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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Oh please, no! I already have dog nose from two pregnancies. I can barely pump gas without gagging. I can't imagine my sense of smell getting even stronger.
  2. LipstickLady

    When can we drink soda

    I'm a grown woman. I see this surgery as a TOOL to help me work towards my success. No one has to agree with me and I don't hold varying opinions against anyone. I certainly won't argue with strangers over the internet about it either. If someone doesn't like me or my usage of words, they can kiss my steadily shrinking white derriere! :ph34r:
  3. LipstickLady


    Uhm, yeah... I can't even weigh myself just once a day. HA! GOOD FOR YOU!!
  4. LipstickLady


    Here is a new thread started by someone who has regained everything: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/79240-need-guidance-vsg-to-ds/
  5. LipstickLady

    Anyone with something cheesy

    Eggface, not egghead. HA!
  6. LipstickLady

    Anyone with something cheesy

    I was on the Egghead blog and she had a recipe that I cannot wait to try. My pre-op says no cheese so it will be awhile... She takes a piece of deli meat like ham or turkey, lays down a piece of cheese on top, then a sliver of avocado. She rolls it like a burrito and grill s it in a pan until each side is browned up and the cheese is melted. Sounds like the most heavenly breadless grilled cheese to me!
  7. LipstickLady


    I did, and I think they wanted to.
  8. I think I have a crush on this woman! http://writehuman.com/dearmike/
  9. LipstickLady

    its awesome to cross your legs

    Ohhhh! Keep whispering sweet nothing like this in my ear...
  10. LipstickLady

    No longer invisible, and that's what I wanted, I thought ...

    I teach Women's Self Defense classes at my Martial Arts Studio and I would recommend you find something like it in your area. (In fact, I would love for you to consider the option of taking Martial Arts! It's a great form of exercise and you will learn you have muscles you never knew existed.) We do an eight week class series that teaches you how to be more aware of your surroundings, how to look confident even when you don't feel it, how to use common items in your handbag as self defense weapons and most importantly, how to defend yourself if someone grabs you. Our students can get out of choke holds from the front, the back, from being pinned up against the wall, or on the ground (back or stomach). You should learn defensive kicks, rolls, and punches as well as how to effectively use self defense spray and kubatons. I know it sounds like a lot and I hope it's something our students never have to use, but I feel so much safer knowing that I can and that my daughters (13 and 14) can. Plus it's fun! Our last class is the men from our school suiting up in full protective gear and "attacking" us in various way without holding back. We get the practical experience of getting out the situation and let me tell you, it's scary, but it's real and you feel SO GOOD when you know you are your own best defense. You are beautiful, you are strong and you are healthy. Get your confidence level where is needs to be and you can conquer the world. WITHOUT FEAR.
  11. LipstickLady

    How did you get through 2 weeks pre op?!

    Day 7 here and I sort of lost it yesterday. I will say that my NUT is thrilled with my weight loss so far, so she really doesn't care (kind of giving me license to cheat GRRRRR....). I am proud to say that I "gorged" on lean protein, beans, veggies and FF dip made with greek yogurt. Stayed under 1200 calories but was finally full. I am back on track today!
  12. Thank you VST!!! In my PMs today. I can't wait to get my check. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this all my life. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: My name is Luka Chachibaia, I am a citizen of Ukraine and the Vice President Operations of Tethys Petroleum, a multi-national oil corporation operating from London-England, UK. I am seeking your assistance to retrieve the sum of($40,000.000) Forty Million Dollars consisting of two consignment boxes.This money was acquired from the company and it was accompanied by a diplomat to the U.S.A, my reason for this is because I have been cheated out of my entitlements by the company for too long simply because I am not a British. The contact details of the diplomat will be given to you if you indicate your interest to help me.Each of the boxes contains $20M and for your help I am ready to release 30% to you, for security reasons the consignment was registered to be CONFIDENTIAL DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS and I can explain why it was declared so. Bear in mind that the diplomat is not aware of the content of the consignment, it has been there for the past 1 month while I intend to look for a reliable partner.I will be leaving the country immediately the consignment is delivered to you for my private investment and I have vowed never to step back into London, England. Please, I need your urgent response before my plans to leave the company is discovered.Right now the safest form of correspondence is through my own e-mail address, please in the interest of confidentiality only reply through my direct email address ( chachibaialuka566@yahoo.com.hk ) Reply along with your direct phone and fax number where I can alternatively reach you on.More about me on:http://www.tethyspet...management.html ,Please if you are not willing and interested in helping me kindly delete this email from your email and pretend you never got it.Best regards,Mr.Luka Chachibaia Vice President Operations Tethys Petroleum.London, England Reply
  13. LipstickLady

    When you get skinny, don't shop at A&F.

    I love that for you. I am extremely obsessive compulsive and I truly envy people who have the ability to search through stores for great bargains. I have a hard time seeing anything that isn't right on the front of the rack because my brain wants to explode at the thought of rifling through racks. I have a BFF who, like you, can find the best stuff at consignment stores and repurpose them into beautiful and unique garments that are the envy of everyone. ARGH! I do think I am going to have to get past this or I am going to go broke buying all new as my sizes change. So uh....wanna go shopping with me?
  14. LipstickLady

    When you get skinny, don't shop at A&F.

    Goodwill actually has "boutiques" where they put the good stuff. Go to your local store and ask them for the nearest location. They do not put the locally donated stuff in the local stores for the most part, they sort it and transport it. Our is called "Second Debut" and they have wedding gowns, name brand labels, good antiques, etc. The price point is not much higher, but the difference in quality is amazing. Just what I need as I travel down through my sizes.
  15. LipstickLady

    How did you get through 2 weeks pre op?!

    I don't know it it's wise to take a prescription med, especially an amphetamine so close to surgery. It's tough, but you can do it!!
  16. LipstickLady


    So, no kidding. My pre-op nutrition class left me wanting to stab my eyes out to get away from the stupidity. It was four hours of torture. One chick stood up and asked if it was going to be a problem if she went to her BFF's bacherlorette party five days after surgery. After all, they had a reservation at a Brazilian Steak House (if you aren't familiar, it's about $35 per person and it's all you can eat meat -- about 10 varieties -- they walk around with hunks of grilled meat on swords and saw it off onto your plate at your table). They then had plans to go drinking and dancing. She was very clear that she was "not going to let this surgery get in the way of her social life".
  17. LipstickLady

    Adding wine back

    So uhmmm... My thought is, if we aren't to drink with meals, and you understand the reasons why, how exactly do you plan on consuming that wine?
  18. LipstickLady


  19. LipstickLady


    (You were supposed to yell at her, too.)
  20. LipstickLady

    If you called insurance

    Same day, here!
  21. Just do it. Make the plunge. Have a good friend come over and do it for you. Keep ONE THING to remind yourself where you came from and donate the rest. You can do it!! Do not keep them and essentially give yourself permission to grow back into them. Congratulations on your success!!
  22. LipstickLady

    Oh, the shame.

    Well if you'd never met me, just saw my weight, you'd think I was made of steel. Literally.

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