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Pre Op
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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!

    You will know. I woke up feeling magical. Like a fairy all covered in ketosis breath smelling glitter.
  2. LipstickLady

    *moan* getting in the calories

  3. LipstickLady

    48 hours after my sleeve!

    Oh GAWD no. They hurt like an SOB.
  4. LipstickLady

    Im scared/ sorry TMI

    Just let your pre-op nurse know. They will tell you what you need to do. You aren't the first, I promise. I don't bleed much when I am laying down, so I didn't have issues. Do you?
  5. LipstickLady

    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!

    HA! I don't have much of a choice, do I? Good news? I've lost the Water weight from the hospital plus .8 pounds. I'm on my way to even greater hotness!
  6. LipstickLady

    Im scared/ sorry TMI

    Nope. With the rapid weight loss of the pre-op, many women start their period. I had my period and a bad head cold and they still sleeved me on Thursday. Coughing and sneezing after was a real bee-yotch, though.
  7. LipstickLady

    surgery in 24 hours, what do I pack?

    I took my daughter's ugly doll pillow and a mini pillow pet. My practice didn't provide a pillow, but they did give me tons of rolled up blankets. They were great for supporting my back when I was trying to rest on my side a little.
  8. LipstickLady

    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!

    Oh, there will be no butt trumpets here unless I am sitting on the pot. How in the world could I be (TMI) making this weird sludge if I have nothing in my system? It's disgusting and I am so afraid that I am going to shart. Butt trumpets are for potties only for now.
  9. LipstickLady

    *moan* getting in the calories

    What is IIFYM and TDEE?
  10. LipstickLady

    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!

    Regular old Gatorade that is watered down 50/50.
  11. I didn't even want to wear a bra home because of my huge boobs and the incision placement. I did and regretted it. If you have a great cammy with a built in bra, use that instead. They don't provide much support, but who is going to judge you on the ride home. F 'em if they don't like it.
  12. Just your birthday suit!
  13. LipstickLady

    surgery in 24 hours, what do I pack?

    I wore yoga pants and a tshirt to the hospital and the same things home. I took my ipad, phone, chargers and an extension cord, all used. I took a robe, but it was kind of hot so I used a second johnny instead to cover my arse when I walked. I took slippers but never wore them. Chapstick, meds (they said they would have mine for me, but they had generic and the wrong dosage so I used my own), Listerine breath strips, toothpaste and brush, deodorant, and a great attitude. I took a small hard pillow, too. The only thing I wished I'd had was a box of soft, lotioned tissues. I went in with quite a head cold and the tissues the hospital provides roughed my nose up fierce.
  14. LipstickLady

    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!

    After I get 8 ounces down of liquids, I am going to break out a Protein shake. I am just afraid if I don't get some liquid down, I will be too full to try and this is a first in three days. I got 6 ounces down in 30 minutes and I don't feel like I am going to burst. DID I TELL YOU ALL THAT I AM DRINKING!?!?!?!?!?!
  15. LipstickLady

    I'm drinking! I'm drinking! I'm drinking!

    Oh em gee! It's like Christmas with really foul breath. I am DRINKING!!!!
  16. LipstickLady

    48 hours after my sleeve!

    Ewwwww! What kind of injections? I am on day three post op and I came home day one, too. I woke up feeling great and ready to try a Protein drink. Not saying its going to happen, but the thought isn't as repulsive as yesterday.
  17. LipstickLady

    Smirnoff/Carbonated Drinks

    Oh...the premixed. Ok.
  18. LipstickLady

    Pain & Sleep

    I am two days post op and can sleep on either side propped front and back with pillows. I don't like sleeping on my back at all unless I am sitting up ish. Pillow pets and liquid Lortab are the bomb diggity.
  19. LipstickLady

    Smirnoff/Carbonated Drinks

    I didn't know it was carbonated! Weird.
  20. Sleeved Thursday, came home Friday around 5, slept from then until 8 this morning (not a wink of sleep in hospital) and I can barely sip. I've had maybe 12 ounces of Fluid so far today and the thought of a protien shake doesn't gag me, but I know it won't go down. How much could you sip as the days progressed? The thought of 64 ounces cracks me up fo sho!
  21. Thanks all. I just had 8 ounces of strained miso soup and that went down so much easier than flavored water. It wasn't great, but the warmth didn't cause cramping. I have a glass of diluted gatorade next to me now -- something I was trying to avoid because of the calories. I figure, though, I've not had calories in 72 hours, so these few won't hurt, right?
  22. Ok, phew. I am your classic overachiever and I am so afraid of dehydration. My sleeve is totally showing me who is boss. Hint: not me.
  23. LipstickLady

    She burps, she SCORES! (And my liver issue.)

    Thank you. I'm too mean to have nothing wrong with my liver, I'm positive. That said, I am all over any thoughts, prayer and well wishes.
  24. Oh em gee! Nothing has ever felt better. (Don't tell my husband I said that!) Surgery went well today! The only pain I have so far is the gurgles when I chew ice is sip Water. You'd think I just swallowed a packet of pop rocks from the sound of it. The burps aren't actually surfacing for the most part, though, just lingering in my throat. I did finally emit one on a walk and it was heavenly. Ahhhhh... I only had one complication. Doc found a large mass on my liver that he removed. It was about 2 inches by 2 inches. (Whuck?). Fortunately, there was a liver cancer doc in the OR who said he was sure it was benign but if course, it was sent off and we will know in three or four days. Until then we have no idea what it is so......we wait. No nausea, no cramping, very little pain, I'm ready to go home!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
