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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Worried how this will affect my marriage

    Thank you for understanding my intent. I wish you good luck. You both deserve to be in a relationship where you are loved and are getting the affection you need. Your child deserves to grow up witnessing a healthy relationship as well. As for your hope? You deserve his interest whether you are fat, thin, purple or grow a foot out of your forehead. It's unconditional love and we all deserve it.
  2. You're right. I was just to anxious to leave the hospital to ask the why of each med. I've never taken the nausea med I filled and the tummy spasm one just once. I guess I was hoping that the Prilosec was an as needed not a necessity. I will check into it!
  3. That's a fair enough reason. I will ask my NP on Tuesday, but if it's preventative in healing care, I don't mind taking it. If its for my comfort, I'm not sure I need it. Thank you.
  4. LipstickLady

    What's going on with my guts?

    Cut out the Vitamin Water and see. I think it has a lot of acid in it. If you don't feel the need to go to the ER, go back to your original clear liquid diet for a few days and add things back in one at a time to see what's triggering your upset tummy. As for your peeing bum? We call that pee pee dirt in my house.
  5. Hmm.... I tried some pro-op and found it far too smoky and quite disgusting. Perhaps it was a different brand? I love jerky and I love bacon. I thought it sounded brilliant but the smell alone almost had me hurling.
  6. LipstickLady

    Worried how this will affect my marriage

    If you are worried that YOU are going to cheat before you've even had the surgery, you need to really explore if you want to be with him. Sounds to me that the issue is In your court right now. I do not mean to sound harsh but perhaps his anxiety an unwillingness to be affectionate stems from knowing you are already doubting your ability to be faithful.
  7. LipstickLady


  8. LipstickLady


    I am!
  9. LipstickLady


    Uhm, you are a few "in the morning"s late.
  10. LipstickLady

    No longer invisible, and that's what I wanted, I thought ...

    Last thing I am going to say, and I do mean it respectfully... You are posting on a public message board and people are going to read and interpret your words based on their own life experiences regardless of how you think you worded it. I have noticed that you consistently chastise people for not "reading closely". not "interpreting correctly", "missing nuances", etc. You are also expecting answers based on your experiences and circumstances, knowing that not everyone is walking in your footsteps. I personally hesitate to post in your threads TO YOU because I know that I will be "wrong" no matter what I say. (A clear example? Your "need more calories thread" where I suggested avocados and nuts and you told me that I had obviously not read the thread because you mentioned those weren't available previously. You hadn't.) I think you have a great heart and are a good person, but your walls are so high and so thick, I really don't know if you are ready for help. I will continue to post my thoughts and feelings but please do not take them as personal answers to you. If anyone else reading might take a little bit of what I say to heart, without being so negative about every bit of feedback that they don't want to hear, I'm happy. My best to you.
  11. LipstickLady

    Let me pay to not see ads

    You mean Sweet Pee?
  12. LipstickLady


    Let's have someone write a letter about it.
  13. LipstickLady

    Quinoa, can we?

    Depends on where you are in your process.
  14. LipstickLady


    You think I need a reduction?
  15. LipstickLady


    That'd be great. With a side of popcorn and a bucket of wings, please. I have a letter to write to my insurance company about the new boobs I want.
  16. LipstickLady


    Thanks. Now go mix me a vodka cranberry.
  17. LipstickLady


    Explain this acid mimicking hunger thing. I keep hearing about it but am missing the concept.
  18. LipstickLady

    I miss my vodka!

    Why do things halfway? I lived the sorority life for five years. If you are going to be stoopid, might as well be an overachiever and do it with flair!
  19. LipstickLady

    I miss my vodka!

    I think upside down keg stands are in order, personally!!
  20. LipstickLady

    Android App Testers Needed

    Cuz *I* am never snarky. Good choice!
  21. Day 2 was the worst for me. Day 3 was good, day 4 was better and now on day 6, I feel great! I am exhausted by the end of the day, but I feel fantastic. You will get there, I promise. You really don't have a choice, right? Relax, pamper yourself, let people help you and heal.
  22. LipstickLady

    No longer invisible, and that's what I wanted, I thought ...

    It may not be reflective of the what you were wanting to talk about but the comment was still accurate. I realize that I am completely opposite of you so it's hard for me to empathize with what you are going through. I enjoy the attention. I've always gotten it, fat or thin, but the larger I got, the attention changed. When I was in high school/college, I was a size 2/4 and had 36DDDs, I've always had an "hourglass" figure, and I carry my weight evenly. You know the song that says "36/24/36? Only if she's 5'3"." That was always me before two kids and a brain tumor. Because of my personality, my previous lack of ability to keep myself out of stupid situations and my body type, I attracted a lot of negative attention and I never pushed it away until it went too far. (I will leave the details to your imagination as it is personal, but I assume you know where I'm going.) I did not let that experience defeat me. It's not because of that experience that I got fat either. What I did do was learn to read the behavioral signs better. I learned Martial Arts. I learned self defense. I learned how to use personal items as weapons. I will NOT stop enjoying attention and I am looking forward to getting back to my old self physically (27.6 pounds closer as of today!), but I will NEVER have someone force themselves upon me again. Not all men are bad. Not all looks are lascivious Not all women are evil gossipers. Not all whispers are malicious. Sometimes our expectations manipulate our perceptions. I urge you to seek counseling for your issues and when you feel more confident, confront your "bullies". If I feel as if someone is talking bad about me, I ask them to their face in a kind but matter of fact manner. Their opinion doesn't really matter to me, but that said, I will not tolerate bullying and I've often found that what I thought was reality was insecurity on their part and I've walked away with a few friends because of it. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Absolutely. I have a wonderful husband of 18 years, two beautiful children that see me as a role model, a successful home business, a wonderful core group of good friends and now I am getting my health back. I am far too old and have far too many good things going on in my life to care about a few strangers on the street. People can look all they want, they can talk all they want, but what they cannot do is change who I am and what I have accomplished. Period.

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