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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    ____ years old and never...

    42 here and smart enough not to be waxed in the nether regions a second time.
  2. LipstickLady

    Post op "challenges"

    Gatorade, Gatorade and Gatorade. I "drank" mine with a spoon as if it were cold soup. Don't worry about the carbs for now, just get it in. When things get easier, water it down. I still turn turn to Gatorade on days like today when I just couldn't get myself to drink.
  3. LipstickLady

    Nausia at 6 weeks

    I was taking anti nausea and anti cramping meds through week 8. If you need them, take them. One day I woke up feeling just fine and never used them again! No idea why, it just happened.
  4. LipstickLady

    Another queation for PostOps

    I put a body pillow behind my back and slept on my side from day 2 forward. I was only in the hospital for one night and I didn't sleep at all because I was walking the gas out allllllllll night long. I loved the body pillow. Best investment ever.
  5. LipstickLady


    Not even a little hungry. Three months out now and nope, still not hungry but every once in awhile and when I am, three or so baby bites is all I can do.
  6. LipstickLady

    Why..why do people do this?

    I assume you unfriended that one, right?
  7. Oh. And I think I love you. Just so you know.
  8. Amen, sister! Mr.Lipstick is well aware that when he married me, he married up and I remind him of it often. As far as the original post? I think gamergirl has said everything perfectly here. Personally, I want a man who thinks I'm hot. When I feel hot, and he thinks I'm hot, magic happens. And of course, the same is true in reverse. That said, a man has (had -- I've been with the Mr. for 21 years now) to be something special to get past a little bit 'o kissing here -- not because I am a prude or conservative, I lived in a sorority house for 3 years, I've done/seen it all -- but because it hurts to be used for a little sweaty groping with a guy who is then never heard from again. I'm worth far more than that as are all women. It's imperative that all women put themselves on a pedestal and demand respect and love before they surrender their hearts (or their pants). Even if you weren't brought up to feel that way, YOU have to demand it anyways. We are all adults here. We are past the age of blaming things on our parents/upbringing/environment. We need to be accountable to ourselves and we need to take control of what we allow to happen to us. If you want to find love, love yourself. If you want a man to respect you, respect yourself. If you want to find a stable relationship, develop that relationship emotionally before you allow anything to develop physically. If you don't think you are worthy of that, get your butt into therapy and find out what changes you need to make within you before even considering dating. You can't change the people around you. You can only change yourself and how you allow those people to treat you.
  9. LipstickLady

    Carnation instant breakfast.

    Add 1/3 cup of dried milk and ice. Waters own the sweet and adds protein.
  10. I physically couldn't do vitamins my first two weeks and my protein intake was 0-10g max for about the same. Total normal. Focus on liquids, walking and resting. The protein will come. Heck! I am three months out and still only halfway there most days.
  11. I am a training instructor at my martial arts school and I was there a little early for class. While I was waiting, I had to repeatedly tell one of the 6 year olds to sit down where she was directed and to stop talking during class. I had just about reached the end of her tolerance level when she turned around, looked at me and snarled, "WHEN DID YOU GET SO SKINNY ANYWAYS!?!?!?!?!?!".
  12. LipstickLady

    Kids really do say the darndest things!

    The funniest thing was that she was spitting mad at me and that was the worst thing she could think of to say. She's my new favorite PITA.
  13. Yup! In fact, when the nurse called me to make me aware, she said (and I will never forget these words), "There is something wrong with your heart and you need to get to a cardiologist right away." She couldn't tell me who to call, what was wrong, how serious it was or anything. I called and spoke to her supervisor who told me that there was an elevated something or other (never google what they tell you -- NEVER) and made my appointment for me for the next day. The cardiologist looked at my EKG and said there was nothing wrong, but redid the test just in case. Nothing, nada, clean. Better safe than sorry, but it does sound scary as hell.
  14. Are you taking an acid blocker? Sometimes acid will mimic hunger.
  15. LipstickLady

    why do people hide it?

    Yup. I had enough of this with WWs, South Beach, etc. People don't know enough about VSG and I would rather be the center of attention when I go out to eat because of my charm, good look and personality than because I had most of my stomach removed and everyone wants to know the nitty gritty.
  16. LipstickLady

    why do people hide it?

    I can't tell you how many times I thought this would be me with WWs. That whole accountability thing... HA! Yeah, didn't work for me.
  17. Sitting in front of the computer eating pretzels isn't good. Mindless eating means you are not paying attention to the food, you are not feeling when you are full and you are eating just to be eating. You will learn that you don't want to mindlessly consume anything, much less carbs. I agree that chips would be worse, but veggie sticks or Protein would be better. I know it's not easy, but start working on these things now. It makes a big difference! Good luck to you!
  18. LipstickLady

    I think I have a problem....

    Oh! I throw in a tablespoon of peanut butter every once in awhile, too, if I am really low on calories and fat. I do love peanut butter!
  19. LipstickLady

    I think I have a problem....

    I am only three months out and I am unable to eat poultry most days. It's so bad, I no longer try. I figure I will give it three to six months before trying again as it may be partly mental. I rarely get in more than 30-50 grams of Protein a day, but I am trying. My goal is to get down a Protein shake or high Protein Bar everyday along with a greek yogurt. I wanted to get my protein from food by now but it's not working so... My staples are beef Jerky, eggs, Boar's Head roast beef and cheese, yogurt and OH YEAH bars. I don't love to eat, but I do track everything and make myself follow regular meal times to the best of my ability. I know this no hunger thing is not going to last forever so I want to deelop good habits and routine now. I don't think you are losing too fast at all. Your weight loss seems to be very normal. Congrats on the success!
  20. LipstickLady

    why do people hide it?

    I'm not hiding it, nor am I ashamed of it, I am simply not announcing my surgery to the world. Why? It's none of anyone's business. I am working hard eating right, exercising daily and journaling everything. My parents and immediate family know, my BFFs know and a few of my work team members know. Why does anyone else need to?
  21. LipstickLady

    I think I have a problem....

    Back the bus up! You stated you had surgery a month ago, but according to your profile, your surgery was March 18. What smells weird here?
  22. LipstickLady

    I think I have a problem....

    70 pounds in a month? I've been at it for four months including pro op and have only lost 66 and I'm doing great, IMO! What does your doc say?
  23. LipstickLady


    Me, too! It's really a hard transition. I'm so weight watchers ingrained, I'm used to chugging water before, during and after a meal. It's rough.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
