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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Nope. I only had my class full of kiddos for 6.5 hours a day and it was exhausting, even with our fabulous aides. I think it's harder when it's your own child because the emotional connection is even deeper and you don't get to "give them back" at the end of the day. Will he be in kindergarten next year?
  2. Oh goodness, it's so hard, I know. I hope you have a great support system including people who will give you the break I'm sure you need from time to time. How old is your child?
  3. My specialty is/was children with Autism (and Down's). What a blessed mommy you are! I quit teaching to stay at home but I still volunteer a lot in the classroom. Such special little ones...
  4. I only learned the lingo because my kids are 13 and 15 and I wanted to know what their friends were saying on FB. (Yes, I make mine use proper English on FB and Instagram, too.) To add to that, my mother started using text talk with no idea what she's saying, so I have to stop her antics!
  5. When I have a hard time reading a post due to "text talk", run on sentences with no punctuation, poor spelling, etc., I skip them. That's the ex-teacher in me, I guess! I don't even let my kids use text talk when texting. Ha! Smh = shaking my head. I do know that one!
  6. LipstickLady

    The BIG O!

    Hey now, y'all. When you have been living off Protein shakes, yogurt and puréed meat, anything this good is better than sex. For reals!
  7. Didn't say you were. I do think this thread invoked a bit of that negative energy, though. It's not exactly exuding happy thoughts.
  8. Yup. To add to it, if you talk to people the way you want to be talked to, you are more likely to get a variety of responses. If someone gets upset about the feedback they get because it isn't what they want to hear, if they begin a thread in an accusatory or argumentative way, if they demand answers or argue back with everyone, it's human nature to avoid them. I am not a "vet" by any stretch of the imagination and I find it offensive that they are repeatedly insulted in this topic. Without the experience of those who had this surgery before me, I wouldn't be where I am now. I, for one, appreciate those who offer their advice and opinions when they are under no obligation to do so. To me, they are "paying it forward" and I am grateful for their time and knowledge. I hope that when I am far out enough to be considered a "vet", I am as giving as they are despite the abuse they seem to take. Just sayin!
  9. Cliques? Hmmmm... Any who. When you've been around awhile, you start to recognize names/avatars and you will bond with some people and choose to ignore others because your personalities just don't mesh. I personally try to avoid questions by those, who for the most part, seem to want to stir the pot for no discernible reason. Good luck to you!
  10. You've obviously not met too many little old ladies from the South! Bless your heart!
  11. LipstickLady

    The BIG O!

    Amazon, The Vitamin Shop and GNC. Yummmo!
  12. I was walking down the main aisle trying to get my steps in and looking for something new and exciting to add to my soft/pureed foods diet when I felt a draft around my buttocks area. It took me a minute to realize that my knickers had fallen down inside my pants. The pants I am wearing today are about a size too big so when they fell, they fell deep down in there and it took awhile to pull them out. The NSV? No bright flash went off when I was fishing down my pants for my underwear and I've not appeared on peopleofwalmart.com yet.
  13. LipstickLady

    Newbie must haves?

    I track what I eat. It's hard to eyeball an amount if you don't weigh it.
  14. LipstickLady

    Newbie must haves?

    MyFitnessPal and a food scale. Baby spoons and a cocktail forks. And most of all, something I SUCK at... PATIENCE.
  15. LipstickLady

    So I am not crazy...hmm

    I'm sure you are a wee bit crazy, but not for this reason! :ph34r:
  16. LipstickLady


    I bought a jar at Whole Foods for $4.49 yesterday! I'm skeered.
  17. LipstickLady

    "you must feel so much better now..."

    :thud: That would piss me off, too. I am a very healthy, very active fat person. I had this surgery so I could STAY healthy because I knew my good fortune wouldn't last forever. Am I feeling better as I lose? Of course? I would also feel better putting my fist through the teeth of someone who said that to me, but I wouldn't say that out loud.
  18. Walk, walk, walk. If I get up and walk or do a few light jumping jacks, I burp. It's relief and a few steps all rolled into one!n It also amuses the heck out of the kiddos at dinner.
  19. You, my friend, are an inspiration! :wub:
  20. LipstickLady

    First NSV @ 2weeks PO

    That's fabulous!! I can only imagine how great that felt. :wub:
  21. I wouldn't worry about food as much as drink. If you end up back in the hospital for dehydration, you won't be enjoying your Ramadan at all. Try some real Gatorade for the sugar, electrolytes and fluids just during this period! Happy Ramadan!
  22. I can't do that at seven weeks PO. Just do your best! Don't force yourself to keep eating if you don't want it, either. liquids are most important right now. Just try to up your Protein a bit every few days. At your stage, I was getting 24-30 of each max, but most days it was one or the other. I am still hovering around 40 of each, but my healing has been slower than most. You will get there,

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