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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Y'all. Come over here and give me a kiss. On the lips...
  2. @@Icantbelieveit OH! Scratch off or number pick? I am REALLY good at scratch off. I use a quarter and everything.
  3. @@OzRoo On the brussel sprouts. My family almost died. My gas was heinous.
  4. You said it was a Jewish JELLY fish salad. So they ARE Swedish Fish?? They are kind of jelly like. And soft. And you can eat them in sushi.
  5. I was raised Catholic. Never heard of it. EW! So wait, she WAS threatening people? With carp? DANGIT!! Does this mean I am not going to get a check???
  6. You will CHECK me? For what? Ticks? Weapons? Maybe my ID? What does that even mean? Drop a pic, girl! I'd love to see it. I seriously doubt ANYTHING you post will make me feel like "carp". (Wait. Isn't a carp one of those fishies with whiskers?) And you are going to give me a dollar? Whuuuuutt!?!!. In check form? Is that what the check is all about? I am so confuzzled!! OHHHHHH!! WAIT!!! Are those Swedish fish things CARP??? I think I get it now!! Add a few zeros to my check for deciphering THAT. And for the record... Clearly your definitions of "peace" and "blessing" are much different than mine.
  7. LipstickLady

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    Feel free to click on your name, then on your IGNORE preferences and add my name to your list. You then won't see ANY of my posts. I don't pay much attention to WHOM I am posting so telling me who I can and cannot reply to probably won't get you the results you'd like.
  8. LipstickLady

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    And Swedish fish?
  9. Y'all focus on 50-70% if you care to. I'm an overachiever so no one will ever limit me BUT me.
  10. LipstickLady

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    SWEDISH FISH TWO WEEKS POST OP!?!??! Jesus take the wheel. I'm so happy I missed that. Excuse me while I go .... :faint:
  11. LipstickLady

    I want to get drunk.

    A lot of people text and drive/smoke crack/don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom/eat off the floor/run red lights/lie, cheat and steal/etc.I'm not one of them nor can I imagine telling someone it's ok for them to do it either. Huh? I didn't tell him to, I just said people do because it's true. I didn't, and I wouldn't, which I stated. Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App I didn't say you did, did I?
  12. LipstickLady

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    Unless you can mash it easily with a fork, it's not considered soft. But if you want to eat shrimp at just over two weeks out, more power to you!
  13. LipstickLady

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    Pre op sucks. It's tough and you just have to shoulder through it. Post op MATTERs. Your health is at stake. IT MATTERS. Learn the discipline in pre-op so you can muster through it in post op. Seriously. For some, their life could be at stake. The risks of causing leaks sucks MUCH more than a few bites of "real food" would feel.
  14. LipstickLady

    Just want to take a bite of solid food

    I want to be a unicorn but ... well ... I don't fart rainbows yet, so.... That's a great idea on a stomach with staples that's not fully healed. Really.
  15. I'm short and athletic. I should weigh 140. At 155, I am at a very low body fat and while I would love to be 149, 135 would be weird for my build. No, I am NOT "big boned" but I am strong. I refuse to lose muscle for a BMI scale that does not take muscle and body fat in account. Instead of looking at BMI, consider your pants size. It's much more reflective.
  16. LipstickLady

    My first bad episode!

    Fried eggs' and boiled eggs" are much tougher than scrambled really soft eggs" FOR ME. The hard protein' of the white still makes me feel bad at 3.5 years out. I can eat MAYBE half of a hard egg" white, but more than that is doom. Doom not being dramatic. (I can eat the yolks only of deviled eggs" easily.) No, you should NOT move on through your stages earlier than advised no matter how tempted you are. Good for you for learning (and recognizing) that lesson right away. When you are ready for eggs", it's a great idea to make them barely cooked -- runny and shiny, with an extra splash of milk. Add some butter and cheese" and they slide down MUCH easier. It took me up until about 9 months to be able to finish even one. Now I can finish one with cheese' and be full. When I make a few (for the husband and kid), one bite too many makes me yack. I now make mine separately to make sure I don't eat more than one.
  17. LipstickLady

    Ice cream

    Huh. It took out my link. Pacificsoup dot com and click on creamy.
  18. LipstickLady

    Ice cream

    OOOOOH! Ok. I was like, GIRL! That's nasty! But to each her own. I watered down Gatorade because fruit juice' gave me heartburn. I still have a hard time tolerating Water at 3.5 years out so I feel you. And fake sugars? VOMIT. Try warmer than room temp (gross) but not quite hot. If you look in the soup' section of your market, there are tons of soups' that are liquid' only. Most of the good ones are in boxes instead of cans. This brand is/was a favorite: http://www.pacificfo...eamy-soups.aspx It took out my link. Go to pacificfoods DOT com and click on creamy.
  19. I didn't give anyone the opportunity to think for me. I guess I'm just b!tchy like that.
  20. I chose not to tell most people. No negativity received!
  21. LipstickLady

    Ice cream

    Just curious, but why are you watering your protein' shake' down with juice'? That's full of sugar and no added protein'. I was allowed to blend mine with ice for more liquid' intake, or milk to thin it but nothing like juice'. Juice' is highly acidic, BTW, and could be part of your issue. Have you tried strained soups' like tomato or mushroom? Again, thin with Water or milk. For me, lukewarm was my answer. It relaxed my esophagus and was much easier to swallow. Hopefully the liquid PPIs will help you! I was able to swallow pills' (even with the stricture) fortunately. Any reason you can't do that?
  22. LipstickLady

    Ice cream

    How far post op are you? Or are you pre op? I was 5 days post op. It wasnt the best descision, but i was tired of everything i ate sitting so painfully in my chest. The fatman part of me was justifying it as similar to milk and the sugar not mattering because i was barely getting anything down. The realization that i could no longer resort to previous comfort measures, the first proof that my tastes had changed and that i had done this to myself, therefore could not blame an outside source or use an outside source for comfort, caused the melt down. Yup, not the best decision at all. How are your foods sitting now? What are you eating? I had a stricture so I had a ton of difficulty eating. I feel you. At your stage, I was still on full liquids. Warm soups were my best bet. What are you not tolerating? What are you tolerating?
  23. There is no reason you can't lose 100% of your excess weight. It may be a challenge, but MANY people do it. Now, I will say that shooting for a "normal" BMI could be BS because the BMI chart is ridiculous. MANY athletes are categorized as "obese" simply because of their height/weight. BMI does not take body fat into account at all, which is ridiculous. There is no reason to expect that you will only lose 50% of your excess weight either. YOU WILL DO WHAT YOU WORK FOR. YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS WILL DIRECTLY EQUAL YOUR EFFORTS. That's really the bottom line.
  24. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    I don't mind the redundant questions as much as I mind the questions of those who are simply looking for validation for bad behavior. While I wish people would use the search bar more, I'd be really happy if people used their heads more. And then when they get mad because someone tells them something they don't want to hear? It's amazing. That's all I can call it. Amazing.
  25. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    Wait! I'm not even part of this thread!!!

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