chose to tell very few people -- my husband, my kids, my father and at the last minute, my mother. I also told my close knit group of besties. My surgery had absolutely nothing to do with them and everything to do with me. I was having surgery, not for cosmetic reasons, but to improve my quality of life. I wanted to be a more active participant in my own life and theirs, instead of sitting on the sidelines. I did not hear one objection or any real concerns. Perhaps because they knew that I was not acting on a whim and had done my research thoroughly? Maybe because they know that once I make up my mind to do something, it's going to be done and nothing will stop me? (Or maybe they were just hoping to get rid of me in case the worst happened. HA!) If anyone HAD objected, I would have absolutely listened to their concerns, I would have given them some sites to do their own research and I would have ended the conversation there. I don't make such decisions lightly, nor do I invite anyone's "permission". This surgery was 100% about me and no one else's opinions really factored in -- including my husband. We've been happily married for 21 years and together for 24. We often bounce ideas off each other, but never have we felt the need to "allow" or "disallow" each other's decisions. If he had objected in any way, that would have been his issue to deal with, not mine.
  10. Hang on tight Florida, SC and NC friends! Hopefully you still have enough junk left in your trunk to anchor you down safely. <3

    1. ProudGrammy


      son-in-law works in Florida, daughter called, he's fine - i'm sure he has enough milk, and protein bars LOL kathy

    2. Pescador


      Headache from hell, 3 days stress. Live on the river in Jax FL which comes in from the Atlantic Ocean. Stayed home to oversee two elderly neighbors. We are all safe and love them dearly!!! Never again, I am too old for this!

    3. Unbridled


      LipstickLady thanks for the good wishes!

      Here in Charlotte, NC, it has rained for a straight 32 hours. Lots of wind all day. Lots of flooding and uprooted trees across the city, but all is well in my neck of the woods. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow!

  11. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    At this point, we are not only allowing, but INVITING someone to make a mockery of the purpose of this site. Have at it, y'all!
  12. LipstickLady

    Ate fast food....

    Fried or grilled nuggets from CFA aren't soft.
  13. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    no. you can't have any of my money. stop being lazy and go out and make some for yourself Ha! Didn't you just say mommy (and daddy via insurance) funded you? I wanted to feel for you until this post.
  14. LipstickLady

    Gateway "drug"

    Almonds are delicious! Don't explore the flavors for sure if you can't stop. Almonds fill me up quickly, so I love all the options. Stay safe!!!
  15. LipstickLady

    Ate fast food....

    What circumstances led to you to fast food' at less than three weeks out? What food' stage are you on? Every plan is different, but I was still at puréed at two weeks.
  16. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    Again. I highly doubt anyone is OFFENDED by you, but certainly your "story" has gaping holes. Who is/was your surgeon? How old were you when you had lap band? What hospital did you use? Insurance or self pay? Did you have a psych eval? How did you meet the dietary requirements? Why am I wasting my time when I am positive you will answer none of the above relevant questions?
  17. What a nice change already!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Unless you're referring to the effects of Brussels sprouts?

    2. OzRoo


      Where are your Vampire teeth? I liked them!

    3. ProudGrammy


      seeing you at 4:22 in the morning (or any time) is always a nice change !!!!

      what's the other change?


    4. Show next comments  102 more
  18. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    Every post you make, you post at another WLS board, too. And vice versa. Clearly you are just copy/pasting from one site to another. Sigh... And no, I don't think anyone was OFFENDED (although I can only really speak for me). I do think that you either have some serious mental/emotional issues that WLS won't cure or that you truly are trolling for attention whether it be positive or negative and while it's not offensive, it's definitely making a mockery out of what was a life changing decision for those of us who truly needed surgery. I see that you never answered @@Alex Brecher when he asked who your lap band surgeon was and who your sleeve surgeon will be. Lend some credibility to your "story" and give up some of those details. No surgeon in his/her right mind would give you EITHER procedure at your weight and with your "history". Your plan at "bulking up" pre-surgery is really what gave you away.
  19. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    @@Alex Brecher She's back!
  20. @@Dairymary She's been banned for trolling.
  21. Why are you testing sleeve when you know you shouldn't?
  22. Totally normal. You are doing great.
  23. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    Not only will it NOT prevent binge eating, but for some with such an eating disorder, it can create binge and purge habits.
  24. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    You are 5'4", 108 pounds, have an eating disorder and you want to be sleeved? I'm going to exit quietly. no, I'm 5'4" and I'm 125 pounds. My goal weight would be like 110, which isn't underweight. OH! 125. Yes, I can see why being sleeved would be a healthy option for you.
  25. LipstickLady

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    You are 5'4", 108 pounds, have an eating disorder and you want to be sleeved? I'm going to exit quietly.

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