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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    How much pizza can you eat ?

    Five weeks out and pizza is just a vague memory.
  2. LipstickLady

    Im addicted to weighing "/

    You don't take your scale on vacations!?!?!?!?!?! FREAK!! :ph34r:
  3. LipstickLady

    Im addicted to weighing "/

    Only when it comes to my spices, cds, dvds, books, etc.
  4. LipstickLady

    The scale is killing me

    I was you at two weeks. About the same weight, too. I was stuck losing and gaining the same pound and a half from week two until almost week four. Very frustrating but you can't change what you did, so just keep on getting in your Protein and Water to the best of your ability. Eventually the scale will move. I will say that whenever I get stuck I eat a lot of cupcakes run a 5k consume a few bags of M&Ms with popcorn double my calories check to see the last time I made a poodle (usually 3-7 days ago), take a Colace (stool softener) and wait for the magic to happen. Pooping is always a good way to see movement on the scale. You are in a common spot for a stall. Patience is hard, but it's your only option.
  5. LipstickLady

    Im addicted to weighing "/

    I do from time to time but only if I've spent a long day in the sun. It has to be dehydration. I still can't get in a long satisfying drink of water and sipping is starting to piss me off.
  6. LipstickLady

    Im addicted to weighing "/

    I have a bit of OCD. I can't lay down and fall asleep without brushing. This includes naps.
  7. LipstickLady

    Im addicted to weighing "/

    Yup. Some people get up to pee, I get up to brush.
  8. LipstickLady

    Im addicted to weighing "/

    I weigh myself every morning and log it into MFP. I accept the number and I might beat myself up a little from time to time, I can guarantee you it's not anything like the beatings I used to give myself when I was making bad choices. Throughout the day, I will weigh myself and at night when I brush, I will weigh myself when I strip own to get in my jammies. I always get up in the middle of the night to brush and I weigh then, too. I've heard a million times about weighing once a week and once a month but I don't give a rip. It is what it is and I'm happy. I don't care to change and I'm not going to. I might even get nekky and weigh right now. . Think of it as step aerobics.
  9. LipstickLady

    Bittersweet NSV

    I have big knockers and I'm a swimmer. No bathing suit holds these puppies in when I am doing a fast freestyle and fahgeddaboutit if I am doing the backstroke. I buy a bathing suit I love and take it, along with a good sports bra to a tailor and have the bra sewn in. It's the only way.
  10. I do a teaspoon of peanut butter at night if I have the munchies. It takes me forever to lick away.
  11. You will know it when you are full. Some people get a runny nose, some sneeze, some hiccup, some burp. I get the sensation of a gumball stuck right in my sternum that will not move. I feel as if I have to burp but it doesn't budge. It lasts for a good 30 minutes and I do not like it at all. This tells me I've taken one bite too many and it's a 50/50 chance if it's going to move down or come up. I am learning to eat MUCH more slowly and take smaller bites. I am trying to put the fork down for a full minute between bites, too. I am five weeks out and I can get a 5.3 oz yogurt down (it takes about 45 minutes) or an entire Protein shake (11 oz, also in 45 min), but if the food is any more solid (Babybel cheese, refried Beans, really purified chicken salad, peanut butter), I can't get in more than a tablespoon or two. DO NOT compare yourself to me as far as quantity, though. I am on the lower end of consumption. I should be on soft foods by now and graduating into everything on Friday, but I've not been approved to move past pureed. Good luck to you!!
  12. LipstickLady

    too dang hot

    This is why I swim in the summer.
  13. LipstickLady

    Four days post-op, need some resassurance :(

    Week two, the loud rumbles stopped. Week three, I felt normal but tired. Week four, I started exercising again and took few naps, but went to bed by 9. Week five(now), exercising daily, up till 10:30ish, no naps! Getting better each day!
  14. LipstickLady

    Seriously? Does everyone exercise?

    I hate going to the gym but I love: Martial Arts Swimming Yoga Pilates Kayaking Skiing I love shopping so I make sure I go often (leaving the debit card at home) to get in my steps, too! I love dancing so I turn up my favorite tunes and dance at home. Find something you love to do and move your ass! I will never be a runner, I hate the elliptical, I hate the bike, the stair master, aerobics... I want to try paddle boarding and I want to teach Water aerobics. There are non traditional exercises out there, just find one!
  15. LipstickLady

    Appetite Suppressants

    I was allowed to take phentermine up until 2 weeks pre-op. I was only to take 1 does every other day or 1/2 dose per day and for me, it was a godsend. The only thing you have to be careful of is if you are doing a blood pressure test, heart test, etc. because it will knock your numbers out of whack. I love love love phentermine. It was my mommy crack. I could get more done in a day on it than a week off it. That said, it's horrible for you. It's a short term solution and I am so glad I am not taking it anymore. Ask your doctor before going to your PCP.
  16. LipstickLady

    Case closed, grrrrrr!

    You can appeal that. Don't lose hope yet.
  17. LipstickLady

    Food still a prob

    May 16 and food does not like me. Hoping it changes it's mind soon, though!
  18. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    Yup! You sure are.
  19. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    I think I just fell in love with you! :wub:
  20. Mine uses a straw. With a piece of bubblegum on the end...
  21. And straws. And gum. And stalls.
  22. LipstickLady

    First time going out for dinner

    Three weeks and you can't do Soup? I'd say a tall glass of Water and enjoy the company. It's a good reminder that not all celebrations need to be centered around food. Why not start a new tradition and change it up this time around? Mini golf? Bowling? A bounce house place?
  23. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    I'm sorry. I just get confused easily. You said previously that you had the date set already, then above you said you had it set "in your mind" and then you said you had it set again. Honestly, you are an adult and you made the decision to do this. You can't take it back and I truly think that once you give it some time, you WILL find happiness in your decision IF YOU LET YOURSELF. Only YOU can make the decision to be happy while you are getting healthy. No amount of support from strangers on a board is going to do that for you. I truly hope you find the happiness you deserve.
  24. LipstickLady

    regreting this whole thing

    On this very thread, you stated very clearly that others convinced you to have this surgery. I quoted it.

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