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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    What was your "last" meal?

    Grilled tilapia, roasted asparagus and ... yeah ... that's it. I started my pre op two weeks early and no food funerals were had. I figured I had enough food to get me to 264 pounds and I'd eventually have anything I wanted again. No need to started my pre op with a crap load of carbs that would only make it harder and why risk (minor) weight gain just to have to lose it?
  2. I'll also throw out SF syrups! I'd be careful about adding fruit. That's a lot of sugar, natural or not. Strawberries are a big no no immediately post op for sure, as is any fruit that has tiny seeds that can wedge into your staple line. I was a big fan of dark chocolate shakes with banana or coffee SF syrup and lots of ice. A frappacino of sorts!
  3. LipstickLady

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    When I was teaching, I circled wrong test answers in RED (gasp) and offered help finding the solutions. I didn't grade on a curve nor did I tell them their math work was "good enough this time". I also did not tell them that they could ignore all the formulas and just pray their answer would turn out ok, and yes, I absolutely made them show their work. Why? Because not only did I want them to pass MY math class, but I wanted them to have an awesome, STRONG foundation on which to base all their math classes to follow. Weird, right?
  4. Oh dear gawd...I PEED. And then I fainted.
  5. LipstickLady

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    I'm not real good at looking away if you haven't noticed. Why? Because there are SO MANY LURKERS in this forum who are reading, reading, reading and if no one speaks up, they are absorbing bad advice and patronizing warm fuzzy validations. Am I wasting my time? Absolutely. Am I ever going to win any popularity contests for having strong opinions and a big mouth? Probably not. (And I really don't care. I have real life friends who live outside my computer.) Did I get my fair share of finger shakes', eye rolls and kicks in the pants as I went through this process? YUP. Did I learn from those "meanies"? Without a doubt (and DANG I miss them!!) Was I always happy about it? NO FREAKING WAY. But I listened and ultimately, I earned back my health and a MUCH smaller number on the scale. Giving myself permission to eat what I wanted against the advice of WWs and Jenny Craig and Atkins and South Beach and my doctor got me to 264 pounds. Clearly I **didn't** know my body best and caving to the head hunger and cravings did some permanent damage to my body that can never be undone. So if even one person can be reached and jolted back into their new reality of WLS, FABULOUS. That's why I waste my time. No, they are not absorbing bad advice even if lurking they are reading it all.. I do.. And perhaps some of the snide impatient comments I'll make them not want to pose their question?.. Just a thought.. Not everyone is.. Hmmmm what word.. Self confident n secure as you are? So although it seems like a stupid question to you.. Thy need assurance 1 way or another.. Some people need hand held.. Some of us don't.. If you see a post by 1 of those people you have no patience for.. Then move past it Munky If no one opposes the bad advice, it will seemingly be good advice, though, wouldn't you imagine? And please tell me when/where I have ever called someone (or their question) stupid? Nope. You can't because I don't. I'm not going to pander to anyone and I am not going to change who I am because some people want validation to eat ... let's see, just in the last few days alone ... ice cream, swedish fish, Pasta, noodles and rice just days and weeks post op. Nope. Not going to validate it and I'm not going to just move past it. Sorry, not sorry.
  6. Y'all. I googled it. If someone "checks you", they are going to "put you in your place". So now I'm waiting to be put and I'm waiting for pics.
  7. LipstickLady


    @@Babbs Well, we all know you're a liar and a hypocrite. LOLzzzzz.
  8. Noodles and ice cream and carp! Oh my!

    1. KristenLe
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @heidikat72, a vat? Take a ladle. Mmmmm.

    3. OzRoo


      Birdie Num Nums ....

      or rather Carpie Num Nums..


    4. Show next comments  90 more
  9. LipstickLady


    Where did anyone say they don't eat carbs?? I don't eat rice and I don't eat Pasta. Why? They make me hurl within 20 minutes. I don't eat ice cream either because it makes me dump. I know, I am a monster.
  10. LipstickLady


    First and foremost, The comments above were not harsh. Second, you don't know why everyone had this surgery. Third, I don't hate food at all. I don't care for Pasta anymore because it makes me feel like crap. Should I pretend to love it to make you feel better about wanting to eat it? Because that's unlikely, I'm a hypocrite? Seriously? If pasta is on your plan, eat it. If it's not on your plan and you still want to eat it, have at it. While you are enjoying your bowl of pasta goodness, try to evaluate why are you being ugly to those who are giving you nutritionally sound post-WLS advice. You asked, they answered. You were clearly hoping for a different answer, and that's fine, but it's poor behavior to lash out at those who chose to answer responsibly.
  11. LipstickLady

    Question about meat ?

    I was still on mushies at three weeks out but when I ventured into meats' at 6 weeks, I went for chicken salad, seafood salad', crab cakes, paper thin deli meat' rolled up with cheese and avocado (still a favorite), low fat spam (gross but true), pulled rotisserie chicken with FF gravy ... as long as it was moist and had a sauce', I could eat it. Most times.
  12. LipstickLady

    Positive WLS NSV

    @@B-52 You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
  13. LipstickLady


    I loved rice back in my fat days. Now, if I eat more than two small bites, I am extremely uncomfortable and most likely heaving it up about 20 minutes after. Same with Pasta. So no, no rice for me. I still love sushi, I simply ask the sushi chef to make mine without or as a handroll. Kani salad is a favorite of mine, too. It's spicy crab without the carbs. As far as riced cauliflower? It's excellent when I taste the samples Wegmans cooks up. Not so much when I do. I am going to keep trying, though!!
  14. LipstickLady

    Fried chicken

    And skimming over your posting history, you had cocktails about three days post op, chips five weeks post op and now fried chicken eight weeks post op. Yes, I'd say that you are definitely on your own journey and I am positive that you are making absolutely the best decisions FOR YOU along the way.
  15. LipstickLady

    Fried chicken

    So let me get all this straight. You ate a piece of FRIED chicken at eight weeks out and thought it was important enough of an event to post it. And not on your FB or your Insta, but on a WLS support board where many (most?) of us are here to support a healthier life style and encourage excellent choices pre op and absolutely during the healing/losing stages post op. FRIED chicken made you vomit, people shared similar stories and gave you extremely valid advice to avoid FRIED, CARBY, FATTY foods like FRIED chicken (that YOU posted/ate/vomited for no clear reason at EIGHT WEEKS post op) and YOU are calling everyone else an "assh0le" and a "troll"!?!?! Are you even reading what you're writing? And wait. You decided to alter your body physically and permanently when really, you did not have real weight loss issues or co-morbidities in the first place? AHHHHHHHHH!!! Yes. It all makes TOTAL sense.
  16. Right??? I'm still curious about how one get's "checked" and I am eagerly anticipating the pictures!!
  17. LipstickLady

    Fried chicken

    I swear these people that post eating fried chicken are trolls. Who in their right mind would want to eat the same $#!T that got them to the point of needing this surgery in the first place. Don't they realize this surgery isn't the cure to eat whatever the he!! you want. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Don't be an a*****e about it ur issue isn't my issue!!!! Fried chicken and ur over consumption of if may have forced u towards this journey but in my case it was me eating one meal a day and being inactive that brought me to my choice to have this surgery no high blood pressure no high cholesterol no diabetes it wasn't ever a suggestion to have surgery just something I thought was best for me.... and I have lost 25 of the 55 lbs and I wanted a piece of fried chicken!!!! I stay away from rice bread Pasta so I don't think it will sabotage my weight loss!!!! And I think those that come on here and judge are trolls!!!!! OK.
  18. LipstickLady

    Fried chicken

    When you eat to much or to fast not chewing well cause a horrible feeling (gastric by pass)it last for about 30 min Hk6723 No...it means so much more than that...
  19. LipstickLady

    Fried chicken

    How far out are you?
  20. Huh. I've not lost a single friend yet. Fat or thin...
  21. AWWWW! You edited it!! Good job! Give this girl a cookie. Or a carp. And get my weight down. Punkin, been there, done that. I'm 3.5 years out and maintaining like a champ. But thanks for the advice!
  22. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    So here is **MY** "problem with the above statements... A newbie asks if if they can have tacos 5 days post op. If I say, "No. That's a really bad idea.", some readers get it and run with it. Some get pissed because I didn't say, "Awww...baby girl....I know you really really really want them delishhhhhussss tacos and I did too. It's so incredibly difficult to be in your shoes and everyone in the world should eat mushy brown stuff while you acclimate to your new feelings and surroundings. If you do choose to eat a taco, or bite, chew and spit, you will be OK. If you do it just this once, I get it, I did it too...." If I say, "Check with your surgeon.", some readers will get it and run with it. Some get pissed because I didn't say, "Awww...baby girl...I know you really want them dellliiiissshhhhhusss tacos and I did too. I know you don't want to talk to your surgeon because you just want to hear it's ok, so go ahead, just this once. I am sure you will be JUUUUUUUUST fine." If I say, "Sure! Do it! Have at it.", I'm sarcastic. Many of us Vets can't win because we can't read minds. Many of us don't care that we can't read minds, either, we just go with option A or B and get blasted because we actually give a sh^t about the reader and those lurking. If that makes me a monster, so be it. Yes, we all have different experiences, but we also have different personalities and learning styles. Some choose to be optimistic through our journey, good and bad, some choose to play victim, some choose to work harder and patiently through stalls, some choose to blame the surgeon, some choose to respond to point blank answers, some choose to respond well to warm fuzzy... Some choose to follow their doctor's plans, others choose to eat tacos, steaks, candy and ice cream. It's human nature. It's not my problem if you choose to read snarky or sarcasm or mean or grumpy or disgruntled into a response that was not written that way or not. My words are MY words, how you choose to interpret them? Out of my control. As for long standing jokes and commentary amongst the friendships that have grown here? Are those against the policies and procedures? I don't think so. Nor do I think they need to stop. Once they do, this site loses. Just because some choose not to incorporate themselves into one of the many cultures here, does not mean they should not exist.
  23. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    Okay, okay....everything is about you. I promise. Now, just sit still and let me help you slip into this very special, very long sleeved shirt. No, no, don't worry about those buckles...they're ornamental! OOOOOOH! Are they silver and sparkly??
  24. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    @@ShelterDog64 YES IT IS. YES IT IS!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
