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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    Your words, not mine.
  2. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    You let perfect strangers convince you to make a life altering, permanent change to your body? Wow.
  3. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    You can't change your body shape through weight loss or weight gain and pics don't lie. You appear to have great legs (jealous!) and carry more weight in your middle. I'm not seeing a big booty or a big chest and you look like you will slim down beautifully. I consider this kind of like getting my hair cut. It looks awkward at first, it grows out kind of funky until I get used to it, and then it will all fall into place.
  4. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    You've been sleeved for all of a month? I've said it before and I'll say it again...you need to have patience as your body changes. Give yourself a chance to heal and see where you end up. Keep going to the gym, your energy will come back. I am a week ahead of you and my hour swim each day was a lot easier this week than it was last. I am even looking forward to my martial arts class tonight instead of dreading it. There are compression clothes and push up bras that can help you feel better about how your clothes fit as your body shifts. (And let me tell you this, I've no idea if you plan on having kids one day, but they will fook up our body way more than WLS will!). There are thrift shops and consignment stores where you can buy outfits for dollars. You had to be mentally prepared for the need for new clothes post op as I know you did your homework. If you are unhappy when you get to a healthy weight, you have options. Plastics exist for a reason. If you really WANT to be fat, weight can be regained. You had a friend who suffered a heart attack at an early age? You don't want that to be you. Now for some tough love.... For someone who is always talking about having such high self esteem, you spend a lot of time dwelling on negativity. I never know when opening your threads if they are going to who I believe you to really be, or completely negative nelly. As far as "not being able to live"? Dramatic much? Go spend some time volunteering at a children's hospital and then tell me how you feel about your healthy body no matter what it looks like vs. a child who has no future because of disease, a horrible accident or a birth defect. Look into their bright, smiling, hopeful faces and tell me how bad off you really are.
  5. LipstickLady

    What am I a walking scale?

    On the other hand, I've lost 43 pounds and only one person who doesn't know about my surgery ( which is most people) has commented on it. Sigh.
  6. LipstickLady

    what are u craving?

    As long as she spits not swallows...
  7. LipstickLady

    what are u craving?

    Popcorn and coke zero?
  8. LipstickLady

    5 hours out - reporting :)

    One of "those"!?!?!?! I was nicknamed Speedy Gonzales because I lapped everyone in the hall. I hate sitting still and they were killing me with all the check ins. I ran the halls because it was the only way I could work out a toot. Tooting was AWESOME.
  9. LipstickLady

    what are u craving?

    I will be five weeks out on Friday and can't get much in. Things sound good, but the thought of putting them in my mouth gags me. At my six week check up, I am actually going to ask what happens next if I can't proceed past the pureed stage.
  10. LipstickLady

    How good or bad are pork rinds?

    Pork rinds, they smell so stinken bad but are oh so salty, crunchy bits of (if you think about it) nasty goodness.
  11. LipstickLady

    what are u craving?

    Honestly? Not a darn thing!! My pillow after a long day, I guess.
  12. LipstickLady

    post op clear liquid diet how long?

    My clears was in the hospital only, but when I went home, I was too afraid and absolutely unable to do anything but clear for about 5 days.
  13. LipstickLady

    5 hours out - reporting :)

    I refused the compression booties. They make me claustrophobic.
  14. LipstickLady

    5 hours out - reporting :)

    Them biotches told me that if I wasn't up every 90 minutes, they would get me up. Hmph.
  15. I realized that I swallow a lot more Water than I thought. As some of you know, I am almost 5 weeks out and am still fairly unable to consume anything that is more than a thick puree. I haven't not mastered much more than sip sip sipping and when I take too large of a gulp, I have big pain and middle school boy belches until the pressure is relieved. During my hour swim (at 7 in the morning!!!), I watched the little old blue hairs that frequent the pool for the coffee and the newspapers turn to me in disgust as I would come up for breath, swallow a few drops of water and inevitably burp every 6 or 8 strokes. I used to be a swimmer in high school and college, so I am fairly certain I know what I am doing in the pool, it's just something I've never been cognizant of. I wonder how much pool water I am actually swallowing and if I can count it as part of my daily needs.
  16. LipstickLady

    5 hours out - reporting :)

    I loved pushing my pee bag down the hall! Are you kidding? It made me feel so decadent and classy!!
  17. I am all about sharing experiences and even if the OP doesn't want the feedback, it's necessary to give IMO. Think of the people who are reading, learning, absorbing. They need to know that this is not only atypical but dangerous, destructive behavior.
  18. LipstickLady

    5 hours out - reporting :)

    I had a catheter. It was weird, but peeing while walking, talking to visitors, getting my meds, etc. was a hoot.
  19. LipstickLady

    craving blimpie

    Just say no to Blimpie!! You have plenty of time for that WAY ON DOWN THE ROAD. (Not saying you were going to go attack one now, but just in case. ) You may even lose your taste for them as you are so new to your sleeve. This is the time to build better, healthier habits while the restriction is so great. You won't regret it.
  20. LipstickLady

    craving blimpie

    Yes. Yes, I am.
  21. What's to be curious about? I ate a lot of bad food, I got fat. I tried everything to lose it and when I did lose weight, I ended up gaining it all back. I went through a major surgery to help myself lose weight and get to a healthy weight knowing I would have to make good choices and stick to my doctor's orders. Why would I be curious if I could eat the very food that got me here in the first place against the recommendation of my doctor? Also, I find it odd that your doctor told you to do liquids for two weeks but also told you to "do what works for you". Very mixed messages and very confusing.
  22. LipstickLady

    craving blimpie

    I just blew a booger into all outgoing Blimpie subs. You're welcome.

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