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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Don't you just love the inequality?

    Miracle Whip is barfier! I like guacamole as my mayo alternative.
  2. LipstickLady

    Don't you just love the inequality?

    You just figured that out?
  3. Y'all are off topic. Just sayin.
  4. LipstickLady

    Don't you just love the inequality?

    Mayo with olive oil is barfy!
  5. Thank Gawd you weren't on the table!
  6. If you don't want to answer a question, don't. If you don't want feedback, say so. If you don't want people to take things off topic, don't hold your breath. That's the bottom line. Just from friendly advice from an old old lady.
  7. I answered. I don't feel lectured by others because I don't let others affect me in a negative way.
  8. Last I checked, that's a question.
  9. The vitatops are the best. http://www.vitalicious.com/store-vitamuffins.html
  10. LipstickLady


    I would have answered earlier but my mouth was full. I spit it all out and all is well now. :ph34r:
  11. Perhaps if you stated that you didn't want or need feedback, you wouldn't get any. You did post it in questions and you did pose a question. Maybe the rants section would have been more appropriate for this particular thread because your readers would have a more specific idea of your intentions, too.
  12. I was told SMOOTH greek yogurt. No fruit on the bottom, no lumps.
  13. I was able to have yogurt and pudding during my liquids phase along with creamed soup. Eggs are DELICIOUS but they didn't go down so well with cheese. My best advice? Don't plan too much because your "steel sleeve" may just turn to butter when you try something new. I'm not a big sweet eater, either. I found that adding NF dried milk to my shakes toned down the sweet a LOT and made them much more tolerable.
  14. LipstickLady

    Ewww. Sorry poop question

    Colace. It's not a stimulant, it's a stool softener. It make things ease out comfortably, if you catch my drift.
  15. I am SO totally jealous!!!! I try once a day to get in a big mouthful and it's pretty ugly. ARGH! I think I still have a lot of swelling because anything thicker than a really soft scrambled egg (really soft, like almost runny), gets stuck. Burps are hard work with a lot of coughing and retching, too. I can't tell you how to feel, but I can point out how unimportant it is to care about a random voice on the the interwebz... I know that there are tons of great people here and so much good advice, but there are also people who don't think when they post as well as those who have no clue about how they come across.
  16. EXACTLY. There is one particular poster that makes me nuts. If she isn't given the exact answer she wants to hear, she reacts as if you just put a hot poker to her vajayjay. I don't post in her threads for her benefit, but for those who have similar issues and might benefit from my experience.
  17. That was one of them that I backed off on. You do need to expect threads to go off topic. It happens and you can't control it. Personally, I was surprised to read that you hadn't already tried to gulp (or had done so in error out of habit) when you came back and said your nurse said to go for it. I know that I am a HUGE gulper because I do work out daily and I can't tell you how many times I've put down a few huge swallows before realizing what I had done and had to sprint to the bathroom. It was my assumption (and you know what they say about those) that you had already done that. Glad to hear that you got some liquids in. I know that's my biggest aggravation in this process. I love water. I love ice cold water and I love being able to chug a bottle in seconds. I get very claustrophobic and irritated when I am thirsty and am limited to sips so I felt your pain. As for your original question? I couldn't care less about "lecturers". I am 41 years old and while I love the advice and support from most people, those who chose to post in a condescending manner make me giggle because bottom line is, they are nothing but a name on a computer screen in my world.
  18. I do think from your history of posts that you are a bit sensitive to feedback as are many people. I wan't involved in the thread you are speaking of being lectured in (I don't think!), but I do often feel that I have to tiptoe around or avoid the questions you do ask because I feel as if you don't get the feedback you are specifically looking for, you get a little defensive. I have little to no filter and I give feedback based on MY experience only. If my experience doesn't apply to you, there is no need to take it personally. I may have the right answer for someone else or for no one else. Bottom line is, it's hard to read tone on a public message board so where you might hear lecturing, the poster might intend love and care. Just throwing that out there.
  19. I don't doubt you at all. We are all different in body shape, metabolism, and body fat to muscle. I was a size 18/20 at my heaviest and my BFF who weighed about 10 pounds less than me wore a size 22/24. I am athletic and active and when I do concentrate on eating well, I lose weight quickly and then after about 3 weeks I stop all together. (This is when I usually give up all together, binge a bit and gain it all back.) I have fat genes on both sides, but that said, I can blame no one but myself for where I am in my weight loss journey. My parents are both in good shape and they work hard to stay that way. I work hard most of the time but the times I don't work hard, I gain copious amounts of weight and justify it to my own detriment. I chose this surgery because I can't quit it. I also chose this surgery because I am extremely obsessive compulsive and when I did WWs, all I thought about was points, measuring, weighing, planning meals, tracking, to the point that I drove myself nuts and I felt unproductive in other aspects of my life. I can't do that any more. Now, with my teeny tiny tummy, my choices are made for me. I still have to worry about getting in the Protein and liquids, but my mindset is completely different because my choices are so limited for now. I hope this creates new habits for me as my tummy heals and I slowly incorporate new foods into my diet.
  20. So you don't feel that you were overeating when compared to others but bottom line is that you were overeating? No lecture here, I'm just curious how one might become overweight without eating calories than they burn daily.
  21. I have the same question.
  22. LipstickLady

    worried since I can eat everything..no restriction :-(

    Are you drinking protein shakes? Eating high protein foods? Drinking all your liquids?
  23. LipstickLady

    My time has come

    Exciting times!! Day two PO sucks and then it's all up from there! Please update when you can. Good luck to both of you.
  24. Thanks for all the responses! I used the term "friend" when I should have used acquaintance. We live 1000 miles away from each other and are work colleagues and I see her her maybe once a year. We are FB friends and that is where I have seen these great stories of her successes. I did message her about it and she swears she only lost about 20 pounds due to her WLS, got stuck, started taking the pills and BOOM, lost 100+ pounds. It's all good, though. Every week or so I post something on her wall or on her status asking her how her RNY is going and how "proud" I am of her success regarding her decision to have surgery, brave, strong, great choice, yada, yada, yada, and leave it at that. Oddly enough, she's toned down the enthusiasm for her magic Beans. I also messaged a few of the takers of her pills and told them to be sure to ask her how about her pills in conjunction with her surgery.

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